
Vampyre [NP]

Eliel · 5365

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on: April 11, 2015, 02:54:57 PM
*** The creator of the species has since left Furcadia and eliminated all but a select few remaining Vampyre and has requested that no new Vampyre be created/played.  This sheet is for informational purposes only.***

Vampyre Character Sheet Manuscript - Written by Mephisto
Rewritten: April 2008

1.   Introduction
2.   Basic Attributes
3.   Alignment
4.   Religion and Rituals
5.   Duality and Personality
6.   Reproduction and Lineage
7.   Natural Enemies

1.  Introduction
Vampyre is pronounced vamp•ear when the two base words are combined. The name is a combination between vampire and funeral pyre. The Vampyre is a hybrid creature which shares similar attributes to a vampire and combines their strengths with a typical fire demon with all of their weaknesses. Because of this unique combination the Vampyre harbors several inadequacies along with some unique character traits that make the race interesting as well as challenging to play.

2.  Basic Attributes
The Vampyre have slightly increased strength and constitution compared to a mundane mortal which gives the character a minor advantage in melee combat. Agility and dexterity remain the same as what the character possessed before it was turned into a fully fledged Vampyre.

Unlike their counter-parts, the vampire, the Vampyre do not have heightened senses of the undead nor do they possess any form of night vision. In fact, the Vampyre are more active during warmer seasons and certainly more mobile during the day.

The Vampyre draw strength from warm dry areas. This trait is similar to a cold blooded reptile. It is also important to note that because of their need for warmth the Vampyre are much less active during the winter season and reactions can appear sluggish during extremely cold weather. Vampyre are also inclined to seek shelter during the night in order to sustain their body temperatures. Often they gain warmth from surrounding bodies which means Vampyre are quite drawn to public areas such as taverns and pubs.

Vampyre also harness abilities of fire conjuration once it is fully developed. A Vampyre can cast small patches of fire in the palms and if left undisturbed the Vampyre can increase the size of the fire or expand it out to catch various nearby items ablaze. Once a solid flame has been established the Vampyre can begin casting from the source until it is extinguished by over using the existing flame or until the flame is extinguished by an outside influence such as another person stomping out the fire.

This attribute is also a superior weakness to the Vampyre. Once a Vampyre has become wet the ability to cast fire is significantly reduced and the Vampyre often resorts to melee combat skills or flees.

3.  Alignment
The Vampyre culture and lifestyle are extremely important to the Vampyre. The Vampyre are trained at an early age of embrace or birth about the history and creeds of all Vampyre and their forefathers. Because of these teachings the Vampyre commonly abide a lawful evil alignment. In general the Vampyre Nation always tries to keep right in mortal law and order which gives them a sense of plausible innocence in a court of law. It is important to realize that a full fledged Vampyre with a daemon symbiotic also aligns with the unholy. Therefore Vampyre are extremely volatile to holy magic as well as an uncomfortable paranoia of holy relics such as a Vinca Solice.

4.  Religion and Rituals
Religion is extremely important to Vampyre and they often seek guidance and counseling from the dual relationship of maternal and paternal branches of their theology. The Vampyre, as the name details utilizes aspects of both vampire and demons. The duality of their belief structure gives the Vampyre the encouragement and power to continue their faith. The religion was created by the first of their kind which made bargains with pagan gods that Kasurians and Drakorians rejected from their theology. If the beings the Vampyre worship are gods or not are still debated today. Some arguments surrounding the Vampyre belief structure consist of their gods’ direct intervention in mortal affairs.

Alura is the maternal aspect of the Vampyre. She is elegant and strong-willed. She augurs the heightening intuition within the Vampyre Nation. The Vampyre will encounter the hidden inner world through interest in the occult or the esoteric or through the effects of a powerful dream or the uncanny sense that something is at work in one's life. She normally does not interfere in the affairs of the Vampyre unless it is to resolve internal feuding of her children and even then her actions are subtle. She is the aspect of the Vampyre which gives the Vampyre the personality and physical quirks of vampires. The urge to feast on blood is one of the most important quirks.
Rasteroth is the paternal aspect of the Vampyre Religion. The Vampyre will begin to actively seek answers of brutality and war. This may emerge as the study of the art of war, torture, submission, or as deep commitment to a competitive mentorship. He is strong-willed and seems to answer riddles with enigma. If Rasteroth ever directly answers a Vampyre, Rasteroth’s word is often followed by the sense of discomfort and intense guilt. Rasteroth is also charged with granting the final transition of the Vampyre with combining the mortal body with the sentient symbiotic soul of a chaotic fire demon known by a more archaic spelling of ‘daemon.’ Rasteroth often takes the physical shape and form of a giant torrent of fire that spans an unimaginable height and width. The flames swirl and barely even resemble the body of a winged dragon being. A fully embraced Vampyre may see a different image of Rasteroth and he would appear to look more physical, a giant and enormous demonic being with a crown of fire and an infinite number of swirling fiery ribbons wrapping around its body. The fire ribbons are assumed to be the lesser daemons that Rasteroth offers to the Vampyre during the ritual of daemonism.

