

Render · 3997

Offline Render

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on: May 09, 2015, 04:42:30 PM

Full Name: Render
Aliases: sometimes called "Iceblade," but this is properly the name of his sword. 
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale, with a slight bluish cast
Eyes: Ice blue
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 175 w/out armor, 225 with
Species: Human *
Handedness: Left

* Render used to be feline in Furcadia because when he was created, the human option was not available. In other contexts, he is typically human. Since there was a large hiatus in playing him, I've decided just to say somewhere on his journey he regained human form.
Alignment: not altogether on anybody's side, since nobody's altogether on his side. But he has a vague instinct to seek out loyal service to a master, and despises what is evil.
Profession: Wanderer/Sword-sometimes-hired
Resistances: Cold, Mental attack
Weaknesses: Intense heat, any prolonged separation from Iceblade
Phobias: None.


Strength - Medium/Medium-High
Constitution - High
Dexterity - Medium
Agility - Medium
Intelligence - Medium
Wisdom - Low/High **

Fortitude - High
Reflex - Medium
Will - Medium

** Render has a vast potential to use his ice abilities, but it is of a reflexive/intuitive nature, not something he has practiced. He is not an elemental, but his link with Iceblade is intrinsic to his being, and so his abilities are just like any other physical part of him. So in terms of using "magic" in the usual sense, he's at a low, because he doesn't know how to use it. But in terms of facility and competence with using his ice powers, he's at a high.

  • Ice Blade: A sword whose blade is icy cold to the touch. Its origins are as mysterious as those of Render himself, but he seems to have some connection to it, as he can at times use it to make a space colder. It is breakable, but only with tremendous force. At all times it is surrounded by an icy breeze which can increase or decrease in intensity as Render's mood changes. It is a hand-and-a-half sword, so Render can and will use it one-handed if necessary. The blade itself is four feet long, making the whole sword about five feet. It weighs approximately 4 lbs, having a blade two and a half inches wide. Also note that because of the envelope of cold air around it, friction affects it less, thus making it a small bit easier to swing. The handle is about 10 inches long, decorated with silver and having a silver pommel. The hand guard is also silver, with obsidian stones set on either side. On the handle, a slightly faded inscription is visible, written in silver, though worn down and scratched a bit.
  • Short Dagger: Render's backup weapon. Its blade is about a foot long, so he usually keeps it concealed. It does not have the cold-manipulating abilities of the ice blade, but because he keeps it so close it is usually cold as well. It is made of a special steel that is not as affected by changes in temperature as other steel, making it less vulnerable to brittleness. The blade is double edged and straight. Don't expect him to use it often, though.

Render's armor protects his chest, shins, the tops of his feet, and the outside of his left forearm. The metal is breakable, but as it's reinforced plate steel, it'll take force to get through it. The straps which fasten the armor are made of toughened leather reinforced by an iron core, which means it'll be difficult to separate him from his armor against his will.
Render possesses the ability to create and manipulate ice, based on his connection with Iceblade. For a a list of some of his abilities, see here.

You see a tall figure, robed and armored in black, most of his face obscured by a black mask. His clothing is likewise black, a strange mark upon his left sleeve. His skin is an icy pallid color, and his eyes are twin spheres of ice, seeming to look past what they see. At his right hip is slung a sword in its sheath, the handle inlaid with silver, twin obsidian stones set in the ends of its crossbar. A strange cloud of winter cold seems to dwell about the man, as if coming from within him; or perhaps it comes more from the sword. The two are never parted, and so it would be difficult to tell.

See RPR profile here.

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Offline Eliel

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Reply #1 on: May 09, 2015, 05:01:18 PM

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Offline Render

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Reply #2 on: May 09, 2015, 05:30:24 PM
I'll take that as your seal of approval.

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Offline Eliel

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Reply #3 on: May 09, 2015, 05:32:09 PM
Pretty much =P

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