
BlakNeos the Wonderor

Arinalca · 1905

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on: March 07, 2018, 01:30:16 PM
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Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: BlakNeos
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): BlakNeos the Wonderor, Blak
Species: Human, though he usually maintains the guise of a feline Furre.
Age: 24
Apparent Age: early 20's
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 223LB
Build: Muscular
Fur/Skin Color: White fur with black stripes in feline form, with well tanned skin in human form
Hair Color/Style: Black, short spikes made to look like individual tongues of flame.
Eye Color: Royal Blue
Markings/Scars: Several rows of runes carved into his right arm between the shoulder and elbow, and several scars on his back from being severely whipped
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Magic-Arcane/Mage
Profession: Alchemist
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Eyes like serene pools of water take in everything around with a strange curiosity. He walks tall, with his chin high. A black leather trench coat hangs from his shoulders, draping to the top of matching leather boots with thick rubber soles. Black cloth pants hang loosely over his legs, held up by a sturdy leather belt. Blue shirt is tucked into his pants, the sleeves appear to have been torn off, and the collar torn open to allow for broad shoulders, and the coat is worn in almost any environment and weather condition. A sturdy arming sword hangs from his left hip. If one were lucky enough to see him without his coat they would find several rows of runes carved deep into his upper right arm.

Demeanor: Calm, and egotistical, and friendly
Likes: Himself, being right, showing off, helping those in need, fried kelp chips, and his pet demon squirrel Sammy.
Dislikes: Being wrong, being corrected, slavers, and not being the center of attention.
Phobias (if any): Being enslaved again
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Judge)
Description: They are disciplined and believe that adhering to and enforcing laws and traditions is the most important thing. They will not generally go out of their way to help others but will intervene to stop crime.Example: Asimovian robots .
Cribnote: Follow the rules and don't get involved.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium-Low
Overall Evaluation: (70) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Highly intelligent, can use runic magic to create objects, or manipulate matter into new material, He also has the ability to open tears in the fabric of interdimensional space to move between dimensions.
Weaknesses: His runic magic won't work inside of Etla, some of his runes have changed, or their definitions have changed and throws off his magical abilities. While in Etla he will have difficulty opening new portals to move about, or to leave.

  • Weapon: Arming sword.
    Description: The blade is black, all the way to the cutting edge, though it is most definitely made of metal. On either side of the blade a series of runes have been etched in and inlaid with silver. The quillons extend out about three inches on either side of the blade and appear to be made of some sort of hardened gold.The hilt just a little longer than necessary for single handed use to allow him to grip the pommel for a stronger attack, though it isn't quite long enough for it to be considered a bastard sword. A black diamond is set into the end of the hilt to act as the decoration of the pommel, secured by heavy metal claws of the same material as the blade.
  • Weapon: Claws.
    Description: In his feline form he has small, extendable claws in the tips of each finger. Though, unlike true felines, they don't retract all the way, still giving him the appearance of fingernails, albeit narrow and sharp fingernails.
  • Armor: Leather trench coat
    Description: This coat was made for him by a friend. This friend used feathers of force, from his own wings, to create a layer of force chain mail to line this coat with. The mail is near weightless, and allows the coat to be worn as if it were armor, though the way it's made it provides a little less resistance than usual chain, though doesn't hinder his movements, or the natural flow of the coat in the wind.
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: On the Multiverse
    Description: He carries a large book with him entitled "On the Multiverse" that he uses to map out the multiverse, jotting down notes and equations from time to time. This is kept in his actual home, which he has access to through a static portal kept just inside the mouth of one of his coat pockets
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Portals
    Description: Blak can open a hole, or tear, in the fabric of the multiverse to allow him travel between dimensions. He can use this ability to move from place to place within the dimension he's on. He can use it to transport objects by the same means, a crate of food, a fist, a kick, or even a kiss.
  • Ability:
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Runic magic
    Description: While he doesn't focus on any specific school he is most skilled in transmutation and earth magic. He has very few offensive abilities through his runic magic, and is also unable to use it while inside the rift, so I'm not entirely sure why I'm listing it here, but there you go.
  • Ability: Alchemy
    Description: He's a skilled alchemist and often times combines his runic magic with alchemy in what he calls Runic Alchemy

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