
Gendarme Application: Justin Duclair - Denied

Jayce Ithil · 1844

Offline Jayce Ithil

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on: December 01, 2016, 09:02:54 PM

Do you have IC experience role-playing combat? (I do, but it is sporadic over many many years.)

Are you familiar with the dreams systems for combat, mundane and magical, as well as all other dream rules?

Will you be around regularly? (At least two nights a week)
Usually on daily/

What is your timezone?


Name: Justin Duclair
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Species: Anthro Canine Wolf.

Prior Military Experience: Constable in a town called Creel
Prior rank(s) held, if any: Constable.
Weapon Focus: Sword and Halberd

Do you have any experience training others?
Are you willing to teach? If so, what subject?

Do you have any non combat related training that could benefit the Gendarme? If so, please briefly state what. I did mine work for awhile and also raised goats.
Are you willing to teach others this knowledge?

I, Justin Duclair, from this day henceforth, swear to abide by and uphold the laws of Eileadora and her Queen. I swear to be honorable, dutiful, and disciplined, to protect the citizenry of the island by any means within my power.

On receiving the application, the applicant will be assigned a Gendarme Proctor. The Proctor's duty is to evaluate the applicant's eligibility to join the ranks. They will be evaluated on 3 levels: Combat prowess through a physical skills test, emotional stability, and mental cognizance through in field testing. Only if the marks on all three levels are adequate will the applicant be formally given their badge.

~ To be filled out by Gendarme Proctor ~
(Proctors - PM Squall or Whisper Azilie Ryld with the information so the appropriate edits can be made. Thank you!)

Proctor Name: Rolan Blackvald

Combat Prowess: Adequate __ Workable but needs Improvement X Fail __
Proctor Notes:
Emotional Stability: Adequate X Workable but needs Improvement __ Fail __
Proctor Notes:
Mental Cognizance: Adequate X Workable but needs Improvement __ Fail __
Proctor Notes:

'Duclair possesses a background in constabulatory work. He seems of even enough keel but is not particularly enthusiastic about the work. Something to the effect of, 'It's an honest job that I'm good at' were the words I recall. Seemed somewhat dubious of the prospect of dealing with substantially powerful or supernatural threats.'

'Usual weapons are either longsword or halberd. Skill at arms is 'passable'. I took him down in about thirty seconds, but that's better than an average mortal manages. Would need much additional training to fight at the level of our officers.'

For a lack of seriousness needed for the position - Justin did not show the necessary drive and attitude needed in the rigorous and dangerous duties of the Gendarmery. He was not interested in changing that view, either, and walked from the interview.

Master of Law
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 05:35:04 PM by Squall »