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on: January 28, 2017, 12:23:12 AM
A little about my previous experience: I have a long history of role playing on Furcadia, and various other forum based settings.  I also have role played a bit on various servers for MMORPGs as well that allow some form of text based role play.  I just decided to come back to the game, start from scratch, and create a new character, so I figured I'd come to a setting I enjoy the most, and here I am.

Why I'd like to join:  I just decided to come back to the game, start from scratch, and create a new character, so I figured I'd come to a setting I enjoy the most, and here I am.  It has a lot people in the dream from my scouting over the last couple of days, which gives me a large pool of diversity to potentially find good matches for role play.

Furcadia Name: Rytalia
Character Name: Rytalia
Aliases: Ry, Talia, Lia, Tali
Species: Celestial
Subspecies/Race/Class: Fallen
Age: ∞
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8 or 173cm
Fur/Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color/Style: Long hair, mixed colour, pastel purple and mintish blue
Eye Color: Yellow
Markings/Scars: When her wings are not visible, two scar marks where they would be are present

Demeanor: She keeps a rather good poker face, but is very much so mischievous.  She plays on people's words, and finds things out about them through this method to use later on for her own personal sadistic fun.  While it rarely involves harming them or controlling them, sometimes just being able to sting in the right way makes her smile.  She still can be compassionate at times, and other times she seems to harbor no emotions.
Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: None currently, though she enjoys the aspect of torture, punishing, and manipulation.  She has done jobs varying from working a counter at a bakery to interrogating prisoners.
Resistances: She is resistant to poison, requiring specialized crafted poisons that target her being specifically.  She is immune to disease, petrification (Unless done by magical sealing), and fear.
Weaknesses: Any non-fallen Celestial will automatically have a huge advantage over her because of her fallen status. Anything of divine whether weapon or magic will cause huge damage to her.  Anything of Light magic, weapon or otherwise will cause her damage that takes longer to naturally heal.  Holy areas, weapons, or magic slow her down, weaken her speed and strength, and leave her to have to fight harder.  Healing magic will open her wounds more.
Phobias: Celestials, Religious Monuments, Holy Individuals, being controlled, being manipulated, children, and anything that may be a weakness to herself.

Statistics: I leave this up to role play, but since it seems to be required, each stat is in reference to an Average Fallen Celestial Type (Similar in strength and speed of demons)
Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): low (Her body doesn't take a great deal of damage to incapacitate her)
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Medium

- Celestial Blade: Her blade formally a celestial blade has lost some of it's muster and power it once had, but is still a formidable supernatural blade.  She can utilize it to cause dark energy, corruption, and fear damage towards individuals.  It can be coated in her 'ichor' in order to cause Rot Damage.
- Wings: Her wings can be used as a shield, or weapon, having far more strength than one would expect from them. Her wings can be fully retracted for her to stand as a mere humanoid.  They deal blunt damage, and absorb damage easier than her body can.  They can still be broken, bleed, or injured through normal means, but are more absorbing to damage than her body, similar to how scales work for some creatures, they can still absorb the damage and resist, but are not perfect.
-Skin: Her normal skin is durable, but not completely resistant to attack, as even a mortal weapon could stab and pierce into it, but it is resistant to cutting without putting in some power behind the hit.

Rot: By biting her tongue, or piercing the tips of her fingers with her nails, blood will drip and coat the inside of her mouth, or coat her nails. The secret to her ability is her Fallen Celestial Blood, which has been corrupted, and thus corrupts what it comes in contact with. Upon the blood being introduced to scale, armor, or surface of skin variation reactions will take place depending on the size of blood introduced. If on scale, that single scale on that individual will become brittle over the next couple of hours and fall off, it will not spread. Upon introduction to armor it will become brittle in roughly an area the size of a Soccer/Futbol, but it will not spread any further. Likewise on skin, the first few layers of skin will rot off in an area about the size of a grapefruit, and then blister as the first few layers of the epidermis fall off from rotting away. This process takes several hours, but can be stopped on everything except inanimate objects. The process by which can stop it is someone with Divine Healing, or Two Normal Healers with healing magic. Also, a salve that has both medicinal antibiotic like properties along with anti-magic can put a stop to it as well. You have several hours to get to a healer to limit the damage, but after about a hour or two the damage is done, and you'll have to be healed from the effects. None of normal Rot's abilities can cause someone to die unless they catch a secondary infection from exposed under tissue.

Internal Rot: This is where that blood meets muscle or blood on the body of the opponent. In this case, the rot can now spread throughout the body and can become fatal. The amount introduced is equivalent to the speed by which this happens, as the blood self replicates in other bodies. Once introduced to muscle tissue or blood stream it will begin to affect the body similar to disease. Fevers, body aches, weakening, fatigue. Muscle tissue may be lost, dehydration will begin to take place, and the body will begin to basically rot from the inside out. Organs will begin to shut down. This isn't caused by it physically shutting them down, but because it begins to turn the inner body and tissue into ash, the end result of no treatment is the body becomes ash on the ground, completely rotted and dried. Regardless if the individual is alive or undead the rot will spread, but on undead beings it is much slower, but it physically deteriorates their body regardless if their deterioration has been stopped or they are not physically alive, the end result being ash. The process can be stopped by divine healing, two healers who use normal healing magic, or by introduction of antibiotic like potions mixed with anti-magic like substance that can wipe it out.

Wings: Her wings can be used as a shield, or weapon, having far more strength than one would expect from them. Her wings can be fully retracted for her to stand as a mere humanoid.  They deal blunt damage, and absorb damage easier than her body can.  They can still be broken, bleed, or injured through normal means, but are more absorbing to damage than her body, similar to how scales work for some creatures, they can still absorb the damage and resist, but are not perfect.

