
Crosis Darkarma

Crosis Darkarma · 2556

Offline Crosis Darkarma

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on: January 23, 2018, 11:24:18 AM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: Eileadora seems to be the last place in the Imaginarium where good roleplay happens. You can almost always find someone willing to play here.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? The Roleplay, of course.

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Crosis Darkarma
Character Name (if different):
Species: Dragon
Subspecies/Race: 75% Red, 25% Silver
Age: 14,000+
Apparent Age: Early 40's?
Gender: Male
Height: 7'3
Weight: 365
Build: Muscular, thick
Fur/Skin Color: Primarily ruby red, with silver veins like in granite
Hair Color/Style: No hair
Eye Color: Hazel
Markings/Scars: Hard to tell where the scars end and flesh begins. He's literally covered in scars of all kinds everywhere on his body
Appendages: Tail, Wings
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Magic-Elemental
Profession: Smith, Horticulturist, Librarian, Warlord
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Crimson scales interspersed with blue-ice veins dominate this creature's immaculate physique. A winged wyrmme, one who's history is as deep as the mossy coloured eyes of his clan. An ancient race, now forgotten, he still visits the houses of those who dwell in this world when he is not busy continuing his father's legacy at the forge, taking care of his plants, or tending to his library. A spaded, heart-shaped cartilidge weapon lies at the end of a tail lined with spikes made of bone. Of a large height and imposing weight, this creature has stayed alive for as long as he has for a good reason.

Demeanor: Rude, Irritable, Insulting
Likes: Eating other dragons, Libraries, Herbs & Horticulture, Smithing, Meat
Dislikes: Change, New things, Being buried deep underground, Weakness
Phobias (if any): Being buried deep underground, extremely powerful mages
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Free Spirit)
Description: A strange and very rare alignment. Chaotic neutral characters are very unpredictable individualists, being governed by whatever they feel like doing at the moment. Example: Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes).
Cribnote: I do what I feel like at the time.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Low
Overall Evaluation: (81) Hercules

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Immortal, Flame-Proof, Slashing Weapons, Hard Scales (Like wearing a suit of natural plate armor)
Weaknesses:   Ice/Water Magic, Dragon's Bane, Piercing Weapons (If hit in lower-armored spots such as under the arms, behind the knees primarily), Large Blunt Weapons (Warhammers, Battle-Maces, etc)

  • Weapon: Claws
    Description: Crosis really has nothing better to do all day than to make sure his body is in tip-top fighting condition. Crosis is able to hone his thick claws and tail spikes to such a degree that they sink through plates of steel and most rocks like a hot knife through butter. (Rarer types of metal such as Adamantium, Mithril, etc, will hold up against his claws and tail-spikes) After such a long life, he has learned how to chizzle his claws down to an incredibly sharp edge, making a perfect piercing instrument out of his own physiology. They can deflect most blades as well, being slightly stronger in composition than even his far harder than rock scales.
  • Weapon: Tail
    Description: Crosis' tail has 16 spikes made out of the same material of his claws jutting from his tail. They're larger and thicker near the base, and get smaller towards the tip. The tip is the shape of a spade, but certain muscles can contract to pull ligaments that form it into a trident-like shape. It's quite strong, and Crosis uses it in combat like a 5th appendage.
  • Armor: His Scales
    Description: Dragon scales are considered to be one of the most durable things in the world. At birth the dragon's scales are some-what flimsy but as they age they become thicker. Usually, unless heavily damaged, dragons do not shed their skin or scales. This is because the regeneration of the scales usually heals cracked or otherwise damaged ones rather quickly. Dragon hide is also very tough but is lacking compared to the scales. Once a dragon has reached the adult size bracket their scales are fully developed (but will continue to grow thicker as time goes on) and can turn aside all but magic weapons easily, even magic weapons will begin to have troubles as the dragon continues to age. (Typically, this applies to magically enhanced weapons where the enhancement makes them harder/more durable than the normal metal would allow. There are various types of unique/special magical weapons, and they will be fairly assessed on a case by case basis.)
  • Armor: Enchanted Bracer
    Description: Crosis' right wrist has a piece of metal that seems to be almost fused with his forearm. It's a plate of the finest metal he's ever crafted with his dragonfire, and is one of the few things that is actually harder than his scales. (Capable of blocking Adamantium/Mithril/Similar weapons) Not only that, it's highly enchanted. Capable of blocking certain (weaker) magical attacks. Requires his left hand to use, occupying both hands while he uses it. It is good for one use only, and takes 48 hours to recharge. (Can also be recharged by a Mage, but only out of combat.) Can block up to a 2 prep spell. Level 3 Spells are weakened to a level somewhere between 1 and 2, but still get through. 4th and 5th level spells are not affected by the bracer and will blast right through it's barrier.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Belt
    Description: Contains various things. Gold, herbs, bandages etc.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Blowtorch
    Description: Crosis is able to call upon a 4 ft long, 8 inch wide burst of flame instantly even while moving or in combat. It can be sustained only for about 3-4 seconds, but is typically used shorter than that. In Low Light areas, it is capable of temporarily blinding someone. (Very mildly, like if you came out of a dark cave and looked directly at the sun.)
    • Ability: Fire Breath
      Description: His flames are so hot they're a primarily white bluish-purple. (Very hot. Think...a clay/stone forge made for making weapons hot.) Had he been full Red, they would be even hotter. This Breath Weapon is 20ft long, and occupies a space of 180 degrees in front of him. Must be inhaled on the first turn, and exhaled on the second. Sustainable for 5-10 seconds.
    • Ability: Steam Breath
      Description: Crosis' quarter silver has been nearly completely overtaken by the Red in him, and thus he is unable to use Ice Breath. He is, however, able to use a very weak version of it to create a cloud of steam. Must inhale on first turn, exhale on second turn to use.
    Learned Abilities:
    • Ability: Blind Sense
      Description: Dragons have the uncanny ability to see those who are invisible or otherwise hidden from direct view. This is accomplished by disturbances in in the air, vibrations, hearing and scent. The dragon can sense anything in it's immediate vicinity, and things like magical fog, darkness or other things that obscure it's eyes are pretty much useless. (Certain things are taken on a case by case basis. Crosis cannot SEE through magical fog, or in Pitch Darkness. He's merely trained in such conditions to be able to adapt around them. Though he can see well in Low Light, like a cat.)
    • Ability: Detect Evil
      Description: Crosis' tongue is a fascinating organ. While he's not able to detect beings traditionally associated with evil via magical means, he is able to taste them. (Vampires, Undead, Werewolves, Demons, etc.) Detecting whether someone is a certain (traditionally associated with) evil creature is a trivial matter for a beast as old as Crosis.
    • Ability: Detect Supernatural
      Description: This is an innate sense, unlike his tongue that can detect evil. Crosis has encountered many supernatural entities in his life, has written books on them, and read many more. With a glance, Crosis can tell if a creature is half-Shadow Elemental, or Half-Demon, etc. However, he fails to detect any creatures with a close connection to the earth. Elves, Dwarves, Dryads, Nyads, any sort of creature with a very near to the Earth elemental connection, Crosis barely detects until he sees them. These are the types of creatures he fears the most, as they are the ones who are able to "get the drop on him" so to speak. He can still smell/taste them with his tongue, but I must put something into a post about him flicking his tongue to taste the air to detect you like he would anyone else. If I do not put anything about Crosis' tongue coming out of his mouth in a post and you're not readily visible, it's highly likely that he won't detect your presence. (I.E Fae, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, etc.)
    Magical Abilities:
    • Ability: Elemental Infusion
      Description: Crosis is able to use the element of Fire in his attacks. This is extremely rare for him to show off this ability, as Crosis doesn't want people to know he's capable of it. (I.E, he can superheat his claws and tail-bones to extremely hot levels, or dig the sharp claws into an unarmored person's body and burn an organ. It has an innumerable number of uses. Can be used to cauterize wounds. Not on himself, though, as he is immune to fire. Even his own.)

    RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
    Other pertinent info: Crosis is very weak when it comes to interacting with others. He's spent the last several thousand years of his life on a far away continent called Drakoria. He's gotten used to his orders being obeyed to the letter, and is essentially the ruler of a nation of slaves and warriors. Thus, when it comes to interacting with Free Folk, Crosis performs incredibly poorly in his conversations. He can almost never behave nicely, expects people to be terrified of him and do exactly as he says. When they don't, it enrages him. He is extremely unlikable due to this reason, and often even hated by those around him. He is however, aware of this fault and attempting to mend it.'s a very, very slow process.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 11:33:01 PM by Crosis Darkarma »

Offline Alhsom

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Reply #1 on: February 11, 2018, 03:46:55 AM
Approved. (No image because I'm too lazy, maybe I'll edit it in later.)