Becoming a Vampyre is a two step process for individuals wishing to join the ranks of the Vampyre Nation. The first step is to purge the victim from all past experiences. The ritual provides the victim with the understanding to move on past old habits as wells as cleans the body for preparation for Rasteroth’s ritual to complete the transition.

Ritual of Bloodletting is the first step for a Vampyre. This ritual uses Alura as the center focus for transitioning into the Vampyre Nation. The victim is normally led alone or with an enclave of Vampyre to an isolated quiet area away from mortals. The victim is then cut at a major artery and is bled out. During the final moments of the victim’s life the victim will have the choice to die or to be reborn as a Vampyre by drinking the blood of the Vampyre engaged in the ritual. If the victim chooses to drink the Vampyre blood then the process continues. Upon digesting the Vampyre blood the victim’s body will begin to convulse and burn followed by excessive sweating and hallucinations. The victim’s stomach begins to convulse followed by vomiting bile and blood until the body is completely purged clean. The hallucinations are often images of what victim’s have described as peaceful. The hallucinations normally take on the image of a beautiful dark mistress that the Vampyre claim to be an image of Alura. The victim then dies and wakes up several days later with the urge to feast on blood. The hallucinations will continue to haunt the victim until the second ritual is completed. This ritual can be skipped if the Vampyre is naturally born between two Vampyre.

At this time the Vampyre has the vampire urge to feast on blood and sensitive to sunlight and other vampire weaknesses. The victim is alive and remains in a mental state somewhere between life and death. The victim remains slightly weaker than the state the victim was in prior to the ritual and remains this way until the ritual of daemonism. This also makes the victim extremely susceptible to attack and death. At this time the Vampyre is not immune or resistant to fire and has no significant physical attributes or natural ability of fire conjuration.

Ritual of Daemonism is the second of the rituals and is the maternal representation of the Vampyre. This ritual should take place as soon as the victim is strong enough to begin.  If the Vampyre is naturally born between two Vampyre then the ritual should take place during adolescence and no later than the mortal age of 13 years and should not take place after 21 years of age. This is done for the symbiotic relationship between the host Vampyre and Rasteroth’s Daemon. This ritual is very time consuming and physically painful. This ritual is should be performed at a Vampyre holy site where a granite statue sculpted by the Vampyre is located. Fire should also be available at the site. The victim is stripped of clothing and then completely doused in blood the victim is then sent to the shrine to await Rasteroth’s summoning. The victim is to remain there without food or blood for at least a 24 hour period. Rasteroth will choose to embrace the victim with a daemon or render the victim on fire and purge the mortal from existence. If the Vampyre host is worthy of the final embrace into the Vampyre Nation Rasteroth will summon a daemon into the body of the Vampyre. The body is burned from the inside out bombarded by chaotic insurgence of the daemon followed by a quick and painful second death. If the Vampyre is strong enough to survive the onslaught and if the daemon accepts the symbiosis then it will heal the Vampyre and return him to life a final time thus completing the transformation.

After the ritual is completed the Vampyre will have immunity to fire and receive all the strengths and weaknesses involved in Vampyre attributes. The Vampyre will have to learn to harness fire conjuration afterwards. Training is often given by peers and it is not an instantaneous attribute gifted to the Vampyre, it is earned in practiced.

5.  Duality and Personality
Fully fledged Vampyre have a strong conviction to family as well as an unexplainable urge to control the world around them. It is suspected that once Rasteroth embraces a Vampyre with a daemon there is a mechanism that is built into the subconscious mind to spread a utopian ideology through demonic measures. This may sound like a good idea but the means Vampyre go about in spreading this belief is often through zealot political pressure or through means of fear or war.

After a Vampyre is fully embraced the victim has trouble deciphering between his own thoughts and the suggestions the daemon implant in their subconscious. There is always a mental struggle for the Vampyre to keep control of his own sanity and unfortunately if the Vampyre is put into extremely stressful situations it is likely the subconscious demonic influence could and often will take advantage of the weakness.

