
Diane D'Arigo

Gob · 3036

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on: January 24, 2017, 04:26:47 PM
A little about my previous experience:
I've been RPing on and off for about 10 years on Furcadia, primarily within Dragonlands dreams, however just having an active group is enough for me! Other than that, I've RPed on several forums following several different continuities and time periods. During this time I'd like to think my skills as a player have improved significantly, though having just recently returned from a long hiatus, I know I may be a bit rusty. BUT, you never stop learning, and never stop improving.

Why I'd like to join:
This is an active group! I'm very happy to see that there's a fantasy-genre dream that's still very much alive, and I really want to jump back into the game as soon as possible! I also recognize a couple of players I used to have some interaction with, and I know they wouldn't be around if this group wasn't any fun.

I HAVE submitted an application in the past, but it was as a guest and it seemed to be erased. No matter, though! I think I'd rather throw in someone fresh rather than continue an old character. New beginnings are fun!

Furcadia Name: Diane D'Arigo
Character Name: Diane D'Arigo
Aliases: Didi, Mutt
Species: Canine - Dog
Subspecies/Race/Class: Golden Retriever
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 70 inches
Fur/Skin Color: Blonde
Hair Color/Style: Blonde/Her hair is tied back in a knotted fauxhawk, the excess hanging by her upper back
Eye Color: Brown
Markings/Scars: A deep scar stretches over her belly, evidence of a near evisceration during her short stint of piracy
Appendages: Everything is original as advertised, except for her left arm from the elbow down. It had been severed by a wendigo during an escort mission, the girl being less that prepared for such a foe. It is now replaced with a prosthetic magitech arm, constructed from the parts of a clockwork dragon she had helped defeat several months prior to the incident. She had done her best to get her arm the same golden color as her fur without it getting too heavy.

Demeanor: Excitable, eager. She has a lot to learn and a lot to experience.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Wandering Privateer (Former)
Harbinger Pirate (Former)
Rose Ranger (Current)
Men - She enjoys playing hard to get, and finds that it can even be profitable. Even if she doesn't consider herself to be a goddess of femininity, she knows there's always going to be some thirsty buggers out there.

The Elements - Be they natural or magical, her typical wardrobe of a heavy Sky Whale leather coat gives her some minor resistances to both cold and heat.

Adventure/wealth - She left her parents to pursue adventure and fortune, though of course she's not gutsy enough to break the law. At least not yet. Other than that, there's her water problem... She's a very weak swimmer. She's no iron duck, but she's not exactly proficient either. She's able to tread water for several minutes, or even swim a short distance, but a doggie paddle will only get you so far so quickly.

-Mild arachnophobia. If it's bigger than her thumb, forget it. She's out. See you later.
-Wendigos. She isn't sure if there's a phobia word for it, but after her fateful encounter that resulted in her becoming an amputee, she's terrified of them.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): Average
Constitution (CON): Average
Intelligence (INT): Average
Wisdom (WIS): Average
Charisma (CHA): High

- Rusty Flintlock - It was her father's. He'll probably want it back if he ever finds out where she's run off to. Though rusted to hell, it was probably quite nice at one point. It sports a single steel barrel, the pistol boasting old, silver inlays and a heart-shaped butt. Much like it's new owner. It appears to be in firing condition, though one has to judge how reliable it is in its current condition. This is likely an heirloom that she took for herself as a stand-in until she can afford a proper firearm.

-Doglock Flintlock - A private purchase to compliment the one she stole from her father. It's unremarkable in its construction, though she hopes to change that with monster hunting. Adding a personal touch with the remains of particularly tough creatures is a great way to carry weapons AND trophies.

-Leaf Blade - A gift. She's not very good with it, but she strives to learn proper swordsmanship so she can at least protect herself should her guns fail her. Abandoned

-Flamberge - A very overt and almost ceremonial-looking sword, its wavy blade patter is not something she's used to, but is learning more and more about it every day. She already knows it is leagues above a normal straight blade as a stabbing instrument, and can cause quite a bit of disruption to an opponent when using it to block.

