
Kikai (Edited for additional info)

PhantasmicYouth · 3109

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on: November 11, 2016, 01:43:59 PM
A little about my previous experience: I've been RPing for the better part of fifteen years now, starting in the RP Guild on Sonic HQ, then moving into Furcadia sometime back in the early 2K. I RPed in Starlight's Escape, initially, then found myself in Kawatoshi, which eventually converted to Hinata, and Heiwatoshi. The bulk of my time was spent there, in the Edo Era Community. I've served as a loremaster, a story writer, and an RP combat instructor for the better part of a decade, and pride myself on my skill in these roles.

Why I'd like to join: I'd RPed briefly in Eileadora with my acolyte, Andre Lexille, some years ago. With The Edo Era Community's collapse, and its revival put on the back burner, I'm seeking a good place to continue my storylines-- this seems like the right place to be.

Furcadia Name: Kikai
Character Name: Kikai
Aliases: Betrayer, Leaf, Kai
Species: Caracal/Jackal likeness.
Subspecies/Race/Class: Mal'Khi/Hunter, Tracker
Age: 62
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Fur/Skin Color: Tawny, black marks
Hair Color/Style: Red, tied back
Eye Color: Green
Markings/Scars: One blind eye, a few scratches on his face, stubby right ear, gnarled hands
Appendages: Long tail

Demeanor: Stoic
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Profession: Hunter, Tracker
Resistances: Earth Magics, Water Magics, Demoralizing/Fear Magics (Becomes violent, instead of afraid)
Weaknesses: Fire Magics, Ice Magics, Faerie Magics, Intense Heat/Cold
Phobias: Fire, Faeries, relationship obstacles, and similar Strategic Nightmares

Strength (STR): MED
Dexterity (DEX): HIGH
Constitution (CON): LOW
Intelligence (INT): MED
Wisdom (WIS): HIGH
Charisma (CHA): LOW

- Lilium (Tachi) - A celestial sword, commissioned from Vallahd. Channels Kai's strengths and plant-quirks (typically poisons)
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- Ninja Tools - Under a flap on the back of his sash, are housed a series of compact tools. Consists of: Three weighted throwing knives; a steel baton with a chain hidden in it; a vial of flash powder; two lead musket balls; a length of oiled rope

- Ragged Raiment - The remnants of his Assassin Gear, tattered and faded. Mostly rags, with a tarnished chainmail vest, and a tattered green coat. Straw sandals are tied on over his black tabi-socks

- Ebony tail ring - A black wood ring that's stationed near the end of his long tail
- Mortal Bite - A Mal'Khi's bite is absolute: if they can sink their large teeth into something's flesh, they will bite the spirit as well. The damage done to the spirit is typically reflective of the damage to the flesh, and cannot spread. Creation magics will cure these bites, though they take effort. If he manages to get a chunk of flesh in the midst of battle, he gains a brief boost to his strength, speed and stamina-- nothing extravagant. He simply begins to move and fight more like a young man, for a course of two minutes.

- Battle Lust - An insatiable, blood-born drive for combat makes him react violently to demoralization/fear spells.

- Dead Dreamer - The Mal'Khi are soulless; they live in the flesh, and cease to exist in death. Their dreams reflect this-- they are aware of their dreams, but unable to manipulate them, merely walking and living in them in a sort of fugue state. Those who walk in Mal'Khi dreams are subject to the laws of the real world, and the vulnerabilities associated with it, same as the dreamer himself.

- Creeper Vines - This ability absorbs and consumes what it touches, typically in a caustic fashion, when applied to flesh. On a magical level, it can be used to counterspell by targeting the mana as food. (Take the amount of preps, and subtract it from the number of offensive spell preps. Contact must be established, between the vines and the caster.)

- Tree-Rumors - Thanks to his affinity, he can link up with the root network of local flora, gleaning information about the surroundings, and vague memories of events in the past. This largely depends on his familiarity with the area, and whether or not the local flora 'trusts' him. (Eili's plants are still leery of him, and the information he gains is limited.)

- Red Pollen - Using his plants, he can produce pollens and nectars with a few effects, varying from poisons, to hallucinogens, to soporifics.

- Wicker Man - An advanced art. Doll-sized familiars created using the Creeper Vines, they can carry a variety of cantrips and traps, such as poisoned spores and thorns, depending on how he composes them. Most can relay messages mentally, much as trees communicate to one another. He has to sit, and put both hands on the ground, to create and control a Wicker Man. Typically, he can create up to three, but can only control one of them at a time.

- Perfume - With a minute or two to focus, Kai can change his scent to match local flora, or to emit a floral perfume of his choosing. Typically, he chooses the scent of Lilies.

 - Makeshift Gear - Reforms his damaged gear from vines and bark, as a form of materialized will. (Only done pre-fight; cannot be executed in the heat of combat. Bark and vines are no more durable than any natural-born wood.)

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Additional Info: Kai is still struggling with being fluent in Common, though not so much as he did in the past.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 01:34:58 AM by Kikai »

Offline PhantasmicYouth

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Reply #1 on: November 12, 2016, 01:58:29 PM
ADDENDUM: Added information for the combat applications of Mortal Bite. Spaced the abilities out so they're easier to read.


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Reply #2 on: November 14, 2016, 02:06:58 PM
Looks good @Kikai , just a few questions before this gets a go.

In his Mortal Bite ability, you mention his bite can damage a soul. How does this damage work? Some players write their charters as scientifically having no soul, only a body of chemicals, where others write the soul as their spiritual embodiment.

How do you utilize Tree Rumors? The primary concern here is metagaming, ie your character knowing things by OOC means. Do you use dice, read around, get the permission of those involved in the rumor?

Offline PhantasmicYouth

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Reply #3 on: November 15, 2016, 01:47:16 AM
Oh, shoot... figures I'd overlook something that questionable. x_x

As far as the bite works, it's purely area-damage. If someone has a chunk of arm bitten, then their astral image will likely suffer the same, until it's healed. The soulless won't have any effect aside from the flesh.

As for the Rumors, they've been purely taken on personal judgement and consent from all parties. I've used them once to date in Eile, and I consulted the player involved for information, and found an agreeable amount of info to derive from the potential rumors-- then I modified the info to be even fuzzier based on the fact that he's new to the area, and the trees wouldn't give him the trust, yet.

To put a system on it, if two people had an argument in an area, the Rumors wouldn't be able to detect the subject-- it's a foreign language, to a tree. They'd know the genders, based on comparison, the species if it's something that's passed by commonly, and the aggression-- the fact that there was an argument. The other damper on this is the familiarity of the local flora with Kai himself. He's new to Eileadora, so he can do very little to get the Rumors, as of yet.

It's at most, a form of scrying, or something similar to psychometry, but far more inaccurate. It's a gift that he cannot use repeatedly in a short time, or he can end up assimilating with the plants.


 If y'all want, I can use dice rolls to further stack against this. Otherwise I'll continue to consult the involved parties.


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Reply #4 on: November 15, 2016, 04:23:55 PM
No need for dice, looks like you use it all with consent and good judgement! Thanks for the explanation. Approved.