Nails: Her Nails are exceptionally durable, being able to take large amounts of blunt force against them without breaking or cracking, and being resistant to sharp or cutting objects extensively like being blades themselves.  However, her fingers can be broken if her fingernails are not put in a direction to absorb the impact, leaving the fingers broken in various directions and requiring preps being used to re-position them back into place.

Strength: Even despite her apparent size, and the fact she is corrupted and fallen from the grace of her deity, she is still formidable in the strength department as all Celestials are. While she no longer holds the same level of power as a solar (Mainly a way to make her a playable variant in RP, but still have the freedom of history.) she is still equivalent in strength to many variants of Demons, but by no means is equivalent to the strength of various other upper tier races.

Speed: This is her most dominant attribute, and probably the one she has to utilize most, she is exceptionally lithe and speedy.

Abysmal Healing: A healing form for those individuals who can't be healed by healing magic or magic that falls into the category of light/holy/divine. This form of healing involves pulsating large amounts of energy into the wound and forcing it closed, but leads to a massive burning sensation throughout the body, like being injected with hot iron that takes several hours to days to fully go away. While the healing is possible, and death will be avoided, the excruciating pain left behind is unable to be treated except by some of the strongest known medications for pain of the time. Even some of them only reducing it by as much as 70%. Can be used on summon creatures which will not have the same pain response as one on the plane of existence.

Fallen Feathers: The ability to create blade like black feathers that flow out of the wings. Each one super heated to the point it cauterizes wounds as they slice through individuals. These feathers are exceptionally sharp and can number a large amount, but are hindered by their inability to be controlled to go in more than one direction, leaving their path predictable and able to be defended against.

Energy Atrophy: The ability to absorb energy from individuals in contact with her. This leads to deterioration of various parts of the body the longer contact is maintained, until they either turn to dust or the contact is broken at some point with the lost energy being unable to be retrieved.

Rotting Gas: A gas like version of the Rotting toxin she naturally possesses. It isn't as potent or strong as the pure ichor version, but leads to temporary blindness, difficulty breathing, flu like symptoms in the days past inhalation, fatigue, delirium, and severe coughing. She has to injure herself by cutting into herself and super heating the tar like ichor that comes from her wounds to make it become gaseous, thus a double edged sword. Prep one is injuring herself, Prep two is heating the blood, and the third post is the gas spreading.

Fallen Control: A black energy beam fired from the fingertips that if it makes contact forces a battle of the minds. (Basically you can choose to dice roll for it or you can have a RP fight that is taking place inside your mind) with the victim either winning and expelling Rytalia from the mind or losing, and Rytalia gains control of the victim for approximately one hour until the energy dissipates naturally. This can only be used once a day.

Black Lightning: Similar to normal lightning, except black, and rather than burning and electrocuting it zaps energy from the body leading to fatigue and eventually unconsciousness. One may experience armor, weapons, and even normal body parts beginning to become heavier than they normally would feel, until such a time as the person falls to the ground unable to move due to the exhaustion, with eventual unconsciousness settling in. Unlike through touch, she can't absorb this energy.

Push: Expelling large amounts of energy from her wings, hands, or body to forcefully push something. It's a pulsating wave of energy, meaning once the wave widens too much the force of the push becomes weaker until it passes right past items without affecting them.

Pull: Using the natural energies within the air for the opposite effecting, causing a bubble to close in and pull in a target, gaining strength and power the closer to Rytalia the individual is until it vanishes once the person is within 3 meters.

Heavenly Lightning: You create a leaping bolt of radiant lightning that arcs from one target to the next, avoiding other creatures in its path. Creatures normally immune to electricity take full damage from this spell, and the celestial lightning is not subject to being reduced by protection from energy (electricity) or similar magic. Her Heavenly Lightning has taken on a far more evil form, appearing purple in appearance, and while it holds the same characteristics, it no longer causes Light/Celestial/Holy/Divine Damage.

Heavenly Lightning Storm: A more powerful version of heavenly lightning, this spell had a greater range, could strike more targets, and dealt special celestial electricity damage. Same rules apply to this variant, just more preps needed.

Dispel: Magic required to match the post length of the attacker's magic in order to dispel or disperse the magic being used.

Unholy Aura: Formerly Holy Aura, this is now the variant used by Rytalia for protection against Good Natured Spells, and as such protection against Light/Divine/Holy/Celestial based spells so long as the Aura is equivalent to the attack, but regardless of the power of the attack, it must be equivalent to stop it, but after it's hit once it disperses, regardless of the power of the spell used to hit it, it will shatter, but it must be equivalent to block it.  If someone preps 5, she needs 5 preps to block it, but the aura can still be destroyed with a 1 prep attack.

Fear: Releasing power of Divinity and even in a corrupted and fallen state could cause Fear to overtake most creatures not of long existence or power. While the mighty Dragon may scoff to the notion of feeling it's presence, the human may cower, throw up, or even become paralyzed in fear.

Celestial Blade: Her blade formally a celestial blade has lost some of it's muster and power it once had, but is still a formidable supernatural blade.  She can utilize it to cause dark energy, corruption, and fear damage towards individuals.  It can be coated in her 'ichor' in order to cause Rot Damage.

