

Guest · 2049


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on: December 12, 2017, 07:34:15 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: I started on Furc, (which is where my most substantial RP experience lies) in '07. I have RPed in mainly medieval settings there. I have also been to previous incarnations of Eileadora in the past. Most of my experience lied in combat RP, as that was the first setting I was into. It really helped me out with my descriptiveness and my sense of fairplay. I've seen things go colossally wrong in the past, and have some experience in moderator positions. Ofcourse, I am familiar with concept as ICC=ICA and consent. Oftenly sticking to my personal code of 'Do onto others as you would have others do onto you', maintaining empathy, and a sense of responsibility towards one's actions help me immensely to keep a good character.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? My friends play here, mainly. I have also had pleasant experience with Lady E, having come to her for help at least once. I have faith in her ability as a Rah, so I am certain that there will be little trouble playing here, and whatever little bit there might be is worth it.

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Strijder
Character Name (if different): am I allowed to keep this a secret?
Alias(es): Strijder
Species: Furre
Subspecies/Race: Some form of feline, presumably panther
Age: early 50's.
Apparent Age: early 30's
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 187lbs
Build: compactly muscular. Best described as "Saitama physique"
Fur/Skin Color: Dyed black.
Hair Color/Style: Dyed black, braided tight against his scalp, with waist-length Braids starting at the base of the skull
Eye Color: Blue.
Markings/Scars: No markings. Cuts circleing his body from ankles to shoulders. Puncture marks on his thighs and feet.
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Rogue
Profession: Mercenary
Appearance (Furcadia Description): What approached was a male mainly garbed in loose fitting cloths. A strange mixture of both eastern and western. Though he wore very conventional boots, underneath what appeared to be a dark grey hakama. Over his chest sat a thick, leather quirass, rivets betraying the metal plates underneath. Definitely brigandine. From the sleeves of his Kimono two thick, metal gauntlets were visible. Definitely, more western, they run halfway up his arms. A mail base, with plates scattering over the outside of the hant. The joints articulated. Over his shoulders, and down covering most of his body, was a large cloak. The hood sat over his head. It was the most eye-catching about the cloak was the  brightly orange-and-blue coloured patterns running over it. Over his head, hiding his features, was a large houndskul bascinet, with droopy eyes and a cheerfull, dopey little mouth.

Demeanor: calm, friendly, live and let live attitude, boisterous after a few beers. Expresses slight hints of leadership qualities such as being inspiring, and seeking to elevate those around him, but doesn't seem to have the desire to apply that side.
Likes: Fighting, Scotch, Pale Ales, Women (particularly boobs), teaching, good company
Dislikes: Bullies, Those who demand the world but are unwilling to sacrifice.
Phobias (if any): Abandonment, losing his ability to fight and with it, his relevance to society and purpose.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Free Spirit)
Description: A strange and very rare alignment. Chaotic neutral characters are very unpredictable individualists, being governed by whatever they feel like doing at the moment. Example: Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes).
Cribnote: I do what I feel like at the time.

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-High
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Medium
Overall Evaluation: (70) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Ages slowly, resistant to poison.
Weaknesses: Allergic to holy magic, a soft spot for women and children.

  • Weapon: Staff
    Description: A quarterstaff, one he carries with him most. Some rudimentary flanges circle the ends, to add a bit of heft and improve the impact on armors.
  • Weapon: Duelling shield.
    Description: a large, oval shaped shield about 6 feet tall. It is hollow, and is controlled by a large rod running from the top to the bottom. Either end of the oval is spiked, to hurt enemies, and wave-like patterns can be found at 1 and 3 quarters of the length of the shield on either side. Seemingly decorative, but used to hook around an opponent to control them. A mostly defensive weapon he'll either carry around, or stash out of sight.
  • Weapon: Panabas
    Description: Usually tucked into his waistband. A short, curved sword with a long handle. It's a traditional Phillipino weapon. Very light, quick, and cuts well.
  • Weapon: Kerambit
    Description: A small, curved dagger. Takes the shape of a claw, and is edged on both sides. A ring sits at the end of the handle, to curl one's finger through. It's usually on him, and used as a tool, but can be applied as a weapon.
  • Armor: Brigandine.
    Description: His most important piece of armor. A leather quirass. To the inside of his the leather quirass, overlaying metal plates are riveted. A piece of armor that offers more protection than chainmail, but is generally easier to carry.
  • Armor: Gauntlets
    Description: Many swordfights are won by hitting the hand of the opponent. Cutting the tendons on the back of the hand, or breaking the hand renders someone unable to hold his sword. Chainmail gloves, with metal plates over the outside of his hand to protect him.
  • Armor: Houndskull Bascinet
    Description: A large helmet, the visor has a large, dog-like nose, with slots for his eyes, and a happy mouth for some reason. It looks very carefree, but offers a lot of protection.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability:
  • Ability:
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Martial arts
    Description: Both swordsmanship as well as hand-to-hand. He has been a soldier as well as a duelling instructor to nobility. Mostly wrestleing, kickboxing, and fencing, but also picked up a few things from the orient.
  • Ability: Multiple languages.
    Description: Born in a multicultural area in europe, trade relied on the ability to speak multiple languages. He speaks Germanic and French alongside the common tongue, he also picked up a few words in Malay.
  • Ability: Knowledge of Poisons.
    Description: He is well educated in the use of poisons and drugs, how to milk them, mainly, and apply them to weapons. Picked up in the orient.
  • Ability: Unit tactics and concealed movement.
    Description: He's aware of basic field tactics, used by past and present armies, as well as patrolling methods, and is taught in the use of various formations.
  • Ability: Sailing and swimming
    Description: Early in his career, he started off as naval infantry for a trading company. He can handle himself on a ship, and also conduct combat on the water.
  • Ability: Reading, writing, basic maths, and basic administrative practices.
    Description: Having held officer positions in the past, he's been taught to interpret written orders and write instructions and sternly worded letters. Adminsitrated troop workload and availability, and calculated and organized the salary of his soldiers.
  • Ability: Basic Etiquette
    Description: Exactly what it says on the tin. Eat from the outside to the inside, take the bread out of the soup first, and say please and thank you.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:

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Reply #1 on: December 12, 2017, 10:41:54 PM