
(alt) Tsuki K'valen

DawsonCapris · 1973

Offline DawsonCapris

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on: January 05, 2018, 12:11:47 AM
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Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Tsuki K'valen
Character Name (if different):
Species: Trys'tet
Subspecies/Race: Blood
Age: 18
Apparent Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 4'10"
Build: lithe
Fur/Skin Color: pale skin
Hair Color/Style: white hair
Eye Color: gold
Markings/Scars: On her back, a natural bioluminescent marking visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Appendages: fox ears and fox tail
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Magic-Arcane/Mage
Secondary Class (optional):
Profession: None at present
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Only a mere 4'10" presented this lithe woman to the world. At very first glance one might see a human woman, but hardly a moment later one might notice that fox ears that poked out from snowy white hair. Almost with a mind of their own they moved, listening to everything. Behind her in an enormous fluff was a tail that often swished through the air. Dressed in a simple short yukata with light blue cotton, trimmed with white and the outer trim with light blue carnations. She certainly looked as young as she was, often energetic in her own way that often revolved around storybooks.

Demeanor: Cheerful and bubbly
Likes: chocolate, sweet or tangy food, rainstorms, books, a good fist fight
Dislikes: grumpy people, tail pulling children, smoking pipes, salt water
Phobias (if any):
Alignment: Neutral Good (Benefactor)
Description: They believe that a balance somewhere between total order and total chaos is best, and would generally concentrate on doing the morally right thing without worrying about whether it was good or bad for 'society'. Example: Mother Theresa .
Cribnote: The rule book's stupid, but no reason to go overboard.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Medium-Low
Overall Evaluation: (61) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: fire-proof, ages very slowly, heals quickly by natural means.
Weaknesses: contact with saltwater, excessively low alcohol tolerance (1 drink is like 6), light based/holy based magic damage, healing magic does not heal

  • Weapon: Silver Ring
    Description: Trapped inside is the power of a fire elemental. A handed down heirloom from her uncle, she can channel the fiery energy into bolts, balls, and other destructive or beneficial means. Still requires standard cast times depending on strength of the fire.
  • Weapon:
  • Armor: None
    Description: Just regular clothes
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Pendant
    Description: A sapphire in the shape of an icicle, laced with amber. It is mounted on a silver chain whose construction can't be named other than it is a metalwork technique and style from time lost. It is INCREDIBLY old. Heirloom item from her aunt.
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Regeneration
    Description: Trys’tet as a species are very hardy. While they do not possess instant regeneration, they do have the capability to expend their stored energy to re-attach limbs and recover from most injuries.
  • Ability: Plantspeech
    Description: Trys’tet automatically gain the ability to speak with flora. They can communicate and understand them with relative ease. Racial trait.
  • Ability: Pyrokinesis
    Description: The ability to manipulate fire and flame, so long as a source is present. Enraged, heated or warm sources can be focused to create a very hot spot which potentially could burst into flame.
  • Ability: Trys'tet Soul Plant
    Description: All Trys’tet have a plant their soul is tethered to. This tether cannot be broken except in the event of the Soul Plant’s destruction. Should a Trys’tet be felled by any means, their soul is returned to their plant where they are regrown in a month. This is a harrowing experience and the wound that slays the Trys’tet leaves a mark on their soul in the form of a scar that remains on their body. Destroying this plant makes the Trys’tet vulnerable. Should the plant be destroyed and then the Trys’tet killed after, the Trys’tet is permanently slain with no recovery without aid of outside influence.
  • Ability: Bloodrage
    Description: While she's not exactly strong, if she does manage to become enraged to such a point where all rational thought is gone, she loses control of herself becoming something of a berserker. She won't do much physically with so little strength, but her pyrokinesis becomes stronger, but she loses control. Fire requires one less charge time to cast.

    During a a bloodrage, her true form appears. She changes from a human with fox ears and tail to full on snowy white anthro fox with wings that resemble white ficus leaves. The wings on her back tattoo vanish.

    When she does calm down after a rage, she becomes incredibly, incredibly tired. Enters a near coma state of sleep.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Literacy
    Description: Can read.
  • Ability: Songstress
    Description: Has the ability to carry a tune, and carry it well. While she is no bard, should she hear a song and learn it, most will find it very pleasing to hear. Able to quickly make up songs on the fly as well.
  • Ability:

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional): soon
Other pertinent info: Information on the Trys'tet race

Permission to play race granted by race owner Tykari.