
Dawson Capris

DawsonCapris · 3019

Offline DawsonCapris

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on: September 27, 2015, 01:08:49 AM
A little about my previous experience:

I've spent a number of years playing in various role play settings, beginning with forum based roleplay back in 2007-2008, where you'd post, come back later and reply at your leisure. Sometime later, around 2009, I'd found Furcadia, and have over the years had a few characters I've RP'd with, made a number of good friends with, and established wonderful connections. I've been playing Furcadia since, with the occasional break from the game as can be expected, with a span of more than a few minor alts, and about 2-3 primary characters for role play.

Why I'd like to join:

OOCly, I am very impressed at the community by which Eileadora is run. A community so interactive that not only plot points and story are told, but so incredibly bound that there are even elections, titles, and positions that players can hold, beyond that of a store owner, or tavern keeper. There are legitimate politics ICly, there are ways players can interact that can and will effect the story told as a whole, and quite frankly, I am amazed.

ICly, Dawson had recently come off a seafaring vessel, the Harbinger, and wishes to pursue and further himself in a few areas of knowledge, such as healing, and fighting. Being aboard a ship has limitations, he realizes, and in a city such as this, his possibilities are so much broader, and so much more capable of fulfillment.

***More stat info at the bottom due to character development**

Full Name: Dawson Matthias Capris
Aliases: None
Hair: Fine Sand
Fur/Skin: Dusty Grey
Eyes: Bright Blue
Height: 5'9" as male / 5"6' as female (explanation below)
Weight: 185 lbs/ 135 lbs
Species: Feline - generic, probably more resembling of a housecat than a great cat.
Subrace: Trys'tet - Full information here
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: City Guard
Resistances: Immune to fire, resistant to most magics. Damage is about half what it would be. On the downside, this includes beneficial magics, and healing magic is bad for him.
Weaknesses: Holy magic. About the only magic he has zero resistance to. In fact it's a weakness.
Phobias: Spiders. They are awful and evil things that must either be destroyed with fire or run away from. There is no arguing this point. Ever.

Strength - High
Constitution - Moderate
Dexterity -Moderate
Agility - High
Intelligence - Very High
Wisdom - Very very low - can not cast magic, never will. Can channel though if there's a source that feeds into him

Fortitude - High vs. poison. Very low versus alcohol
Reflex - Moderate
Will - Very High

- A sabre, semi-ornate, it is definitely more combat oriented than for aesthetic appeal. Made of iron. Favored as a male.
- Silver Ring - Inside is trapped a fire elemental that he can commune with, and as such can use it to conjure various states of heat and fire. Being immune to fire tends to help as channeling the ring generally engulfs the wearer's hand in flame.
- Katars - two fist weapons purchased from the smithy. Nothing significant about them. Made of iron.

- Armor - Owns none. Wears commonly clothes of one that would be aboard a ship. That is, pants, belt and saber.
- Trinkets - Wears a mundane silver bracelet on his right wrist; silver ring on his right hand with a small ruby inlay - holds a fire elemental bound within.
- Swift Healer - As a Trys'tet, his ability to heal is staggering. What takes a few days for a mortal furre to heal, he can heal in minutes. More extreme injuries though, such as loss of a limb, can regenerate, though it will take 2 real life weeks, unless the limb is reattached, in which case it is treated as a heavy injury.
- Learner - Incredibly smart. Not educated by any formal means but can be taught things with incredible ease. Accept for magic. He can't learn that by any conventional means.
- Resistor - To magic. It is difficult to affect him via magic, whether it be beneficial or damaging. This is a double edged sword. This does not include Holy magic.
- Unburnable - Immune to fire damage entirely. He has never known why, and no one else can quite figure it out either.

- Shapeshifting - Trys’tet are capable of changing forms as they desire. The process takes time, however, as their body requires to contract or expand to fill the new form, Small alterations only take a minute or two, while complete form shifting can take upwards to ten minutes. The only forms they can nearly instantaneously transform to is their plant form and their furre form as those come most naturally.
- Fire Magic - Not his own, it is entirely done using the power of the fire elemental in the ring he wears. He loses the ring, he loses his fire.

Before you is a man, once seen to often be grinning, anymore he looks a tad bit weathered. His is of a healthy stature, a good weight. Not too skinny, and anything but over. You see him wearing new clothes that fit well, but just the same, plain commoner's clothes. Plain pants, and a sleeveless open vest. On his belt is a saber, kept closely guarded by him. Looking at his torso, there is some noticeable muscle tone there. Nothing spectacular, but he might be stronger or faster than he looks. The feline's tail looks shorter than it should be, looking to have been partially ripped away some time ago, the tip wrapped in a faux-bandage currently. Around his right arm, he wore a twisting and twirling scar, another unrelated scar on his stomach, a rough, torn rounded shape, where the fur grew in rather intact, but white. The same scarring can be seen on his back.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 12:16:33 AM by DawsonCapris »