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Eliel · 3616

Offline Eliel

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on: October 28, 2017, 01:15:00 PM
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Balms & Salves

Headache Balm
Blend of Frankincense, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lavender and Basil
For use, apply a small amount to the back of the neck and temples to ease tension.

Sleep Balm
Infused with Vetiver, Chamomile, Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot and Sweet Marjoram
For use, apply to pulse points, upper chest and soles of feet before bed.

Nourishing Balm
A propriety blend of tree nut butters and oils for the skin.
Can be used to treat skin conditions and heal/nourish chapped, flaking, or dried skin.

Hair/Fur Growth Salve
Blend of Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint, Aloe, Olive, and Coconut oils
Relieves dryness, itching and flaking of scalp/skin and promotes hair/fur growth.

Burn Salve
Infused oils of St. John's Wort, Comfrey, Burdock, Calendula, Sea Buckthorn
For treatment of minor burns and skin irritations.

Healing Salve
Blend of Bee Balm, Marygold (Calendula), Lavender, Basil and Honey
For the treatment of small cuts, scrapes, bruises and irritations.

Comfrey Salve
Comfrey oil, honey, beeswax.
Aids in healing of broken bones. Soothes bumps and bruises.

Black Drawing Salve
Pine Tar, Charcoal, oils and beeswax.
For splinters, bites and boils. Also soothing for some skin conditions.

Infusions & Tinctures

Good Health Tincture
Elderberries, Echinacea, Thyme steeped in vodka
A few drops on the tongue daily to ward off illness. At the onset of symptoms, take a spoonful every half hour.

Nausea Tincture
Ginger Root steeped in vodka
A few drops on the tongue at onset of nausea. Use more as needed.

Milk of the Poppy
Use with caution. For pain relief and inducing long sleep [anesthesia]

Tea Blends

Calm Mind
Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Lavender, Catnip
ProperTeas: Mild sedative; calms nerves [nervous system] and mind [stress and anxiety]. Aids in digestion. Also beneficial for inducing sleep.

Pregnancy Tea
Raspberry Leaf, Alfalfa, Nettle, Chamomile, Spearmint, Rose Hips
ProperTeas: During and after pregnancy. Nourish mom and baby [vitamins and minerals]. Reduce nausea.

Headache Ease
Ginger Root, Passionflower, Skullcap, Feverfew, Lemon Balm, Chamomile
ProperTeas: Mild sedative; calms nerves and mind [nervous system, stress, anxiety]. Reduces inflammation.
For chronic headache conditions, drink regularly to prevent onset.

Rose Hips, Elderberries, Nettle, Hibiscus, Lemon Balm
ProperTeas: Calms the body and helps it adapt to stressors and ward off illness.

Breath of Life
Mullein, Elecampane, Marshmallow, Calendula, Echinacea, Chamomile, Ginger Root
ProperTeas: Ease respiratory distress. [asthma, allergies and as an expectorant]

Fresh & Dried Herbs

Infused Herbal Oils, Honeys and Vinegars

Distilled Herbal Essence Oils

Pigments, Stains & Dyes


Beeswax Candles

*OOC Note: It's sometimes hard to determine the medieval equivalent of things. I try to keep in mind historical and technological restraints in materials, processes and general medical knowledge. If you would like a better understanding of anything listed here, just ask.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 06:44:32 PM by Eliel »

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