

Epitome · 2856

Offline Epitome

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on: September 14, 2015, 01:56:28 AM
A little about my previous experience:
I've been around furcadia for a long, long time. Recently became involved with RP on furcadia in January of 2015. Before that, I led some large RP groups in a MMO called Feral Heart.

Why I'd like to join: Great plot here, friendly players, and it's always active. :3

Full Name: Epitome
Aliases: Epi.
Hair: Russet
Fur/Skin: orange
Eyes: blue
Height: 125
Weight: 5"5
Species: Red Fox
Race: Furre
Affliction: Faeship
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Fighters Guild Guildmistress
Resistances: Not bothered by blood or gore, lightning,
Weaknesses: Emotional trauma, demons, panic attacks, nightmares,
Phobias: Butterflies, heights, spiders, restraint

Strength - 4
Constitution -3
Dexterity -7
Agility -5
Intelligence - 4
Wisdom - 3

Fortitude - 2
Reflex -5
Will -6

- Saber - A standard saber. It is blessed with holy magic, as a thank you gift for rescuing a paladin.
- Dagger - Silver-plated and decorated with blue gems in its hilt. It is her last line of defense. This pretty thing is her most beloved possession

- Armor - Just the Clothes on her back, usually. Sometimes leather armor on patrols.
- Trinkets - Nothing of note.
- Elemental Energy, Lightning - A naturally-occurring energy, but it requires discipline and focus to be used effectively. Lightning strikes in battle are not auto-hit, and are treated the same as a physical attack in terms of hitting. The only exception to this is when the target is making direct contact with Epitome. A warning will be given to players, and a dice roll will determine strength.

- Keen Ears/Nose- Epitome is a fox, and has acute hearing and smell. Nothing that makes too big of a difference in role play typically.

-Nature Power - Ability to a limited extent manipulate plants.

-Fae Sense - Ability to Sense the presence of other fae in the immediate vicinity.

-Shapeshifting - Limited and different forms take different amounts of energy to shift into. If she uses too much energy, she will become temporarily "stuck" in a form.

- Energy Transfer - Able to transfer living energy between sources. Used primarily for healing. This ability also allows her to take energy from plants to use.

- Sword - Epitome was raised under military instruction for most of her life. She is proficient in the saber and dagger. However, she is not strong, and relies on wits and speed to overcome opponents.
- Survival - She's been travelling a lot. Knowledgeable in makeshift shelters and traps.
- Cooking- She can't do it.
(Furcadia Description)
> Fur adorned with shades of light orange, underparts a creamy white, with legs and ears accented with onyx, the vixen's features seemed completely ordinary. However, one may see an unusual white spot peeking out on her forehead from behind a slanted curtain of medium-length hair. Her garb was sharp, a white blouse layered with a navy jacket with brass buttons paired with comfortable trousers and tall, brown boots with just a bit of a heel. A leather belt hung at her waist, saber resting against her left thigh and a dagger against her right, adorning  the belt as deadly charms.

Any other pertinent info:
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 10:12:00 PM by Epitome »