Any other pertinent info:

-To answer questions about the abilities of Rot, they are designed intentionally weak.  To die from Rot, you would have to spend several hours just sitting in the middle of a field not seeking help.  It has been designed to no longer be able to kill a player unless they are strapped down to a chair, and forced to sit there through the duration of turning to ash.  There are some immunities to said ability as well, but I prefer those discovered in role play rather than saying it here and everyone just saying they have it.  It's intentionally designed to have a way to be completely immune, or partially immune.  In which case either it reacts slower, or it can't spread beyond it's entry point.  Celestials are automatically immune to it.  Other Fallen Celestials are also immune to it since the toxin is because of the Fallen status, and it's their very nature.  Healing processes for Rot are well established in each post to show exactly what means of healing can be accomplished to stop it.  The after effects are similar to any healing process, and will result in fevers, chills, and sickness for the next few days.  Those immune to disease would likely still feel these symptoms, minus the fever, but may only experience them in the form of fatigue.  For Rot to be deadly in under a hour, a baseball sized bit of her blood would have to literally be put into the body of a creature.  Also, the larger a creature, the slower it will appear.  Where a few hours is for someone human sized roughly, someone the size of a Dragon may take a few days.

This is an additional chart promised to Alhsom to be put here.

Explaining Weaknesses

The weaknesses here are the ones that cause permanent damage or kill her permanently, but are not the only way to beat her, or the only weaknesses she has.

Celestial/God Weapons: Weapons created by good aligned Celestial Beings or Gods/Goddesses (Can Kill Her)

Divine Weapons: Weapons created by good aligned priests, clerics, or paladins who worship Gods or Goddesses aligned with the good side of the spectrum. (Can Kill her)

Holy Weapons: These are weapons not created by priests, clerics, or paladins, but may be blessed by them. They are strong against her, but not the same impact as if they were created by them. (Can maim her heavily, and cause the most damage to her that won't directly kill her, but may only take a few hits to completely render her beaten.)

Light Weapons: Weapons enchanted with Light Magic, which is a good aligned magic, but isn't inherently blessed or based on the worship of a God/Goddess. (Can't kill her, but is similar to Holy)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 05:08:27 PM by Rytalia »


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Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 02:50:35 AM
Welcome @Rytalia ! I just need a bit of clarification before we can approve your application.

Resistances: She is resistant to normal Mortal Wounds, fire, and poison.  She is immune to disease, cold, petrification, and fear.
Weaknesses: Anything of divine whether weapon or magic will cause huge damage to her.  Anything of Light magic, weapon or otherwise will cause her damage that takes longer to naturally heal.
-Skin: Her normal skin is durable, but not completely resistant to attack, as even a mortal wound could stab and pierce into it, but it is resistant to cutting.
The Resistances read as though she is almost entirely invulnerable to all forms of physical attack, as well as ice, fire, and plague magics, the only thing which can injure her being light magic. I started suspecting I'd read it wrong when I got to Skin, though I was again confused by "could be stabbed but resistant to cutting". Does this just mean she's highly durable and not totally immune?

True Neutral does not seem to suit with an evil/corrupted blade, sadistic tendencies, and a mastery of black/dark magics, though Alignment is generally only an influencing factor in specific plots. Just something to consider.

I like the Rot ability.

Nails: Her Nails are exceptionally durable, being able to take large amounts of blunt force against them without breaking or cracking, and being resistant to sharp or cutting objects extensively like being blades themselves.
Would her fingers still break from taking the force of the blow?

Strength: Even despite her apparent size, .... she is considerably strong enough to go toe to toe with almost any race in a physical altercation of fisticuffs.

Speed: Her speed is exceptional, moreso when flying than when on the ground, but either one is said to be a blur or impossible to see by most mortals when full speed is utilized.
She's extremely durable, supernaturally strong, and can move at a blur. In contrast to the list of Medium stats, it sounds as though all of hers are high, especially given her powerful arcane abilities.

Mana Drain: Magic that comes in contact with her wings, that is not Divine/Holy/Light or Celestial in composition can be absorbed so long as the post length of defense is within one of the post length of attack, however, there is limits to this ability as well. As the wings can become overloaded with mana as well and then they disappear off her back until the large mana pool can dissipate. To limit this, the wings may absorb 3 magic posts per participant as a base, but may be negotiated prior to any roleplay happening.
Does this work for ANY three spells? If, in example, someone cast a firestorm at Ry, could she defend herself for the next three rounds by wrapping her wings around herself?

Heavenly Lightning: You create a leaping bolt of radiant lightning that arcs from one target to the next, avoiding other creatures in its path. Creatures normally immune to electricity take full damage from this spell, and the celestial lightning is not subject to being reduced by protection from energy (electricity) or similar magic. Her Heavenly Lightning has taken on a far more evil form, appearing purple in appearance, and while it holds the same characteristics, it no longer causes Light/Celestial/Holy/Divine Damage.
What manner of spell is this if the lightning is not electric? Or is it electric, but "dark electricity", and if so would it just be considered dark magic?

Heavenly Lightning Storm: A more powerful version of heavenly lightning, this spell had a greater range, could strike more targets, and dealt special celestial electricity damage. Same rules apply to this variant, just more preps needed.
Elaborating from former question, would this be a barrage of dark magic?

Dispel: Magic required to match the post length of the attacker's magic in order to dispel or disperse the magic being used.
How does this work in application? If Ry started prepping against a prep just after the other character, she would be at 4/5 by the time they reached their 5/5, meaning their spell would be complete and in effect before she could finish the final prep.

Unholy Aura: Formerly Holy Aura, this is now the variant used by Rytalia for protection against Good Natured Spells, and as such protection against Light/Divine/Holy/Celestial based spells so long as the Aura is equivalent to the attack or is summoned with three preps prior to the attacking of magic against her of this nature.