-Magitech arm - After a run-in with a wendigo gone sour, Diane now has a prosthetic fist. She can hardly believe it herself sometimes, and still needs to get used to manipulating objects and the actual function of the arm. Not having textile response from the new limb makes things hard, but not impossible. In combat, having a metal fist is a clear advantage.

- Armor - Skywhale Longcoat - Constructed from the heavy leather taken from the hunted Skywhale, it provides greater protection than traditional, thinner leather. In addition to protection from projectile and melee attack, it also offers a natural protection from the elements. It is well insulated and resistant to both frost and fire, though only to a minor degree on both accounts.

- Trinkets - A simple leather collar sits latched to her neck, given to her by her dearest friend: Zyla

- Silver Tongue - Being the daughter of two businessfolk, she knows how to strike a deal. She's an incredibly shrewd barterer, and will often poke holes in her opponent's offer to get the best possible outcome for herself. She's not quite at the point of getting folks to give her things for free, but she's getting there! One angry merchant at a time.

- Not much else - Uh... She can whistle really good?

- Intermediate Swimming - She's learning! Though admittedly the winter has made it a little harder. It's difficult to do drown-proof training when you're worried about going into shock. In the meantime, she's learned a few survival strokes that will take her a fair distance expending minimal energy, and she can tread water for a good while now. The only thing she lacks is speed, but that will come with practice.

- Firearms Handling - She's self-taught. She's no markswoman, but she knows enough to load a pistol on her own, how to keep it operable and, most importantly, to point the end that goes 'boom' away from her face.

- Sailing - She's quite prideful of her learned ability to help out on a ship! She can clear the scuppers, trim the mainsail, free the yardarm! She's even confident enough in her skill that she once called another sailor a useless lubber! It didn't go over well.

-Literacy - Thanks to Hasheen, Diane can now read and write! She's thankful for this gift and constantly strives to improve her literary skillset.

-Wilderness Survival - Her time with the Rangers has given her the tools to survive on her own. How to provide herself fresh water, good places to hunt for protein, and constructing makeshift shelters.

-Dungeon Crawling - The devil is in the details! Learning to look for certain architectural signs or other indicators of a potential trap gives her an edge when tackling ancient ruins, this this skill is still a bit unhoned, and she has much to learn.

-Mapmaking - Her newfound literacy and her time on the sea has provided her a new love in life: Cartography! She has already mapped out a recently uncharted island for the Rangers and hopes for many more to come!

-Basic Archery - Before the accident, she may has been showing some progress! Though now, it's back to square one.

-Basic Swordsmanship - Pretty much the same as above.

Medical notes
-Left arm has been amputated from the elbow down and replaced with a magitech prosthetic
-Recovering alcoholic, alcoholism stemming from trauma suffered during her stay with the Harbinger. Further psychological trauma, like the Wendigo attack, may cause a relapse.
> Re-armed! The retriever has been dealt an unfortunate hand during her travels, but steadily improving. First she struggled to find a place in this new world. Then she struggled with alcoholism. But now her life as an amputee is no more! Where the stump once was, she now sports a fetching and fierce gilded magitech arm! It was going to take some getting used to, its movements twitchy and rough. Her attire hasn't changed much, those same leggings and shirt ever present. Did she have other outfits? Only difference was the thick Sky Whale leather longcoat she wore, sans sleeves and tied off at the waist with a red sash.     

Any other pertinent info:
It's been awhile since I've done a bare-bones, from-the-ground-up character, and I'm very excited to do so! She's literally starting with nothing, and that's exciting! If any edits need to be made, or anything needing further clarification, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to do so.

Last Edit - 1/25/2018
Minor fixes!

-Had a birthday!
-Cleaned up resistances and weapons sections
-Fixed minor spelling mistakes
« Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 10:32:44 PM by Gob »

Expardon me?

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Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 09:50:14 PM
I don't see a thing out of place here. No insane super powers, no over powered anything. Gosh ding dang it, I dare say this character is actually... NORMAL. Like wtf is that any more!?

You get my approval. I am sure when a couple more of the team have a skim over being accepted will be no issue.


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Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 02:46:22 AM
Approved! Here's hoping you have fun building her up.