Vampyre age slowly and show very little physical signs of actual aging. The life expectancy of a fully fledged Vampyre is unknown. This may seem to be a benefit to the Vampyre but unfortunately the mental struggle for the Vampyre to remain in control of his subconscious over the daemon causes a heavy burden. It is assumed that near the end of a Vampyre life cycle the conscious mind finally fails and the daemon takes control of the host body leaving the Vampyre extremely dangerous and unpredictable.

As the Vampyre ages and seasons it is rumored that pureblooded born Vampyre have the ability to shift forms under dire circumstances only involving self preservation. The transition is bitter as well as cruel for the mortal body of the Vampyre. The physical body is contorted and broken and aspects of the daemon become physical and present. Wings tear from the host’s back as well as armored scales begin to tear through the tender flesh at the surface. Recovering from a daemon release can take up to a month of recuperation followed by an additional month recovering from mental trauma. The daemon never entirely takes over the host body unless it is the end of the Vampyre life cycle and death is imminent.

6.  Reproduction and Lineage
Vampyre are not undead and have the ability to conceive children through sexual intercourse. Vampyre are a prideful arrogant race and would never consider sexual intercourse with anyone outside the Vampyre Nation. However, if it does occur then the offspring of a Vampyre and a non-Vampyre would yield a non-Vampyre child with significant physical and mental birth defects.

If two Vampyre conceive a child, the child will be based 1 grade lower in lineage to that of the female of the Vampyre race. For instance: if a female 2nd generation conceives a child from a 4th generation male - the child's heritage will be a 3rd generation Vampyre. If a 4th generation female conceives a child from a 1st generation male - the child will be a 5th generation Vampyre.

A Vampyre can increase his lineage through cannibalizing a higher generation Vampyre. This is commonly not performed in Vampyre culture because of the stigma attached to the act. This heinous crime is punishable by death or worse.

A more common method of Vampyre reproduction is by means of embracing a creature into the Vampyre ranks. This is done through the rituals stated above with the approval and acceptance of the victim. Similar to natural born lineage and genealogy, an embraced Vampyre will be one generation lower than the Vampyre that sacrifices his blood performing the ritual on the victim.

There are several types of creatures that can not be fully embraced and therefore avoided:

Draconic (Wyrmmes) are immune to the initial transition through the ritual of bloodletting. This particular creature can break down Vampyre blood through their metabolism which destroys the metamorphic manipulation of the Wyrmme blood.
Undead that do not have a functioning circulatory system can not successful complete the ritual of bloodletting and thus unable to become Vampyre.
Holy Aligned (Angelic) creatures born or embraced in holy alignment can not successful complete the ritual of daemonism. These types of creatures are also mortal enemies of the Vampyre. This is not to be confused with embracing mundane victims that choose to worship holy aligned deities which can be fully embraced into the Vampyre Nation.
Possessed (Demonic) creatures that are already demons or possessed by demons can not successfully complete the ritual of daemonism because the body is already home to a demonic entity. Rasteroth does not have direct ability to oust or purge demonic entities from the corporal realm.
Water Elementals and creatures similar in composition utilizing the basic elements would be unable to successfully complete the ritual of daemonism.

7.  Natural Enemies
There is an abundance of natural enemies the Vampyre have acquired throughout their existence:

Vampires are the most hated and common enemies of the Vampyre. The Vampyre are bold and believe that their vampire traits are a curse and a burden to them. The Vampyre Nation has made it a personal interest to annihilate the entire race of vampires. Naturally it is possible that temporary alliances and political agreements are made between Vampyre and vampire groups to serve a common interest. Their relationships are always short lived.
Draconic (Wyrmmes) are a natural enemy of Vampyre because of their natural resistance to the ritual of bloodletting as well as their compassionate religious theology of the Draconian Dragon.
Werewolf (Lycanthrope) is another obvious opponent to the Vampyre Nation. Werewolves have always been the enemy of vampires and because Vampyre share similar attributes to their cousins the werewolf chooses not to make a difference.
Demons are another major opponent to Vampyre. One might find this surprising as the Vampyre share demonic heritage with the unholy demonic kind, however, demons are naturally competitive entities and it is quite uncommon for demons to work together even if it serves a common purpose or goal.
Holy Aligned (Angelic) are immortal enemies to any unholy creature. Their zealot crusade of destroying all evil from the mortal world makes these enemies the most dangerous of the groups of natural opponents. It is also important to note that mundane sentient creatures that choose to worship holy aligned deities are also a significant opposition.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 05:42:52 PM by Eliel »

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