Blasphemy: Use of words of power to banish Good Aligned Characters back to their plane of existence or to incapacitate them. These words could technically kill if used strong enough, but I don't like killing people's characters, so banishment or unconsciousness... Haha.
An unholy aura and incantation should not be able to defend her from holy magic and dispel holy beings when holiness is intended as her weakness.

Energy Match: In a bid of egotism, she may in turn summon a field around two opponents where it will match the wavelength of their strength, speed, energy, mana reserves, endurance, and stamina. In this situation the two beings are equal in every way minus their knowledge, intellect, strategy, and known abilities. A way for the egotism of the Celestial to give the fighting chance to any opponent, whether human, another Celestial, Dragon, Elf, or otherwise.
This should be wholly OOCly consensual, though the concept is difficult to define. If say a human and dragon were placed in the ring, they would not be reduced to equal strength unless their anatomy was altered, preventing the dragon from using its natural size, scales, fire, and tail against the human.

Would you be willing to list all of her magical preps? Does she eventually run out of mana, and are there repercussions to using stronger spells like the [Un]Heavenly Lightning Storm?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 03:40:17 AM by Takurasho »


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Reply #2 on: March 01, 2017, 11:08:48 PM
The Resistances read as though she is almost entirely invulnerable to all forms of physical attack, as well as ice, fire, and plague magics, the only thing which can injure her being light magic. I started suspecting I'd read it wrong when I got to Skin, though I was again confused by "could be stabbed but resistant to cutting". Does this just mean she's highly durable and not totally immune?

True Neutral does not seem to suit with an evil/corrupted blade, sadistic tendencies, and a mastery of black/dark magics, though Alignment is generally only an influencing factor in specific plots. Just something to consider.

That is a mistake, and I apologize for the confusion.  She is not invulnerable to all forms of physical attacks.  She is as you put it durable, at least to cutting, but even cutting with enough force behind the attack, or being another supernatural creature is not going to allow her to stand there and take it.  It is within reason as it is a resistance that I base these on what is often considered the average in a supernatural fantasy based setting.  That being a human.  If your average human swung at her with a sharp blade her skin will have some resistance to the cutting motion, but not the piercing motion, however, if a demon, celestial, dragon, etc, etc were to do the same thing, her supernaturally durable skin wouldn't have the same affect, which is why I labeled it as a resistance, since resistances are overwhelmed in certain role playing situations.  Resistance to Fire and Poison are that she may be able to walk through some average fire on the ground, but fire laced with magic or enchanted isn't the same as normal fire.  Poison, is the same way, normal poisons such as going out and getting a plant and shooting it into her won't have the same effect as someone who has some magically laced poison, or a naturally produced toxin within their body that isn't natural.  She is resistant to poison, but not completely immune to magic based poison.  As for the immunity to ice.  She is immune to cold based magics, but a spike of ice, is still a spike of ice.  The extra damage done by magic in it would be negated due to the immunity, but the spike of ice is still a spike of ice, it still is going to stab her, because that is a secondary effect caused by a physical presence.  So you may not be able to magically freeze her, but you could still drop a giant block of ice on her.

As for true neutral, while her being itself is corrupted, and would not be considered aligned as neutral.  Her mind, and the way she perceives herself is of course neutral.  She doesn't choose what she does out of evil intent, but more based on the person she's dealing with, a very neutral trait.  While many of her abilities are tailored towards the darker side of alignment, this is due to her corruption, and not so much her alignment.  Even many Celestials, which inherently are good aligned if they follow a good aligned God or Goddess, are not inherently good natured, and may be neutral in their own way of handling things.

Would her fingers still break from taking the force of the blow?

While she doesn't contain actual bone structure within herself, being a being full of corrupted energy thick enough to take on an almost ichor like blood.  Theoretically enough force behind a blow would snap her fingers back, but without severing the fingers it is possible they would straighten back out.  The weakening effect on her is based on injuries that cause said 'energy ichor' to leak out.  Which can be done even by mundane weaponry.  So, would her fingers be slammed backwards in an awkward position unable to do what they are intended until straightened back out by her physically grabbing them and pulling them back forward? Yes.

She's extremely durable, supernaturally strong, and can move at a blur. In contrast to the list of Medium stats, it sounds as though all of hers are high, especially given her powerful arcane abilities.

When speaking to Alhsom, I was told to base them off of another Celestial Being.  In contrast to other Celestials/Fallen Celestials all of her stats would be completely balanced and Medium.  If you compare yourself to a human, almost every creature in the dream would be high on most stats when compared to your average human.  Compared to an average Celestial though, she is without a doubt completely balanced, and doesn't excel in strength against them, or speed due to her corrupted nature.

Does this work for ANY three spells? If, in example, someone cast a firestorm at Ry, could she defend herself for the next three rounds by wrapping her wings around herself?

This is within reason.  Only the magic itself is negated and absorbed.  For instance if someone used Earth Magic and tossed a boulder at her, the wings would absorb the magic in the event that the magic contacted the wings before any other part of her body, but the boulder is still going to continue moving despite it's lost magical presence.  A boulder is still a boulder, it's going to hurt, have a lot of weight, and still keep moving with momentum.  In your example, if someone fired a firestorm and her wings stopped it, theoretically she would be fine, because mundane fire doesn't harm her, as it is a resistance to her.  If the magic is no longer present within the fire due to the magic absorbing abilities of her wings, the fire will be left to burn around her, but won't directly harm her due to it being mundane fire, a resistance of hers.  As for your secondary question.  It's three magical moves that can be absorbed, the downside being that the magic must contact the wings first, before any part of her body or the ability can not work.  Also, after three her wings vanish for 24 hours, leaving her without flight.  Yes, this leaves a loophole for say guards.  If you want to get technical, someone smart enough to figure out it as both a strength and weakness since it's involuntary, could use very small magical abilities to get rid of her wings, and theoretically trap her using it.

