

Dergo · 2786

Offline Dergo

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on: January 31, 2016, 02:58:42 PM
A little about my previous experience: Been rping on Furc since about 2001.

Why I'd like to join:I used to stay in Eileadora on a different character. I really liked the dream and really enjoyed the plots that people were able to come up with.

Furcadia Name: Dergo
Character Name: Dergo Deathsbane
Aliases: None
Species: Minotaur
Subspecies/Race/Class: N/A
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Height: 8 feet
Fur/Skin Color: Black
Hair Color/Style: Black mane kept cut short.
Eye Color: Emerald green
Markings/Scars: Red tribal tattoo's all over arms, back and torso. Family line is tattooed on his back as well. He has two scars that stand out. One down across his left eye and a jagged scar across his throat.
Appendages: Two arm two legs and a long flexible tail.

Demeanor: Generally laid back but with work-a-holic tendencies.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Blacksmith and retired warrior.
Resistances: The elements and any kind of physical attack.
Weaknesses: Magic and some poisons/illnesses.
Phobias: Big crowds and slightly of closed in spaces.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Low
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium

- His whole body - Having been trained from just a calf to be a warrior and with his size and strength he can use any part of himself as a weapon if need be.
- Mountain Father - His war hammer said to have been forge with the heart of one of his old tribe biggest and most sacred of mountains.
- Rock Splitters - A pair of throwing axes he kept strapped to the small of his back.
- Armor - A suit of armor that uses both Greek and Roman styles. Heavy but still rather flexible allowing for a wide freedom of movement.
- Trinkets - A pair of gold horn rings lined with emeralds.
- Tough skin - Being a Minotaur he has a much thicker hide than most making it harder to be cut or stabbed.
- Thick blooded - A Minotaur's blood is rather thicker than most so drugs and poisons take longer to take effect.
- Element resistance - Kind of ties into the first two. Due to both the thicker hide and blood he has a much higher tolerance to weather extremes than most.
- Blacksmith and slight leatherwork - He was trained to work both metal and leather to help his old herd. Though he focused more on metal working.
- Basic first aid - He knows how to clean patch up and if need be stitch up a wound, but that's about it.
- Armed and unarmed combat - He's just as capable a fighter with his bare hands and horns as he is with his war hammer and axes.
> Standing at eight feet tall this wall of muscle is physically just like any other Minotaur. Though what surprises most is that unlike the stereotypical Minotaur this one was rather intelligent and kind. Though don't let his personality fool you. When angered he's just as terrible as the stereotypical Minotaur. The beast is covered in a dark traveling cloak, a sleeveless black shirt and a pair of slightly worn looking black pants. Always carries with him a large pack containing all his smithing tools, and sometimes show pieces of his work. This beast is looking for peace, work and a place for his herd to call home.

Any other pertinent info: his rpr page.