

Siven · 4259

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on: February 08, 2017, 03:48:16 PM
A little about my previous experience: I've been RP'ing for much longer than I care to admit, both tabletop and electronically, and that's all you're getting out of me! Let it suffice, please, to say that I've been around my share of the block.

Why I'd like to join: Eila seems like a good community, something that's pretty hard to find these days. I've made some fast friends here already.

Furcadia Name: Siven
Character Name: Siven
Aliases: None applicable
Species: Tiefling (heavily diluted)
Class: Seer (Diviner)
Age: 28
Gender: Female!
Height: Five feet even
Fur/Skin Color: Pale, creamy white.
Hair Color/Style: Extremely black and very long.
Eye Color: Mahogany; gleams red in the right light.
Appendages: Despite her (very distant) Infernal heritage, Siven lacks the tail, pigmentation and cloven hooves typically associated with her race. She does, however, have a pair of pointed horns.

Demeanor: Somewhat aloof and mistrusting of strangers; picky.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Profession: Fortune teller and general occultist
Resistances: None, really.
Weaknesses: Being around light- or holy-based magics for extended periods of time gives her headaches. Standing on consecrated or hallowed ground wears on her nerves and eventually leads to anxiety (it's like a constant something is wrong sensation in the back of her mind. Consecrated holy items make her generally uncomfortable. Your average reproduction of a holy object by itself, notsomuch.
Phobias: While not an actual, clinical phobia, Siven heavily dislikes phyiscal contact.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): Moderate
Constitution (CON): Low
Intelligence (INT): Moderate
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): Moderate (Her horns can be both boon and bane, depending on either how attracted they are to the exotic or prone to EXTERMINATUS the people she interacts with are!)

Siven does not wear or use weaponry, for the most part. Although she owns a silver dagger, its use is divinatory in nature and not for combat; she'll almost never be seen wearing it. Being a pacifist, weaponry is generally distasteful to her.

- Armor - A custom-fit leather cuirass; worn for show. She is of the (correct) opinion that it suits her figure.

- Trinkets - Small crystal scrying orb, various mirrors, a deck of tarot cards... If it's got a decent use in divination she's either got one or had one at one point. Usually carried either in hand or in a small sash pouch.
- Clairvoyance - Activated (unpredictably!) by touch, usually someone else touching her or by touching an object recently handled by another. Causes her to see visions of the subject of events occuring at any point in their past. If you'd like her to see something, please feel free to let me know and we'll figure something out!
Divination (general) - Influenced by her congenital gift(curse) of clairvoyance, Siven has spent her lifetime learning methods of divination and has acquired considerable knowledge in the subject. She is skilled in many forms of scrying, the reading of Tarot sets, arithmancy and the like.
Scrivener - Having had a need to record her divinations for others, Siven spent several years learning to write in several scripts and styles. She has previously worked as a clerk.
Languages - Common, Elven (High Elven dialect only; other dialects confuse her)
Jeweler - The family business, Siven learned from her mother starting at a very young age. She apprenticed under her mother and eventually became an artisan jeweler in her own right.
Long, straight black hair falls neatly down to the small of her back, starkly contrasting against an almost silvery pale face. A pair of small horns crown her forehead above deep set mahogany eyes; a pert nose and somewhat thin mouth on her narrow face combine to give her a predisposition towards looking constantly disapproving. She wears a thick, sky blue winter cloak that falls to mid-thigh and clasps at her left shoulder with a decorative chained brooch. Beneath the cloak, she often prefers leathers custom fit to her petite frame on her upper body, and a sash which matches her cloak separates armor from her thick, brown cotton pants. Long black boots rise to just below her knees.;page=173020 <-Siven's RPR, as it currently stands, for your convenience.

Any other pertinent info:

Siven is what one might get fifty generations after the initial injection of Infernal blood has been heavily watered down by various Elven and human lines. She retains no real benefits of her Infernal ancestor, and in fact the legends surrounding her heritage have been essentially lost to time. She's the at the very end of her bloodline, and this is my explanation for her lack of some of the traditional Tiefling traits.

Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions. Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 06:40:05 PM by Siven »

Offline Render

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Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 04:04:54 PM
Looks good. Just want to confirm that all the clairvoyance and divination is by consent of all parties.

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Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 04:50:36 PM
Yes, absolutely! It's something that would be OOCly decided on beforehand! Sorry, I didn't think to clear that up earlier.


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Reply #3 on: February 08, 2017, 06:13:15 PM
Tieflings were my favorite DnD race to play! Looking forward to seeing what you do with her here.

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Reply #4 on: February 08, 2017, 06:16:21 PM
Thank you very much! They're lots of fun, and you can do a lot with their heritage between the initial something-bad-happened infusion of infernal blood and the later generations!

If you see me around feel free to yell at me. If I'm in dream I'm pretty much available.


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Reply #5 on: February 08, 2017, 08:06:53 PM
Thank you very much! They're lots of fun, and you can do a lot with their heritage between the initial something-bad-happened infusion of infernal blood and the later generations!

If you see me around feel free to yell at me. If I'm in dream I'm pretty much available.
There is a crypt keeper medium who will totally be down for some occult geeking out.

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Reply #6 on: February 08, 2017, 08:15:16 PM
That sounds great, Riley. Shout at me any time!

Offline Render

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Reply #7 on: February 08, 2017, 09:26:55 PM
Super. All right then; approved.

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Reply #8 on: February 08, 2017, 11:35:51 PM
Thank you very much!