What manner of spell is this if the lightning is not electric? Or is it electric, but "dark electricity", and if so would it just be considered dark magic?

To answer both heavenly lightning, and lightning storm.  Yes, the element attached to it would be dark, chaotic, or evil based magic.  Therefore, the element of damage would fall into those three categories, and someone hit by it would take that damage, unless immune to that element, in which case it would have no effect.

How does this work in application? If Ry started prepping against a prep just after the other character, she would be at 4/5 by the time they reached their 5/5, meaning their spell would be complete and in effect before she could finish the final prep.

Well usually when we do preps, we are assuming things are happening faster than they actually happen.  In two posts a physical person may have swung their sword twice, but we still treat it over two separate posts, the same length of time as a prep ends up happening in.  So theoretically 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5.  Your final post is the finishing of your prep as well, even if they've fired it, your actions happening at the same moment as them would still be counted in that situation.  Many role players as I am sure you know use lines such as ,'As they watched the charge of magic before them, they continued to again pump their own magic into the attack, the ending result of the fired ability would be met with her own, the dispel technique aimed to destroy the very ability laid out before her as they would inevitably meet within the center of their battlefield.'

There are of course exceptions to this mind you.  If they had already been prepping ahead, as in were already on 2, by the time you were on 1, then you couldn't theoretically dispel it and would have to go another route.  Dispel is just negating magic, and as such still follows the same principle as her wings.  It dispels the magic itself, but any physical thing attached to it is still going to continue.  AKA Boulder Principle again.  They lose control of the boulder, the extra magic attached to it, but the boulder still has kinetic energy that is moving it forward because it was being launched.

An unholy aura and incantation should not be able to defend her from holy magic and dispel holy beings when holiness is intended as her weakness.

Light and Dark are considered opposites of one another.  While it's called Unholy Aura, the nature of the Aura itself isn't necessarily Unholy in element.  It's called that due to the fact the Aura is designed to stop abilities associated with weakness.  Holy Aura, the actual variant it's based on is the same way.  It is an aura like shield, created to stop attacks from reaching the individual.  In literal meaning, it is a temporary shield to help hold back the weaknesses that fails after being hit a single time, regardless of the strength of power used against.   Someone could swing a single sword against the aura that is enchanted by light magic and it would crack and fail, and again it has to follow the same rules set by the spell, but that sword still is light magic enchanted.  Same applies if two people  were firing say holy magic at her, one would bring down the aura, the other would hit her.  Same principle applies if someone came up and flicked a tiny spark of holy energy at it... It stops a single ability, one time, then it fades.  It's not a cure all for her weaknesses, merely a deterrent to fool or trick, as with most of her abilities, they are far weaker than one makes them out to be.  Most of them are fancy light shows designed to give her the advantage on intimidation.  If someone sees their ability fail against the Aura, chances are they may be deterred or fearful, and fear is a good thing to plague off of.  When, truthfully the same thing would of happened with an enchanted toothpick.

This should be wholly OOCly consensual, though the concept is difficult to define. If say a human and dragon were placed in the ring, they would not be reduced to equal strength unless their anatomy was altered, preventing the dragon from using its natural size, scales, fire, and tail against the human.

This is strictly OOC Consensual.  This move can only be used by both parties agreeing.  It doesn't have to alter their anatomy truthfully.  A field of negating energies, and equalizing balance magic could make it to where a creature despite it's size, would still register on that other person's body as if they only punched themselves in the arm.  Granted this isn't a self casting spell either, the prep time is high on it, and the amount of mana it requires means that if she self cast it on herself, she'd be exceptionally low on mana to even fight.  It's meant more for if two people were fighting 'for her' to make them equal to one another so that the one side doesn't just beat the other just because of what they are.  Even if they are equalized in strength, and speed.  Their knowledge, level of magic, ways they can be killed or injured, and things of that matter still apply to them.  It isn't totally equalized.

Would you be willing to list all of her magical preps? Does she eventually run out of mana, and are there repercussions to using stronger spells like the [Un]Heavenly Lightning Storm?

Eh, I find preps based on the situation to be honest.  The size of the magic, are you closer to something that naturally produces mana to strengthen yourself faster.  Is it natural ability by her, or something learned that isn't naturally a part of her.  Listing out the preps creates a rule set on the magic itself that may not apply to every situation, but all preps are heavily within reason.  A single thing of lightning for instance from the Unheavenly Lightning would still be 2-3 preps depending on power, while the storm may be 4-6 depending on the power.  They are all within reasonable preps.  None of them would be done outside reasonable preps.  I'm not going to walk in and one shot out an Unheavenly Storm in a single prep, that's impossible.  As for her mana, it's a typical level of mana unless she has something to pull mana from that isn't her own body, like crystals and the such that hold mana.  Outside that, her own body fails just like most creatures who overuse magic.  If she had 100 Mana, two Unheavenly Storms could wipe her down easily to 30... She's within reason on the amount she possesses.  Strong Magic=Lowering Mana faster.  You have my words here saying that, it will permanently be attached to the application, so violation of reasonable preps would constitute being in trouble.  I accept punishment if I was to violent realistic etiquette in a role play setting.

