
Gendarme Application Shinoski - Approved

Samurai Green · 2223

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on: December 02, 2017, 02:49:57 AM

Do you have IC experience role-playing combat? (If you don't, this is not something that will prevent you from joining)

Years. Still willing to learn and looking for ways to improve.

Are you familiar with the dreams systems for combat, mundane and magical, as well as all other dream rules?


Will you be around regularly? (At least two nights a week)

Monday-Friday is a bit busy for me. I get off work at 11:30pm, and then go to the Gym afterward. I do not return home until around 12:30

What is your timezone? (This is to help facilitate who is better able to proctor exams. We have players from east coast and west coast, and typically 4 or less are available at any one time. By designating your timezone, we can send your character to one of those within your availability so you are not left hanging for too long.)

Eastern Time


Name: Shinoski
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: (For uniform fitting) Human

Prior Military Experience: (Please keep brief) Guard Captain, organized a defense of a castle siege and counter attack with success. (Silver Souls) Guard Sergent (Urraim), former risk breaker (The Silver Kingdom)
Prior rank(s) held, if any:see above
Weapon Focus: Katana two handed weapon, combined with magic for close ranged and medium ranged combat.

Do you have any experience training others? Some
Are you willing to teach? If so, what subject? Self defence, weapons training in close combat, archery, team work, unarmed combat

Do you have any non combat related training that could benefit the Gendarme? If so, please briefly state what. Basic medical knowledge. How to look for plants and flowers that help with healing of wounds, burns, scrapes, fatigue.
Are you willing to teach others this knowledge? yes

I, ___Shinoski__________, from this day henceforth, swear to abide by and uphold the laws of Eileadora and her Queen. I swear to be honorable, dutiful, and disciplined, to protect the citizenry of the island by any means within my power.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 01:54:04 AM by Alhsom »

Never Never Never give up

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Reply #1 on: January 04, 2018, 01:51:02 AM
Proctor Name[/b]: Alhsom Frost

Combat Prowess: Adequate ________ Workable but needs Improvement ____X____ Fail ________

Proctor Notes: While this individual possesses experience in fighting, he chose to go for flashy moves and misdirection attempts. As well as showing signs of overcommitting to advances that could backfire. Will need to be instructed on less flashy maneuvers.

Emotional Stability: Adequate ____X____ Workable but needs Improvement ________ Fail ________

Proctor Notes: He comes across as stable, though may require reminding about compassion at times.

Mental Cognizance: Adequate ________ Workable but needs Improvement ____X____ Fail ________

Proctor Notes: He seems to underestimate how important it is for your colleagues to trust you, which is incredibly detrimental in this line of work... But that is something that can be improved with time.

Approved By: Alhsom Frost

Date Approved: January 3rd