
Ayla Titus [Alt/Event Boss]

Gob · 1908

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on: August 16, 2017, 04:03:11 PM
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Furcadia Name: Ayla Titus

Character Name: Ayla Toulotte

Aliases: Ayla Titus (Known name)

Species: Wolfdog

Subspecies/Race/Class: Grey wolf/Malamute mix

Age: 39


Height: 8 foot even

Fur/Skin Color: White

Hair Color/Style: White/Headfur

Eye Color: Green

Markings/Scars: Deep scar from the bridge of her snout to under her left eye

Appendages: 2 legs, 2 arms and a tail, all paws where they're supposed to be

Demeanor: Brash, arrogant, blunt, angry, sadistic or any combination of the five. She only finds joy in dominance, pursuing her own selfish desires and having no qualms about sending others to their doom to fulfill those desires.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Profession: Mercenary Captain
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Enchanted artifacts - Taken from various bounty hunters over the years, Ayla has accumulated an impressive collection of artifacts to help protect her from harm. Though Ayla herself cannot stand magic, she recognizes the merits of having a little extra help.

Pain tolerance - Brutal physical conditioning and years of internal competition among other bandits has given her a greater tolerance to pain than your average creature. She is not impervious, she can definitely get hurt. However she has a much stronger will to soldier on through it and keep up the fight.

Rage junkie - Ayla is an incredibly hostile person, and enjoys being said person. While perfectly capable of civility, she uses this to demand obedience as well as intimidate foes.

Magic - Ayla is a big brute, but has no magical ability of her own. She relies on artifacts to protect her from these powerful forces, lest she succumb to them all too easily.

Rage junkie - "Let us taunt it! It may become so cross that it'll make a mistake!" - Sir Lancelot
Her anger issues are both a blessing and a curse for someone of her station. If she gets angry enough, she may fall into a senseless, blind rage, all planning or forethought being abandoned in place of a burning desire to flatten whatever has her pissed off.

Her size - She's a big girl. Though she's got a long stride, it's harder for her to reach her top speed should she have to chase something down, and she isn't very maneuverable. She can't fit through tight spaces, or crowded areas like woods or tightly-packed buildings. Running from the Warboss is a very viable option.

Vulnerability - Ayla tries her best to be the strongest in all aspects of her life. While that's not entirely possible, she tries either way. She hates the feeling of being inadequate or weak, to the point where she is actually deathly afraid of the thought of being so. If her artifacts, her armor or her own physical strength were to fail her, she may go into a panic. But, beware: you never know what a cornered beast might do.

Statistics: Roll 4D6 drop lowest, reroll 1s
Total: 84
Strength (STR): 18
Dexterity (DEX): 14
Constitution (CON): 16
Intelligence (INT): 10
Wisdom (WIS): 13
Charisma (CHA): 13


- Marauder's Fists - Her gauntlets are reinforced with one-inch spikes along all of her knuckles, giving her already brutal fists significantly more killing power.
- Marauder's Kneecaps - The kneecaps of her greaves are reinforced with metal spikes, all measuring about 6 inches in length. Upon the right knee is a human skull impaled upon said spikes.
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- Ceramic grenades - As a crowd control measure, Ayla may carry a bandoleer of ceramic grenades on her person. These black powder explosives will shatter the thick ceramic shell upon bursting, throwing shards in all directions.


- Iron armor - In desperate need of an upgrade, Ayla's gauntlets, greaves and chestplate have all been through many battles. Having been soaked in their fair share of blood, there is a bit of rust to compliment the various dings and scratches upon the surface of the metal. Why not just get new armor?

Info: Ayla has collected several magical trinkets from more magic-oriented bounty hunters over the years. Some have seen better days and have already used up some of their power, though all are still useful to the Warboss. Should these objects run out of power or their stones are destroyed, it will be incredibly difficult for her to get them in working order again unless she is supplied with new ones.
Shroud of the Savior - An enchanted cape that deflects metal traveling at high velocity. Metal-tipped bolts and arrows, and of course bullets. The cape is chained to a stone tablet on her belt, and contained within this tome is the crystal giving the cape its defensive ability. This item, however, has tremendous limitation. The stone gives it only a limited charge, as it takes a lot of power to prevent objects traveling so fast to penetrate a barrier. Arrows and bolts can be deflected twice, bullets only once, before the stone is destroyed and a new one must be acquired.