If you have any additional questions I would be happy to answer them, please just post them here any time.  All of these things explained should help anyone reading my application as it can be left attached to it so that people can reference back to it.


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Reply #3 on: March 06, 2017, 02:46:13 AM
Compared to an average Celestial though, she is without a doubt completely balanced, and doesn't excel in strength against them, or speed due to her corrupted nature.

"Celestial Beings" are overpowered by design because they are intended as servants to gods. This being has retained too many of her strengths despite "Falling" and, from how you have described her, is overpowered. Her physical strength, magical resistances, mana expenditure, speed, and durability are all extraordinary. Although you were right in saying most fantasy setting characters are powerful in comparison to the average human, they typically have weaknesses to balance out their strengths to give even the average human characters a fighting chance. Rytalia's only true weakness appears to be light and holy based magics, given that physical attacks, for the most part, will prove futile against her unique anatomy.

Her mind, and the way she perceives herself is of course neutral.  She doesn't choose what she does out of evil intent, but more based on the person she's dealing with, a very neutral trait.
Just because she perceives sensations of sadism and acts of torture as justifiable does not make them neutral.

In your example, if someone fired a firestorm and her wings stopped it, theoretically she would be fine, because mundane fire doesn't harm her, as it is a resistance to her.  If the magic is no longer present within the fire due to the magic absorbing abilities of her wings, the fire will be left to burn around her, but won't directly harm her due to it being mundane fire, a resistance of hers.
AKA Boulder Principle again.  They lose control of the boulder, the extra magic attached to it, but the boulder still has kinetic energy that is moving it forward because it was being launched.
Poison, is the same way, normal poisons such as going out and getting a plant and shooting it into her won't have the same effect as someone who has some magically laced poison, or a naturally produced toxin within their body that isn't natural.  She is resistant to poison, but not completely immune to magic based poison.
Your perception of Magical Elements VS "Mundane" Elements, while interesting, isn't entirely applicable to this setting. Fire, whether struck by a match or cast by a mage, is fire. It is an element. The only exception would be specifically bolstered fires, such as holy fire or hell fire.

She has an aura that can block at least one attack, magic negating wings, fingernails that can block sword swings. This character is too powerful for our setting. I would be willing to walk you through how to tone down her abilities to something more suitable.


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Reply #4 on: March 06, 2017, 07:10:02 AM
In a bid to settle this I have massively altered my application, and even copy and pasted changes to the website for corresponding.  Here are some things I changed in order to try to help in this situation.

1. She now only has one resistance, poison, and it is tailored to having to be a poison that is created to harm her body composition itself, or one of equivalent power.  Fire and all other resistances have been removed.
2. Immunities, cold has been removed, ice, and the such no longer are immune.  She is immune still to petrification unless done by a magical seal, disease, and fear.
3. I changed the thing to specifically say average fallen celestial or demon for her stats, showing that she is without a doubt equivalent also to demons in those categories, something people are able to identify with more, and thus lifts the stigma of seeing the word 'celestial'.
4. Her Celestial Blade has been changed to a weaker variant form, and is stated to be weaker than a normal Celestial's blade, along with the damages it causes.
5. Her Skin and Wings have been reworded, and offer more insight into the weakness, including saying that the resistance to the cutting method is toned down to just needing it to be a aimed cutting hit, so intended cutting to cut the skin, showing that resistance to cutting may be a weak cutting hit or walking past something sharp.
6. Strength, Speed, Nails, and Wings have all been reworded.  Strength shows equivalence to Demons, Speed being her best stat, the Nails mention that only the nails are resistant to damage, but the fingers themselves aren't.  Wings also are listed as being able to take damage now, but are more resistant than her body itself, similar to how scales function on some creatures.
7. Mana Drain has been removed entirely to take away the strength for it, Blasphemy has been removed entirely, Unholy Aura has been made to explain better for everyone to understand how it works, and it's massive drawback and weakness.
8. Explaining what I mean by Celestial, Divine, Holy, and Light has been added to the application.
9. Explaining in that section also states these weaknesses are just the super powerful ones, and many other weaknesses exist, which are all listed on the website now, along with in this application and it's corresponding replies.

All these things have been added to the application so that it can be altered.  The character weakened even further down than previously.  I took out many of the controversial strengths, and weakened the ones that were also talked about.  In conjunction with that the same thing still applies from the previous message that mundane weapons still will do the bleed damage, and the unconscious state caused by it still remains in effect.  This weakness is now also listed on the website itself to show it's not something I'm just saying to be approved.  It states very clearly that all weapons can harm her, from a stick to a blade, and all that's needed is enough damage.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 07:21:11 AM by Rytalia »

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Reply #5 on: March 07, 2017, 06:25:00 AM
So here's the thing. Etla does not have any gods or deities. Etla exists in a rift of time/space that is cut off from other realms and exists in it's own little dimension. ANY character that has powers granted by a God from another realm would have little to no powers here. No Gods, no angels, no fallen angels, etc.

I try really hard to be fair to everyone and not strangle their creativity. I realize people want to play angels/celestials so we try to allow for them and make adjustments to tone them down, simply to stick to continuity. This IS a continuity. This is not some dream where we pick on people who have species we dont like. The staff is not biased toward dragons and mean to divine.. it simply doesnt fit the continuity.

