
A Request of the Faithful - A Notice to the Master of Ships

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A message would find its way to Captain Zelanze Balestra ( @Zelanze ), as the Elf had believed him to still be in the City. Should this not be the case, and the chosen orphan would return to the Cleric with news that the Master of Ships was not currently present in Eileadora for whatever reasons, a Magical Courier would be employed for the purposes of delivering a message to the fabled Fox Captain.

The simple parchment seemed to be SEARED with some type of focused energy; it was as if light itself was been brought to extreme accuracy under a magnifying glass or lens. The resonance of divinity would seem to accompany this practically mundane parchment. It is clearly not hand-written.

Most notably was the Emblem of the Cathedral (image pending completion - can edit later) seen as both a seal in Purple and Black wax on the outside of the parchment, rolled up with a small purple ribbon, and the imprint on the parchment itself, seen on the bottom right hand corner.

It read:

Quote from: High Cleric of Eileadora - Warrior Priest of Etla
Captain Zelanze,

There is a matter of concern and inquiry that I have discovered myself lacking the answers to after the damage had been done from whatever dark Eclipse plagued our City. While our Citizens, Council, and Crown continue to recover, there are questions I have regarding the things which are often not so easily seen. I have felt and experienced many a lacking prestige to what was once near impervious methods of Magic and Etlan crystal.

My work about the City alongside our Gendarme and Master Squall and the Research and Studies Department under Master Den Fa have pushed me to a point where I have no logical conclusion to understand or clarify that which seems to keep things ill functioning around our City.

I made a promise to those who hold my love and loyalty to seek out answers and find solutions to help our City. I know you greatly understand the Oaths we take and the Honor behind holding to one's tongue and spoken word. Surely you would know how much this means to my Path and may extend out your grace and assistance with this matter.

What little research into my personal historical records and those provided by the Royal Library have lead me to but one theoretical conclusion:

The Rift

Eileadora surely is its own unique place and the island of Etla a seemingly disjointed locale far removed from the easy travels to the lands in Kasuria or Olde World. You know well that the only means of arrival to Eileadora is to brave the journey through an unstable, moving stream of ancient power, accessible only to the wisest and stupid bravest of sea-fairing Captains.

I seek to request time aboard your ship, the S.S. Faithful, to fly out to the Rift and observe it, study it, and potentially take whatever odd alchemical or magical samples I may be able to obtain from this amorphous and powerful ether that has brought us all together.

I must be clear: we will not be traveling through the Rift. I only wish to observe it at a safe distance.

Considering I am uncertain the current status of our Navy, and do outright not trust the King's son, Crosis, I would prefer to keep this matter between us, and by extension our Crown and Council.

I do not think such matters would take more than a day, or two, to travel the waters and return.

Councilman Azul has been indisposed as of late. It is not my responsibility to advise on magical matters, I seek not to overstep my station, and only wish to see knowledge flourish in light of the dark times of ignorance that have struck many, myself surely included.

There is also no denying my every-present curiosity and desire to tinker and experiment and vehement hatred to my personal ignorance on this matter.

It would do well for my congregation and students to provide
Light in the Darkness.

I can only do that with the help of others.

I eagerly await your reply and plead for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,



OOC Notes - tl;dr

  • Orphanage Courier or Construct Owl used to contact the Master of Ships
    • Player uncertain of Zelanze's actual physical location at this time!
  • Not Hand Written, Pretty-Looking, Magical Parchment from Tillius sent as a formal request to Captain Zelanze
    • Tillius requests a small day trip to the Rift's Location and follow it
      • Seeks to take any samples, observe magic, and obtain IC details
    • Specifies it is not his station and is only seeking knowledge
      • Councilman Azul currently indisposed for unknown reasons

Offline Zelanze

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[Oh sorry, I hadn't checked the forums in a few days. I'll respond to this sometime today ^-^]

Offline Zelanze

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Would of course read over the letter, settled at his desk in the port authority office within he warm, soft glow of a single flame in the late evening. A few moment's pause before he would pull over a parchment of his own and carefully dip the ink; the knight hardly had fancy magics to write back with in kind after all.

Master Tillius,

Certainly i'm eager to help in your efforts, understanding the rift would be the first step in understanding many of the problems that often plague Etla I believe. The Faithful should be ready for regular flight again shortly, most of the refugees we took on during the crisis are returning to homes or other shelters we've been able to supply. The ship will be cleaned and refitted for travel and maneuver soon. Write back to me with an available time and I will make certain she is flight ready then. I recommend some time after the Black Parade.

Zelanze Balestra
Master of Ships
Sealed with the House Balestra Heraldry


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It was the day after the Black Parade, and Tillius was still recovering from a few failed magical efforts and then an odd exhaustion from a late-night excursion with a few friends. In the morning, tired eyes would seek to reply to the Captain and Master of Ships.

The response to Zelanze ( @Zelanze ) was now hand-written, so it would be terribly illegible and kept short; gone was the long-winded missives written by crafted hands as a result of his recover. Still, the appeal of Divine Energy would be felt on the pages when the crafty Knight-Errant read them.

It read:

Quote from: High Cleric of Eileadora - Warrior Priest of Etla
CaPtain ZELANze,
LeT US MAke haze hASSTe to sUch an enDEAVOr at ouncE once.                                                                                               
I WILL brING my whores waRES by laTER toDAy to loAD yOUR vegetables VESSel.
Sincerely House Ba... yours,
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The reply would be delivered by one of the Orphan Children from the Orphanage; the small tiger fox kit was happy to meet the Captain Zelanze and would actually want to hang around the fabled Knight for as long as the Councilman could allow!


OOC Notes - tl;dr

  • Tillius sends a reply to Zelanze Balestra
  • Spoiler: Transcript of Message (click to show/hide)
    • Tillius wants to leave immediately
    • Black Parade events have finished and this won't take long!
  • Courier is an Orphan Fox
    • Young Child wants to spend time with Zelanze and will be hard to be rid of!
      • May even try to stowaway on the ship!
  • Tillius will bring by some research elements, crystals, etc... with assistance later in the day
  • Plot Loading; Admin Information to be requested; Plot particulars to be worked out
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 04:14:13 PM by Lionheart »

Offline Zelanze

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[I'll try to be on all night tonight and tomorrow. Shoot me a /tell and we'll set this up to rp!]