
Posters start popping up all over the markets...

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The longest day of the year yields the darkest night... light it up with a flight of fantasy!

Display a departure from death with your reality-defying skills. The warded carnival demands booth dealers, ticket takers, and those of the magicless persuasion. Take the mundane, and make it supernatural to the awe of your friends and family!

Members of the Cirque du Feu and Knights of Asyle are exempt from loan interest increases. Arrange an appointment with the Viscount of Asyle to negotiate pay and compensation.

[The bottom of the posters are divided into a number of rippable rune tags. They are invited to be taken. Pressing one's thumb to the rune uses the pre-enchanted magic to book one's name into Lord Martinus' schedule book, and displays the chosen appointment time on the other side. PM @BananaBat here or whisper Emmerich in-game while online. Please enjoy this complementary theme music.]

« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 02:22:41 PM by BananaBat »


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Reply #1 on: June 01, 2016, 08:31:43 PM
Due to a minor phobia of carnivals (conceived during well-kept portion of the immortal's former life), Dralt would demand that the posters be collected until their source might be discerned. He would utilize one of the rune tickets with hopes that the austere originator might contact him soon.

(No really, he seriously loathes carnivals)


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Reply #2 on: June 11, 2016, 01:14:43 AM

Evidently, the meeting had proceeded smoothly and provided sufficient information regarding the legalities of the event. Regardless of reluctance, Dralt would see some of the festivity's advertisements reposted to the public, but in their "proper" places: at the market, on the tavern cork board, and at the stables.