
Re Talgon [ALT]

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on: June 04, 2017, 05:10:59 PM
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Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Re Talgon
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): Sorrow, Ashen
Species: Human (sometimes feline)
Age: Unknown
Apparent Age: Early-mid thirties
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: ~180 lbs
Build: Muscular, but still on the light side
Fur/Skin Color: Tanned (when human), dark grey (when feline)
Hair Color/Style: Blood red, parted on the right side. Goatee of the same colour.
Eye Color: Blood red, occasionally glowing somewhat unnaturally
Markings/Scars: Many scars, all kept hidden by clothing
Appendages: The usual.
Handedness: Left
Primary Class: Rogue
Secondary Class (optional): Magic-Elemental
Profession: "Just a simple traveler, of course."
Appearance (Furcadia Description): He stands roughly 5' 10" tall, although you can't be sure as you look at him. His form is wrapped in a dark grey cloak, and underneath his clothes are ashen, trimmed with crimson. He wears worn and scarred leather gloves of an indeterminate hue, so long have they seen daily use. His feet likewise wrapped inside boots that mark him as one who has traveled long roads for many years, so worn and faded are they from use. If you notice him in the right direction, or perhaps just from the corner of your eye, he appears to be carrying a sheathed sword on his back, with a red tassel on its pommel; if you try to see it, however, you'll find it must have been just an idle fancy of your mind, for surely you can see no weapon on him. Of his face you can see little, under his grey hood, except for his eyes and mouth, and a short brush-like beard. His eyes, the same deep crimson as his hair, have a piercing look to them, as if they can see through even the miry shadows of the mind. His mouth is twisted into a crooked smile, for he possesses a secret that only he knows...

Demeanor: Always smiling, yet somehow still inscrutable. Calls even strangers "friend." Mysterious doesn't begin to describe him.
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Phobias (if any): Incapable.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Free Spirit)
Description: A strange and very rare alignment. Chaotic neutral characters are very unpredictable individualists, being governed by whatever they feel like doing at the moment. Example: Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes).
Cribnote: I do what I feel like at the time.

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): Medium
Overall Evaluation: (90) Hercules

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Inscrutability, Freedom from emotion, Cunning mind, Affinity with shadows
Weaknesses: Shadow elementals (can see through his illusions more easily), Strong wills (harder to deceive), Lack of empathy (emotional emulation not always perfect), Places with no shadows

  • Weapon: Kriss sword, "Deceit"
    Description: 26" blade, curved like a snake. Hilt 10" long, supporting one or two-handed grip. Decorated with a red tassel attached to the pommel. Worn on his back, in its sheath. Sometimes made to look like a straight sword with a red stone in its pommel, though this is an illusion.
  • Weapon: Kriss dagger, "Decision"
    Description: 8" blade, 5" handle, a smaller version of Deceit. Always hidden unless explicitly posted.
  • Weapon: Small throwing blades
    Description: Also based off of the kriss design, with blades ranging from 1" to 4" long. Weight balanced for stability of flight, the handles are merely string wound around the tang to provide a good grip. They may or may not have red tassels at the end. He also doesn't wear these openly, but can be assumed to have several on his person at all times.
  • Armor: Sorrow armor
    Description: Only worn occasionally, and only when in human form.
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)
  • Armor: Iron-toed boots
    Description: Worn always. They have toe-caps of black iron for reinforcement (nearly had his toes bitten by a werewolf once).
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Alchemist's matches
    Description: Small sticks that, when struck on a hard surface, will ignite.
  • Item: Drinking flask
    Description: Kept at his hip; usually contains only water.
  • Item: Pockets of holding
    Description: Nebulously hidden within his clothes. Who knows what he has there?
  • Item: Drink-safety powder
    Description: Kept in a small vial hidden about his person. He drops a small amount of this (surreptitiously) into anything he drinks. One compound in the powder reacts with any alcohol content, precipitating it out as a fine-grained black powder, which sinks to the bottom of the drinking vessel. The other part does much the same, for most ordinary poisons.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Agility
    Description: Re has spent nearly all his life improving the skills to keep himself out of harm's way. That means he is much more agile than one might at first suspect, with reflexes that trigger even if he isn't devoting his full attention. The subconscious picks up much more than the conscious, after all.
  • Ability: Martial arts
    Description: Re spent much of his life as an assassin, so he's had to train in several styles of fighting. He is more of a tactician than a brawler, so when he does fight, it will usually involve dirty tactics.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Freedom from Emotion
    Description: Re long ago gave up his ability to experience emotion. If he seems to be portraying an emotion or reacting emotionally, it is because he has also trained himself to emulate emotions. He is at all times in full control of his cognitive functions, therefore, and cannot be goaded against his will or have his mind confused or clouded in the way a normal person might
  • Ability: Misdirection
    Description: The most basic form of illusion Re has mastered is simple misdirection and sleight of hand. He knows how to watch and manipulate the attentions of others so that they are focused exactly away from where they should be, in order to create simple illusions or enhance greater ones. This requires no great concentration on his part, as it isn't truly magic of any sort, just a showman's trick.
  • Ability: True Illusion
    Description: Re has studied the art of weaving illusions that aren't merely sleight of hand, but actual distortions in perception. These often will take more than one turn to come to full effect, but simple ones need not take more than one.
  • Ability: Mind Wrestling
    Description: Also called the "duel of the minds," Re has practiced the art of perceiving others' minds. Not typically in the sense of thought reading, but in the sense of forcing open a lock and gaining entry, whereupon he can assert some measure of mental control. This is why he often seeks to look others in the eyes, so that he may gain some measure of perception. Anyone who actively engages him after he brings up the sport of "mind dueling" or the like, professing only to have seen it done once or twice and not quite gotten the hang of it, will have to deal with a master of the art. Then again, he has never been truly tested against one of incredibly strong will. Perhaps he will find one he cannot conquer.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info: All effects of Re's true illusions can be penetrated, but typically only by those who either:

Re typically will also project perceptual illusions other than visual to enhance his illusions. In particular, because he's usually around creatures who use hearing and scent, he isn't likely to overlook the expected cues. He often takes advantage of "what minds expect to see" in order to provide just enough illusion that the audience fills in the rest. This is why a mind must usually be actively working against his illusions in order to be unaffected by them. Furthermore, because he is not affected by emotion, his concentration is not affected by many of the external factors that might otherwise hamper the expenditure of energy.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 05:18:57 PM by Render »

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Reply #1 on: June 04, 2017, 05:26:53 PM
Denied for always smiling!!!

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Reply #2 on: June 04, 2017, 05:37:23 PM
Re Talgon's grin widens, and he lets out a low rumble of a chuckle.

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