I've read some really snarky, salty logs of your discussions with the admins and I'm not at all pleased at the amount of shit they've had to deal with from you, just to simply do the jobs I gave them. They work tirelessly and without appreciation to keep this dream as fair and balanced as they can. I'm really tired of seeing 'but they can do this so why cant I do that'. It's so childish. We have 60-90 people in here on a busy night. We have people with approved sheets and people who are not approved. We have people who whip out abilities that were never listed on their char sheets, we have people who make changes after theyve been approved. There are things we either miss or make a bargain over. Is it all fair and balanced? No. Does that mean staff is being selective in who they pass or fail? No. Does it mean we're not trying to make people balanced and fair? Fuck no. We have pages and pages and pages of logs discussing characters, making adjustments, and doing what we can without hurting everyone's precious character feelings.

So if you don't like us and you want to think we're picking on you, then fine. If you want to look at this as a continuity that is trying their damndest to make an exception for you in a place where angels dont even exist... then cool.

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Reply #6 on: March 07, 2017, 02:45:26 PM
I know I have been snarky, because this is taking an exceptionally long period of time.  Every time I speak to an admin, they tell me something has to change, be reworded, or something and then that will be it.  I do that, I make the changes, I alter it to their understand, they say it's okay.  Then another comes along and says something else, I do that, I make the change, I work with them.  I have continued to do that now for an exceptional period of time.  Now, I am at the point where I just went ahead and deleted and altered every little single thing that an admin disagreed with between most of them.  Now I am trying again, so yes, I am working with the continuity and admins.  I may get a little snarky of course, by all means, I fully say I am, and accept that I am.  I also apologize it comes across that way.

It is not meant to be offensive to them, so I apologize if they take it that way, I am only trying to get accepted, and I am making changes to everything as they ask, explaining everything as they ask, and trying to be as lenient as possible.  You say not to compare, and I can understand that.  Rytalia is not bound by Celestial rules anymore, that is what a Fallen being is.  It is no longer bound to a God or Goddess or whatever you want to call it, the powers are merely what is formed within it's body, and aren't 'blessings' of divinity anymore.  I never asked to play a Celestial here.  A fallen is stripped of it's ability to have the backing of a God or Goddess, and as such no longer holds the same level of power or protections as them.  Her powers function on Dark Magic and Corruption, something that any individual is capable of learning.  She is even weak to the very same beings you don't allow.

It is also not easy to not compare when one thing is let in, and another isn't just cause it's a different person.  It makes it seem biased, and I hate to use that word, I'm not saying you're picking on me, but here I am really honestly trying to work with changing the character.  This most recent change in fact took out all of the things that were complained about by the last admin.  I literally took them all out of the character design.  I even changed the comparison to the character from Celestial to Demon to change how people perceived it.  I am really trying to work with them to get a character that is acceptable, without drastically changing the character to the point it is no longer the same character.  I am willing to do that and understanding.

So, I do apologize, I will try to be more calm with my words and not give them as much of a hard time, but I would really like them to just tell me what they want and let that be the end of it.  Give me a list of things that need to be changed, let me offer a counter list, and let's work down to an acceptable character that can be part of the continuity, instead of being told once this is changed it will be over, and then something else gets told, and something else gets told.  I just want to fix the character, get accepted, and enjoy being a part of the continuity.

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Reply #7 on: March 07, 2017, 03:27:29 PM

I'm Den Fa.

I'm an asshole.

Here's some advice:

Don't Take Anything Personally.

Have a nice day.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 03:29:49 PM by MynameisDen »

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Reply #8 on: March 07, 2017, 03:43:32 PM
There is always the possibility that this particular character doesnt fit the continuity. You're obviously attached to her so the idea of having to remove things is upsetting you to the point that you've been insulting staff members and complaining to other members about how unfair we are. Your perception of something does not make it fact. You may very well be missing the bigger picture. If your assumption is that we're letting some players in and not others... well, you know what they say about assumptions.

A powerful celestial being would have their powers extremely zapped when they crossed over into Etla. As soon as they pass through the rift into the area that the island exists, cut off from divine magic. That's a continuity fact. If you don't want to play a celestial with little to no power.. then dont bring her here. Choose another character or create a new one.

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Reply #9 on: March 07, 2017, 03:52:57 PM
She isn't a Celestial, she doesn't have Celestial power, she doesn't use Celestial power, she has nothing in her that is Celestial minus historically having once been one.  She uses internal mana, external mana, to form powers of Dark Energy no different than a Demon.  She can't use divinity, she can't use anything holy, light, celestial, or divine in power.  She is not a Celestial, she is a former Celestial.  She is no different from a Demon at this point except she's not a Demon, she's a Fallen Celestial, a Celestial stripped of it's power, attachment, and divinity.  Meaning she's already cut off from the power you are talking about.  Walking through the rift won't have any effect on that, because she doesn't have that power to begin with.

This character is no different from a Demon, I see several demons in the continuity.  The only difference between a Demon and a Fallen is where they originate, nothing more or less.  They both draw from the same energies, they both suffer the same weaknesses, they both use very similar abilities and magic, they both are equivalent in strength roughly, and they both are corrupted beings.  That is what I am trying to explain.  She isn't a Celestial, she is a former Celestial, who still looks similar in look and shape to a Celestial, but no longer harbors divinity, or attachments.  She doesn't have endless mana, strength, power, or anything.  She's bound to restrictions of only what she can internally hold in any given moment just as any other creature is within the continuity.

She still has limits on what she can, limits on strength, limits on endurance, limits on stamina, limits on speed, limits all around.  She is for all intents and purposes unable to be as powerful as a Celestial.

