
Archibald Lawrence

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on: October 13, 2017, 03:33:55 PM
Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Archibald Lawrence
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): Archi, Law
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race: German/Saxon heritage
Age: 36
Apparent Age: 30s
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 270 lbs
Build: Muscular, Stocky (Endomorph)
Fur/Skin Color: Light tan
Hair Color/Style: Black. Head is shaved on the sides with the top medium length tied back. Thick, waxed handlebar mustache with the ends curled
Eye Color: Blue-Grey
Markings/Scars: Tattoos cover him from neck to foot
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Other: Brawler (Boxer/Close in melee fighter)
Secondary Class (optional): Other: Occultist (Summoner)
Profession: Skilled in tavern keeping, bouncing, and Occultist activies (Such as summoning, giving advice, being a 'door man' to a coven)
Appearance (Furcadia Description):

Demeanor: Stoic, quiet and helpful
Likes: Good drink/food, good smoke (Pipe), Boxing, Full taverns Reading, Cooking/Brewing
Dislikes: The occult, rowdy drunks, unskilled cooks/brewers, burning buildings
Phobias (if any):
Alignment: True Neutral (Undecided or Balanced)
Description: This can mean either of two things, depending on whether the character is actively or passively neutral.Active neutrals (the Balanced type) are very rare. They are philosophically committed to maintaining the Balance, and will tend to join every fight on the losing side. Passive neutrals (the Undecided type) are somewhere in the middle on both the Good-Evil and Law-Chaos axes. The passive neutral alignment can also apply to creatures with no moral sense such as animals. Example: Zen masters (Balanced), animals (Undecided).
Cribnote: I'm not getting involved / All things must be in balance.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-Low
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Medium-Low
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-High
Charisma (CHA): Medium-Low
Overall Evaluation: (70) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: None
Weaknesses: Mortal

  • Weapon: Blackthorne Club
    Description: The club has been carved from a particularly stout blackthorn bush's trunk. Banded seven times in cold iron down the shaft, and riveted in place with alchemical silver.


    Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) is a wood found all over the European continent prized for making clubs and staves.

    Cold Iron: A metal known for it being efficacious against demons and other mystical kin.

    Alchemical Silver: An alchemical and metallurgical process embues steel with silver so that it is effective against creatures who are weak against it while maintaining strength.

    Enchantments: Ghost touch (Can damage spiritual/incorporeal entities)
    Merciful (Always deals non-lethal damage to mortals. Can be turned 'off' temporarily)
  • Weapon: Cestus
    Description: A simple looking pair of lobster-ed leather gloves re-enforced with bands of steel. The knuckles and the back of the hand bear alchemical silver and cold iron spikes as well as studs.
  • Weapon: Long Dirk
    Description: A long, alchemical silver dirk.
  • Armor: Buckler
    Description: A standard buckler generally used for duels. It has a long spike in the center of the boss.
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Shaving Box
    Description: At first glance the box is full of shaving items. A straight razor, a cup with lathering soap, mustache comb, scented oils, mustache balm, and a small pair of scissors. Very close inspection of the box would reveal that the top 'level' of the interior can be removed. Beneath are ritual items such as: Sacred salt, blessed (Bless-ed) water, chalk, several small candles in various colors, cubs of incense and a few other small items.
  • Item: Book of the Occult
    Description: Achibald's own personal notes on the various things that the coven of cultists he belonged to did in the decade he was with them. It covers everything from basic tasks (Purification of the body, how to setup a circle, how to empower the circle, etc) to holding names of various entities that could be summoned and how to 'deal' (IE How to get information out of them, the usual price of summoning, their demeanors/personalities, etc)

    This is well hidden, and usually not on his person.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Summoning
    Description: Archibald has no magical prowess on his own. He cannot shape fire, wind, water, air or the arcane to his bidding. What he does have is knowledge. His abilities are comparatively limited, and require time. ( An entire day of preparation then an entire night to summon and make deals with a minor spirit/demon/etc. Weeks, if not a whole month, to summon something of medium 'power', and years to summon something in the 'greater' range)

    This cannot be used in combat, and Archibald himself will not be summoning anything as he has no means to truly bind something to him once it's out of the circle. The knowledge is mostly useful for fighting the occult, giving advice on how to fight it, or gaining information (With moderator/player approval) on various happenings in the area.
  • Ability:
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Boxing/Brawling
    Description: Archibald grew up in his father's Tavern, and once he showed signs of growing into a large man, was handed over to the tavern's bouncer to assist him in tossing out rowdy drunks. Archi did this for years, and befriended a local boxing instructor who was a regular to the tavern. He spent all his spare hours learning the 'sweet science' from the man while the bouncer taught him how to fight dirty, wield a club as well as a dirk, and use a buckler.
  • Ability: Cooking/Brewing
    Description: Archibald's childhood was spent helping in the tavern. Learning to cook, clean and brew. He helped his father and mother in all the tasks of running the tavern. He continued to help where they needed him in his teenage years during their busiest hours when the bouncer didn't need his help tossing out rowdy drunks.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:

« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 03:42:33 PM by Archibald »

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Reply #1 on: October 13, 2017, 04:03:44 PM