Feline's Folly - An enchanted amulet that grants the wearer 9 lives. You know, like a cat! Upon the user's death, the amulet will activate and reverse the killing blow, mending the wound and reviving the user. However the amulet does not bring the deceased to safety, relying on the mortally wounded to escape before succumbing to their wounds if they want to avoid just being killed again. The amulet is, of course, only good for 9 charges, the stones giving it this ability bursting upon activation. Ayla's amulet only has 4 stones remaining. Its previous owner had to run out of luck sometime.

Voidstone - An embedded stone in her chestplate that gives her a mana void feat, absorbing magical force to protect her from offensive spells. However, should this stone absorb too much mana, it will result in a magical explosion due to overload, dealing tremendous damage to the unfortunate Warboss. This protection does nothing to counter magical manipulation of objects or summoned creatures. Needless to say, once the stone explodes it will be gone forever.

- Strength - Ayla is... very big. And very strong. She has conditioned her body to become as strong as she possibly can, and has to do all she can to maintain her physical prowess. But, constant maintenance gives her a powerful edge in combat, her fists having a level of lethality impossible for smaller creatures without help. She is able to perform feats of strength that would take two or even three average sized people.
- Zeal - Ayla can power through injury and loss to keep up the fight, every wound and every party member loss giving her a greater will to fight than she had before.
- Extortion - Ayla's a big bully, plain and simple. It's easy for her to take advantage of people and make demands.

- OORAH! - Ayla can rally those around her to fight harder, her warcry giving a morale boost to all mercenaries/bandits around her and preventing retreat.
- I CAST FIST! - Ayla can focus all of her might into a single deadly, armor-ignoring punch, though there is a great chance of self-injury.
- Grappling - Ayla is deadly in a stand-up fight, though taking her to the ground may not be the best idea either. Folding up her foes like a pretzel and listening to the bones crack, or just squeezing the life out of them fill her with a strange amount of joy.
- Brawling - Ayla is a fist-fighter through and through. She'll outright refuse to use hand-held weaponry and instead chooses to stick with her own armored hands. She finds it incredibly satisfying to rip swords, maces, spears or what have you out of her opponents hands and defeating them in an good, old-fashioned, one-sided brutal and bloody beatdown. If they're not a red paste on the ground by the time she's finished, they'll probably wish they were.

Brief history:
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Psychological analysis:
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> The Titan Boss. This 8 foot wolf towers over even the tallest of her fellow mercenaries, and has the mass to match to make her quite the force to behold indeed. Her armor is old and worn, though savage in its construction. Knuckles and knees are reinforced with metal plates and spikes, and her chest containing her precious organs shielded by a rusty iron breastplate. The large jacket around her betrays a former life of a military officer of some sort, though it's unclear exactly where from her service hails... Or just what kind of soldier she was. Though a fighter she certainly is, the rugged leader of Basilisk Company bearing no weapons but her brutal fists.

Any other pertinent info:
This character was originally designed to be a boss encounter for the bandits, and she still is. However after a few changes to the overall plot thanks to the help and advice of other players I may be making her a bit more socially involved than I originally intended. I do not plan to use her often in player vs player combat, however the possibility always exists.

That being said, I know a lot of aspects of her character may be incredibly overpowered. The artifacts she carries, some of her abilities, things of that nature. I would very much desire an admin to look over this sheet and please advise if anything needs to be changed.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 11:08:58 AM by Gob »

Expardon me?


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Reply #1 on: August 17, 2017, 08:50:30 AM
Very impressed by the amount of thought that went into balancing this sheet. The limitations on all the enchanted items, their drawbacks and numbered uses, is an especially nice touch. Kudos!