

Maise · 3965

Offline Maise

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on: November 28, 2018, 05:38:26 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: I've been role playing for sixteen years, give or take. I just joined Furcadia again after a prolonged absence. I'm a lot rusty.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? It's about the only active community that I've found and I'm eager to get back into the swing of role playing.

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Maise
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): Mutt
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race: Shapeshifter
Age: 30
Apparent Age: Late twenties.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160
Build: Strong, thick and a bit pudgy.
Fur/Skin Color: Tanned, freckled.
Hair Color/Style: Sun bleached blonde.
Eye Color: Deep blue.
Markings/Scars: Many, but none she displays.
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Other: Fighter, Swashbuckler. Retired.
Secondary Class (optional):
Profession: Hand for hire, freelance.
Appearance (Furcadia Description): She was not a beautiful woman, but at thirty she possessed a mature comeliness. She wore narrow, mid-calf length pants, a knee-length multi-fabric wrap skirt in bright clashing colors, and an embroidered brown sleeveless vest over a light blue off the shoulder long sleeved blouse. Her legs were long and firm, her shoulders broad, but her stomach pudged out gently and her hips were wide. There was strength in her high-cheekboned face and a keen intelligence in eyes the color of dark blue velvet. Her sun blonde hair was abundant, but wild, loose strands--unwilling to be tamed by the braid she'd woven flowers into--softening the sharpness of her features.

Demeanor: Generally good natured and friendly.
Likes: Vodka, starry nights, bright clothes, and eccentric people.
Dislikes: Goat eyes, red cabbage, cunty little fuss pots.
Phobias (if any):
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Rebel)
Description: Strong believers in freedom who like to make their own way and hate people who bully other people and try to push them around. They will often have a strong moral code which may not agree with the law. Example: Robin Hood .

Strength (STR): Medium-Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): Medium
Overall Evaluation: (70) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Creative, self-assured, stubborn, unafraid to fight dirty, and some magic resistance in canine form.
Weaknesses: Can be lazy and reckless, with little to no resistance to poisons (and magic in human form). Out of shape.

  • Weapon: Knives
    Description: She keeps a handful hidden on her person at all times.
  • Armor: Usually none
    Description: (If she wears any it's just light leather protectors for her upper thighs, arms, and torso.)
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Tattered pack
    Description: Usually contains alcohol and an extra pair of clothes.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Shapeshifting
    Description: Born with the ability to shift into a medium-large canine.
  • Ability: Hightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing.
    Description: Benefits of her ability in human form.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Fighting
    Description: Hand to hand and dirty trick fighting.
  • Ability: Knife work
    Description: Aimed at killing, not maiming.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:

« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 05:39:58 PM by Maise »

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Reply #1 on: December 01, 2018, 10:42:43 PM