
Marsuvees Nahlst

Arinalca · 2831

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on: April 26, 2018, 02:30:03 AM
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Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Marsuvees||Nahlst
Character Name (if different):
Species: Feline
Age: 28
Apparent Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 180 lb
Build: Slim, Ektomorph
Fur/Skin Color: Azure with Navy stripes
Hair Color/Style: Crimson and braded, bound with a string with small bells.
Eye Color: White
Markings/Scars: Navy stripes
Appendages: Tail
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Rogue
Secondary Class (optional): Merchant
Profession: Restauranteer
Appearance (Furcadia Description): A crimson braid twists itself well below his shoulders, bound at the end with a small black string with two golden bells. His crimson mustache was waxed meticulously, sticking out nearly four inches to the side from either side above his upper lip. Atop his head rests a tall top hat, adding nearly two feet to his frame, with a purple, cotton coat buttoned from his collar bones down to below his waist, the remainder of the jacket folded out and buttoned open, hanging down to just a little below his knees, and the collar popped up so that it almost met with the brim of his had. 'Neath the coat a thin silken shirt was worn, buttoned down, with lace frills running from collar to waist, and a pair of black leather trousers, fit snugly, and tucked into black leather boots. With gold filigree embedded around the ankle, meeting with small, overlapping gold plates that issue a light jingle as he walks. His feline ears obscured, though his light azure fur gleams brightly in the light, and matching arming swords hanging from each hip. "Top O' de mornin' to ye," he'd offer with a friendly smile.

Demeanor: Outgoing, cheerful
Likes: Fish, and Money
Dislikes: Being broke, and having no food.
Phobias (if any):
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Dominator)
Description: They respect the law, but have no concern for others, and tend to exploit the law to rise to power. Often they will engage in merciless, organised, planned killing. Example: Adolf Hitler.
Cribnote: It's all part of the evil plan.

Strength (STR): Medium-Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-High
Constitution (CON): Medium-Low
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Medium-High
Overall Evaluation: (70) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Ambidexterity, Cunning.
Weaknesses: No magical ability

  • Weapon: Twin adamantine Arming swords
    Description: Both blades are inlaid with intricate designs of both cold iron and silver.
  • Weapon: Silver Dipped Rapier
    Description: Steel Rapier coated with silver, with a very ornate iron basket around the hilt, with adamantine quillons.
  • Armor: Padded Leather
    Description: A tightly fit padded leather suite.
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item:
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Light of foot
    Description: Is skilled at avoiding blows and running away if he has the option.
  • Ability: Fleet of hand
    Description: Skilled at slight of hand
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Dual Wielding
    Description: Skilled in dual wielding arming swords.
  • Ability:

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info: