
(Alt) Malecai

PhantasmicYouth · 1822

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on: November 24, 2017, 10:43:58 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes: Kikai

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Malecai
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): Mal
Species: Caracal/Jackal Hybrid
Subspecies/Race: Mal'Khi
Age: 122
Apparent Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 272 lbs
Build: Muscular
Fur/Skin Color: Tawny, black
Hair Color/Style: Black, ethnic
Eye Color: Green
Markings/Scars: Sharp black marks at the eyes, brow, and nose
Appendages: Excessively long, tufted tail
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Merchant
Secondary Class (optional): Warrior
Profession: Seller of Novelties, Herbs
Appearance (Furcadia Description): The staggered, ringing beat of a brass-headed club on the floor heralded the Warrior-Merchant's entry: heavy leather boots bound up his patterned beige trousers, their hard steps trailing the Shillelagh's beat. Deep blues and gold filigree were lashed stylishly over a fine chainmaille vest, his large shoulders pronounced by hard-leather pauldrons. Thick fingers combed through his bristling black hair, barely held at bay by oils and braided cloth. His long face was an odd pairing with an otherwise thick body, a big-toothed smile flaunted with little discrimination. A short tail lashed haughtily in his wake, its white-streaked tuft half-bound in brass and silk.

Demeanor: Boisterous
Likes: Strong whiskey; roasted poultry; gold (the color, the metal, the value); collecting good furniture; musical performances
Dislikes: Any food or drink based from plants; boisterous people, especially women; cowardly or passive people; dirt
Phobias (if any): Faeries, drowning, night time/darkness, humiliation
Alignment: Neutral Good (Benefactor)

Strength (STR): Medium-High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-Low
Constitution (CON): Medium-High
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium-High
Overall Evaluation: (65) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Ages slowly, fairly strong and resilient. Has no spiritual energy, but has a substantial resistance to dark and void-based magics. Has experience as a pit fighter, from his younger days. Decent salesman.
Weaknesses: Weak to water-based magics. Completely vulnerable to Faerie magics and influence; they can even change his physiology, if they choose.

  • Weapon: Shillelagh
    Description: A brass-headed walking club, polished and lacquered. He seldom walks without it, though it's more for fashion and violence, than a walking aide.
  • Armor: Warrior-Merchant's Raiment
    Description: An amalgamation of hardened leather, fine chainmaille, and colorful, stylish clothing makes up Mal's garb.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Brass Tail-Ring
    Description: His reverence for gold doesn't quite extend to wearing it; he prefers brass, as it can be shined to a similar glow. His tail-ring is a beloved item, an attempt to show his status without expending good money.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Mortal Bite
    Description: A Mal'Khi's bite is potentially deadly, to magical creatures: if they can sink their large teeth into something's flesh, they chance damaging the spirit. The damage done to the spirit is typically reflective of the damage to the flesh, and cannot spread. Creation magics will cure these bites, typically, though demons may need to seek alternate aid.
  • Ability: Fight, not Flight
    Description: A natural inclination to conflict makes him react violently to demoralization/fear spells.
  • Ability: Shivering Light
    Description: His innate ability lets him summon fire; it only affects what he can touch, causing blistering and burning on living things. It doesn't seem to have any effect on inorganic materials.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Advanced Fisticuffs
    Description: His time in the arenas and resorts was well spent: Mal holds himself regally in a fight, however brutal the results may be.
  • Ability: Businessman
    Description: Mal's not a big name in the trade game, but he's got the platform for it. His family connections give him decent backers, and a name or two to call for certain situations... if it's an altercation, however, he prefers to solve that himself.
  • Ability: Absolution
    Description: The name is arrogant and inaccurate: he expands his firelight in a flash, looking to blind onlookers. Extending his ability past his reach seems to dilute it quite a bit, as its burning effect is reduced to a sharp sting. Extended exposure can sear flesh, however, and he likes to go for the eyes directly... it takes a couple of seconds to prepare.
  • Ability: Divine Spear
    Description: The name in this case, is overblown, and misguiding-- mostly done to generate rumors, and act as a bluff. The actual ability is a finger-thin focus of his fire, usually executed at close range, looking to drill into the flesh like a nail. It takes a moment to focus his ability to such a degree, making it practically useless in a fight.

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« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 12:18:34 AM by PhantasmicYouth »