
Victor Levesque

Thatguy · 2043

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on: December 22, 2017, 03:57:29 PM
Furcadia Name: Victor Levesque
Aliases: The CROCO-DIRE (but you don't know that)
Species: Human
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Skin Color: Light brown/deeply tanned
Style: Wavy dark aquamarine hair that flowed down to just above his shoulders and, through the power of faith and magic, somehow never fell over his face
Eye Color: Hazel and green
Scars: A small scar along his right shoulder blade

Demeanor:A loud and proud warrior, otherwise a generally agreeable and cheerful fellow.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Profession: Battle Cleric
Resistances: Evil magic, curses, disease, some poisons, almost supernaturally hardy and durable
Weaknesses: Personal space and decorum issues (tends to be a bit TOO friendly), mortal, limited cleric spell pool (cannot turn undead, detect evil, or detect undead)
Phobias: Being paralyzed or otherwise unable to move

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Low
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): High

- Fists of Justice - A pair of dangerous looking thick metal gauntlets normally worn upon the cleric's belt. The knuckles and hand guard are inlaid with silver.

- Plate Boots/Greaves and chain mail - Steel armor plating strapped around leather boots along with a heavy chain mail shirt and leggings comprises the entirety of Victor's protection.
- Book of the Faith - A small book with an ornate metal cover that is always locked tight. Actually just a normal, if fancy, hollowed out book used for storage.
- Symbol of Hope - A heart shaped locket made of copper and brass worn underneath his clothes.

- Optimist Aura - Victor has the uncanny ability to rarely, if ever, be sad or depressed. Part of it can be attributed to his faith and part to his general nature.
- Alcohol Tolerance - While clerics have the ability to cure poison and disease magically, Victor doesn't need all that to down copious amounts of booze.
- The Big Guy - Victor has the build of freight train compacted into a six foot tall space. He's, simply put, massive.
- Pugilist - Victor's preferred method of fighting involves punching. Lots of punching. He's very good at it.
- Holy Magic - Being a cleric of the faith, Victor can cast certain spells of the holy variety but, due to his nature, only ever bothered to learn the 'fun' ones. As such he knows the following:
Lay On Hands/Cure Wounds: Your basic spell for patching things up.
Shield of Faith: Because you can't punch an archer until you get to them.
Purify/Protection from Poison and Disease: Cures a significant amount of ailments and poisons. But not the common cold.
True Seeing: To punch ghosts.
Daylight: To punch the darkness.
Hallow: Despite not liking the boring spells his teachers made him learn at least ONE typical holy spell. This one makes a certain area within 60 feet hallowed ground so that the dead there can move onto bigger and better things.
Divine Strength: For hitting harder, faster, and shiny-er.
Fist of God: The wrath of the divine spread across four knuckles. Non-denominational.
A large man clad in simple clothing inscribed with the symbols of his faith. A strong sense of calm dignity seems to flow off of him like eddies on a river. The cleric wore a thick leather belt with a pair of large metal gauntlets and a small book on a chain attached to it. The only armor he choose to wear where steel plate boots and greaves; also etched with religious emblems.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 11:42:14 PM by Thatguy »