Yes, I am attached to the character, but I am also willing to change moves, alter strength, and change things up to become acceptable to the continuity as a whole.  I'm asking that someone just sit down and do that once and for all, rather than being told to change something and then that's it, and then something else after it's done, and then something else after that's done.  I just want to do it in one sitting and be done with it at this point.  That's what I'm asking for.  I don't care to make alterations that fit the continuity better.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 04:02:37 PM by Rytalia »

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Reply #10 on: March 07, 2017, 06:55:30 PM
We have lots of lesser demons who all play a demon differently, so again, comparing your character to other people we accepted isn't helping anything. You're argumentative, which is why you got bounced around from admin to admin. You told Tony you felt he was small minded and weren't going to entertain a conversation with him anymore so you got passed off to another admin who you might listen to. That admin also felt you weren't listening or willing to make the required changes because everything was an argument or an excuse or a 'but they get to'. You're now arguing with the Rah of the dream over how you're not arguing and how unfair everything is.

Just because X change is made doesnt mean that it doesnt now create Y issue that will require more adjustments. Do you think us admins just sit around waiting to tear apart other people's characters? We just have nothing better to do, hmm? Or maybe we're just threatened, or biased, or a big group of douche bags. To be honest, the more logs I read of conversations with you, the less I want you to be a part of the dream. I'm going to make the assumption, however, that this was just a bad set of circumstances and hope to move forward in a better manner from here on out.

I'm not sure which of the admins are still willing to work with you though and since I have 92 hours of work scheduled this week, I'm not sure when i can get around to it either. If you're sure you've made all the edits to your app that you think will be required, I can ask someone else to look it over or try to squeeze in a few moments at some point to let you know if it's good to go or not.

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Reply #11 on: March 07, 2017, 11:24:59 PM
I wasn't aware that the next admin was upset with me.  They seemed and even talked to me like they understood everything, and even at the end said they didn't mind the rest of the stuff, but needed to get another admin to overlook it as well to confirm.  I wish I had known that admin had felt that way, but they gave me no indication of the such, and were incredibly polite.  I did argue with the Tony individual, I won't hide that fact.

You're right, I keep comparing, I think it's just natural for me to compare things.  I will attempt to be mindful of that going forward. 

No, I don't think you are sitting here wanting to tear everyone apart.  I fully believe each of you is just doing what you think is right, and I am of course defending my character to try to appeal different areas of it that might be misread, misheard, or misidentified.  It comes across argumentative when it isn't meant to.  I know it's hard to portray feelings through text outside of role play, but I legitimately am not trying to cause an issue or problem. 

I would appreciate if one would work with me, but if I am seen as a bother I understand at least at this point.  It has been over a month now and the progress is going slowly, but I am hoping that we can solve it and create a character that you will allow that will also grant me the permission to play the character.  I understand you're busy, so if another will do so I will try to refrain from being argumentative or snarky, but if I start talking like I am, I just want them to nudge me and tell me I am being it again so I can check myself back and do things as adults.

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Reply #12 on: March 08, 2017, 09:57:53 AM
Um yeah... ugh... hi.

Welp The Tony individual is willing to go through this again. And I'll be honest, I don't want anything different than I did last time.

No one gets to have the healing abilities of a T1000 terminator, even if it's on slow mo, even if it's got lots of other weaknesses. A body that can do that, draw backs or not... its far too much. If someone can't die by the likes of something as extreme as decapitation, then it's too much.

If someone can only die by a singular type of object, it's too much.

Whilst I realise she has lots of weaknesses, the specific strengths you have selected... are far too much.

The reason your application has dangled here, is because believe it or not we do not want to reject people. It's on a very rare occasion that we actually have to. So it's hung here in limbo until there is some resolve. That resolve has proven difficult because you yourself have been difficult.

Last time we spoke you had very little difficulty expressing... your feelings regarding me, as I was handling your application review, but I am willing to go over it again. We'll apologise, we'll hug, kiss, skip merrily over the horizon and go home happy.... But this has never been a democracy. We try very hard to maintain when it comes to what people can and cannot do IC'ly for the betterment of everyone involved and not individual players.

Nerf the regeneration to the point were the consequence is death and not hibernation as you heal. Make it so something as simple as decapitation can kill her, like everybody else... and we're good. I'll approve it myself. I give you my word.

You fit the dream, the dream doesn't fit the individual.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 10:03:42 AM by Tony »


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Reply #13 on: March 08, 2017, 01:52:02 PM
Very well, I will be respectful, we don't have to hug, or anything like that.  I will apologize for calling you small minded, I was frustrated, people do things when frustrated.

So, I am willing to offer this and if you agree with it or would like to tweak it a little further, then so be it.

Decapitation kills her, but if more than 50% of the chest is remaining, it's not an actual decapitation and she can survive that.  Which basically means that your decapitation rule would stick, and 50% of a chest also means anything less than 50% of the chest is a decapitation too, giving a much wider area that can cause death.  If the remaining 'flesh' exceeds 50% of the chest she is capable of healing over long period of time.  This in turn means she's easier to kill by anyone, and has the drawback of it not having to be a complete decapitation only, but can also obliterate most of her body and she's dead as well.

All other weaknesses apply, but I would like to in exchange for making her that easy to kill do away with the 'dormant' state death we talked about which was my original compromise to not having decapitation.  Whereas she will still go unconscious and all that through too much injury like originally stated, but do away with the if someone leaves the weapon in that did it she's stuck laying there like that.  I think that is more than enough since everyone can decapitate her, and if she's laying there unconscious someone can easily decapitate her too.  So I don't see the point in having that weakness anymore if she's already able to be killed by anyone through decapitation.

If you still don't like this, I by all means will respectfully listen and be happy to alter further if you have any qualms.

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Reply #14 on: March 08, 2017, 02:06:21 PM
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