
All the Good Flowers

Guest · 2428


  • Guest
on: October 15, 2016, 05:52:59 PM
A fond benefactor was supporting a project that recently crossed into the Elf's path, and he was hard-pressed to fulfill this request with full gusto. Drawings, plans, and designs may have already been seen by others in the Research and Technology Department, where the Elf was using his free time and own supplies to craft up an idea for a small underground greenhouse; through the usage of mirrors, Sunstones, glass, and request for metals and materials through The Grinning Dragon Metal Mineral and Earth Works, this project was underway.

However, Tilley wanted to be sure Lady Ameera ( @Ameera Nasrin ) knew that this was not some attempt at overshadowing her hard work about the Conservatory. The Green House to be constructed seemed entirely designed for private usage and a viewing of all the 'Good Flowers.'

In honor of Samhain, a young boy wearing a simple white sheet with holes in the eyelets would find Lady Ameera. The boy would be told to READ OUT LOUD the message to the Pudu Doe, knowing that she was blind. The youth would have some difficulty with pronouncing the lavish tongue of the Elf, and stumbled over a few words at times.

It lacked the fervor of a formal message from the High Cleric though carried with it a tone of passion, love, and honor that seemed to mark more than just a formal request of the Master Horticulturalist.

What would be said is:

Quote from: High Cleric of Eileadora - Warrior Priest of Etla
My Dearest Ameera,

It has been too long since I have had the privilege of sitting with you on those rituals in the late hours of the evening. I do think firmly that such matters fall beside during your very taxing pregnancy. Perhaps you are aware of how greatly I appreciated meeting your son after he was blessed with a chance of living... You honored my faith and my People by letting the Light come into the boy's life when he was still growing within you.

I await eagerly a chance to sit with your husband and to speak of my People, my culture, and what is my way of life when such a time arises. I do know you both have been busy, and I myself have been spending more time with my life partner since he returned to the City. Perhaps we can all meet for dinner, or tea, in the coming weeks.

This letter is not sheer pleasantries, though, for I have a formal request for your station and expertise in our fine City. I seek around twelve to fifteen pots filled with some of your best soil, fertilizer, and bulbs and seeds from flowers that require little light to be able to thrive. While I know that the Earth Mother and the Sun God work so well with each other when the growth of life happens from the soil, these flowers will not be gifted with the daily love of the sun's embracing warmth and will need care that allows them to occasionally be without light to thrive.

We would love to see all the good flowers. I know it is within your skilled craft to assist in this matter.

I will ensure that you are paid greatly for such service, though it may not be from my personal coffers that this payment is made.

It is my honest prayer that we may soon be able to sit in the joy of your family and guardians in the near future, Ameera.

I do miss our conversations.

Sincerely yours,



OOC Notes - tl;dr

  • Tillius has a note delivered to the Master Horticulturalist
    • Personal anecdotes are included, unlike more formal messages
  • Request is being made:
    • Twelve to Fifteen Flower Pots
    • Fertilized Soil
    • Flowers that require little light to thrive
  • Tillius exclaims that payment will be made, but maybe not from him
    • Hashenn is totally paying for all this  :P