
The Mark of the Healer

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on: April 13, 2016, 09:42:22 PM
The Mark of the Healer

In a collaborative effort between the Mages of Sairon, the Master Healer, and the Eileadoran Technological Studies Department, The Mark of the Healer was created to help Medical Staff with accessing the Wards of the Infirmary, to grant access to Magi-Locked Supplies not commonly used in the healing of characters, such as alchemical potions designed for sleep or magical restoration, and becomes an easy way for the populace to identify ”Who’s Who” and technically employed of the matters of the Infirmary. The Mark of the Healer may also be a great way to identify who is actually in charge of the Infirmary!

The Mark of the Healer is both simple and complex. At the base level, each Mark of the Healer is nothing more than an Eileadoran Crystal that is interwoven into a web of magical talents that exist only in the Infirmary. These Eileadoran Crystals are only made available to Infirmary Staff through the Master Healer’s discretion; they grant access to being able to initialize the Wards of the Infirmary.

The Main Power Crystal is located in a secured location in the Eileadoran Technological Studies Department that powers the entire field. The Main Crystal is what is charged regularly through magical talents to keep the Wards working and running. This happens daily.

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During the construction efforts, local builders, masons, and workers around the City would have been called to assist with entombing the Infirmary’s Main Crystal into the actual foundation and bedrock of the Infirmary. This Crystal is directly connected magically to the Main Crystal in the Tech Department. Unfortunately, it was chosen that this Crystal was not to be accessed or touched, and so it is effectively buried beneath the entire building. This is the hub from which the power to the Infirmary Wards flows.

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Infirmary Supplies that may require any kind of a magical lock and each one of the Infirmary Beds is embedded with a small geode of Eileadoran Crystal that was chiseled from the Main Power Source in the Tech Department. These items are effectively designed to be permanent fixtures; each geode is imbued with magic to keep them in place to include a “heaviness” to them that makes them practically immovable by physical means and casts of illusion magic to make it practically invisible to the naked eye. A lot of effort went into creating this system by trained eyes and hands concerned with the safety of patients and infirmary staff.

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At the onset of the Wards being created, a leather satchel with multiple shards was given from the Eileadoran Technological Studies Department to the Master Healer. Additional crystals may be requested, and will be chipped from the Main Crystal in the Technology Department. Each shard has the same access to invoke usage of the Wards. It is assumed that the Master Healer either used all the provided shards, returned extras for safe-keeping back in the Technology Department, or secured them personally in a locked, undisclosed location.

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Healers would be given an opportunity to find the way that best suits them to wear these items. Shard must be present on the body/frame of the intending user to activate Infirmary Wards. The shard may be chosen to be worn in the form of a necklace, kept in the pocket of the player, made into a circlet, or worn as a ring. Though, it isn’t recommended to wear a ring as it might get in the way of healing! Or, worse, be lost in the body of a patient!

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Activation of the Wards in the Infirmary requires two things:

  • The Mark of the Healer
    • To be given out by the Master Healer
  • Recitation of Specific Incantations
    • Taught to the Master Healer to then be taught to the Healers

Official records regarding all of the explicit details on the Mark of the Healer and the inner workings of the Crystal Technology, Magical Construction, and the Words of Incantation has been documented and put into two locations: the secure, historical records of Sairon, only available to the Council of Mages and the Arch Magus, and a secured location in the Eileadoran Research and Technologies Department in the Castle.


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OOC Notes

  • 13 April 2016 – Initial Post
  • Mark of the Healer was discussed and approved by the (current) Master Healer
  • Mark of the Healer is to coincide specifically with the Infirmary Wards.
  • Consider these newly introduced magical artifacts to be a Work in Progress as the community adjusts to the official release and we roleplay it through the community.
  • Feedback is Welcome – Please do not post on this thread for discussions and debates. I request you make another thread in the OOC Forums if there are any gripes, complaints, or concerns regarding these magical artifacts
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 09:43:53 PM by Lionheart »