
[Alt] Demon Kora

Dergo · 2191

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on: July 12, 2016, 02:24:38 PM
Furcadia Name: Demon Kora
Character Name: Kora
Aliases: None that he can remember.
Species: Dragon tiger hybrid
Subspecies/Race/Class: Demon
Age: 1,010 years.
Gender: Male
Height: Anthro is 8 feet. Feral is about 20 feet tall.
Fur/Skin Color: Green scales
Hair Color/Style:Black mane that runs from top of head to base of tail down his spine.
Eye Color: Deep orange
Markings/Scars: Scar over his heart where he was stabbed by a sword and a square never fully healing indention on his side from a blessed war hammer.
Appendages: Two arms two legs two wings and a tail.

Demeanor: Generally laid back and out right lazy but can be quick to anger with the right trigger.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Mostly field medic or full time doctor, but can be a soldier for hire if needed.
Resistances: More resistant to magic and physical attacks. Cannot be cursed and is immune to most poisons and illnesses.
Weaknesses: Weak to any kind of holy magic or blessed items. The scar on his side as said is never fully healed so can be torn open easily with weapon or through over exertion. Keeps most of his power sealed away so tires easily if to much power is used to quickly.
Phobias: Losing control of his demonic side completely. Failing to keep his loved ones from harm.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Low
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium

- Twin long swords - A pair of twin long sword made of dark steel forged in the fires of hell. Cuts from the blades not only burn but can fester quickly and easily.
- Throwing knives - Keeps at least a few of these on his person at all times when in his anthro form. In full armor he has about eight of them hidden all across his body.
- His body - Being a dragon his own body can be used as a weapon if need be. From retractable razor sharp talons to long tail that can be uses to whip and bash enemies.
- Black steel armor - A set of black steel armor forged in the fires of hell making it slightly more durable than most. Along with a spun black steel cape.
- Trinkets - Carries with him an oiled leather satchel covered in runes to ward of thieves the elements and to make it pretty much a bottomless bag that can carry as much as he may need. Kept within at all times are his various herbal remedies and supplies. as well as everything he needs to make more if the need should arise. As well as cooking supplies for when he's away from town. Never without he wears a blessed silver cross with the crystallized blood of an angel at it's center. It keeps his demonic side sealed away inside of him.
- Breath attacks - Unlike most dragons he has two breath attacks due largely to a demoness who remade him from the ground up. First is a stream of fire that looks normal but will turn to black flames if actively drawing on his demonic side. Second one is a wide arcing spray of highly corrosive acid that has a rather short range.
- Hightened sneses - Being a dragon most of his senses are stronger than most.
- Spirit vision - I see dead people. Enough said right? Kora can see the spirits of the dead due to the fact that is what his demonic half feeds off of.
- Slight plant control - Being a green dragon he has the ability to control plant life, but due to his changes he has a very limited amount of control.
- Healing touch - While not technically holy magic he can infuse his natural, not demonic, magic into someone to help speed up their own natural healing rate where ever he touches.
- Medical training - Kora is a trained surgeon and field medic. So can treat illnesses wounds and even do transplants if needed.
- Fire manipulation - Learned how to control fire from a long past friend trying to help him gain better control of himself.
- Wound transference - While considered forbidden by many Kora has learned how to transfer wounds and illnesses from the person suffering from them to himself. Though will only use it as a last resort to save someones life.
(Furcadia Description) > As this demon dragon-tiger hybrid walks up you see the night black armor on his chest, forearms and shins along with the armored cape of a Death Guard. The mark of an elite in hell's army. All symbols of allegiance scraped off or slashed through to show he has left that life behind, and not on the best terms. Wields two long swords both with black blades that have Celtic runes inscribed into them. All of his healing supplies are kept in a oiled leather bag with several blessed runes curved into the leather to help protect all of his supplies and tomes safe from the elements. Around his neck hangs a silver cross with a blood ruby at its center. [Important note on site!]

Any other pertinent info:His rpr site