
Bialis Conroy

Bealocwealm · 2875

Offline Bealocwealm

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on: September 12, 2015, 10:10:54 PM
A little about my previous experience: Been RPing since 2001 on Furcadia, recently began LARPing as well. Originally made Bialis for a D&D campaign.

Why I'd like to join: Enjoyed RP here!

Main Stats:

Strength- Bit below medium
Constitution- Bit above medium

Dexterity- High

Agility- Medium-high

Intelligence- Bit above medium

Wisdom- Extremely low!

Fortitude: Medium

Reflex: Medium-high

Will: Very Low

Full Name: Bialis Conroy
Aliases: Boy, Scarf-Boy, Street Rat
Hair: Brown, curly
Fur/Skin: Pale, freckly
Eyes: Brown, unusually dull and distant
Height: 5'3"
Weight: Hovering around 100 lbs
Species: Human
Race: White
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Profession: Apprenticed to Ania, Healer
Resistances: None particularly?
Weaknesses: Blood magic. It fucks with him.
Phobias: Fire -- he is afraid of blood magic too but in a very different sense.

Strength - 8
Constitution - 14
Dexterity - 16
Agility - 12
Intelligence - 12
Wisdom - 1

Fortitude - 11
Reflex - 14
Will - 6

A strange dagger, lent to him by Epitome!
He has no other weapons as of this posting, as they were broken by Zeferah.
- Armor - None. He usually wears patchy, ragged clothing.
- Trinkets - He always wears a thick, blue scarf. It possesses no magical capabilities but he is extremely attached to it.
- Good climber - Especially for a human, Bialis has always been an excellent climber, able to scale some buildings.
- Noise-sensitive - Unusually good hearing for a human (not as good as, say, a rabbit's, mind) allows him not only to listen in on people but to be aware of his own noise and be sneakier.
- Quick runner - For sprints, Bialis is the kid to back. He flags during long runs, not having extreme endurance, but is quite fast over short distances.
- Extreme Magical Sensitivity - Bialis can sense magic. Any active magics -- magic being prepped, summoned, or restrained, as well as any magic items -- can be sensed by him within a certain radius and pinpointed if he is close enough. If the magic is dark magic, this radius expands considerably, as does the unpleasantness of the feeling and the exact pinpointing effect. If the magic is blood magic, the radius expands much further, along with now extreme unpleasantness which may include pain, headaches, and with long enough exposure, bleeding.
- Archery - Bialis is a pretty damn good archer! Shooting on the move is not his strong point, but he's a disturbingly good sniper when equipped with the right bow.
- Fletching & Bowmaking - Bialis is a skilled fletcher and bowyer. He is better at fletching, however, having more experience in it.
- Weaving - Yes, Bialis is a half-decent weaver. He does not frequently advertise this skill.
- First Aid - While Bialis is not a skilled healer by any means, he understands some basic first aid, how to give stitches and prevent infection.
- Silent Languages - Bialis has spoken sign language from before he could speak aloud. Additionally, he is extremely skilled in a secret language. This secret language is Pretty Fucking Useless, however, as the only living people to be able to communicate in it at present are him and one other person!
A young human, appearing to be in his early to mid teens, not very tall. His freckled face is young and sweet-looking, and like the rest of him sprinkled liberally with dirt. His eyes seem dull and distant, brown like his curly hair, and his clothing is simple -- a dust-coloured tunic, trousers, and boots. A knife and small bag are tied at his belt. A dark blue scarf is always seen tied securely around his neck, providing warmth that his fingerless gloves surely do not.

Any other pertinent info:
This character is not entirely as he appears. Please do not get butthurt if you find out he's been concealing something/lying/misrepresenting himself. For reassurance -- Yes, he really is a young teen, yes, he really is human, yes, he really is nonmagical.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 10:23:38 PM by Bealocwealm »