

Skye · 2669

Offline Skye

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on: December 04, 2017, 09:22:20 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: I've been on Furcadia for close to 13 years now. I started in a small dream called Startown, and moved on to Ansteorra, Urraim, and others.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? I've been wanting to get involved in an active community on Furcadia again. Etla is both busy and active from what I can see in the Discord, so I'd love to be a part of the community.

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Niecie
Character Name (if different): N/A
Alias(es): Nie
Species: Faerie
Subspecies/Race: Pixie
Age: Close to 90.
Apparent Age: Late teens to early twenties.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0" even.
Weight: Fluctuates between 100-110 lbs.
Build: Slender, has signs of athleticism.
Fur/Skin Color: Slightly tanned skin, freckles on her shoulders.
Hair Color/Style: Bright pink, cut into a short bob with curls framing her cheeks.
Eye Color: Bright blue-green.
Markings/Scars: She's got several scars. The most prominent is a scar across her neck from either being bitten by a wolf, or clawed. A second scar is well hidden at all times, but branches across her chest between her breasts.
Appendages: All the usual things! Being a pixie, Niecie has a set of wings that allow her flight. Her wings are like a dragonfly's. The space between the webbing appears like pastel stained glass.
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Other: Spellsword
Secondary Class (optional): Rogue
Profession: Currently a vagabond.
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Cotton candy locks framed a petite, dainty set of features of a rather striking sort, with cerulean eyes that held a carefree glimmer that was nigh-infectious. Passionate in most everything she applied herself in, this one's love for adventure and life knew no boundaries. Cheerful and optimistic, it was truly hard to get this adventuring pixie down! Standing at a total of five feet tall, garbed in a fine cloak with deer skin boots, a red and gold tunic, and a few choice bangles, the faerie obviously took care of herself.

Demeanor: Cheerful, optimistic, motherly. She's a protector first and foremost, always willing to fight for others even if the odds aren't in her favor.
Likes: Sweets (especially lemon drops!), flying, tea, soup, fruits, treetops, napping in the sun, sharing stories.
Dislikes: Foul odors, rude authority, oppressive laws, brats,
Phobias (if any): Small, enclosed spaces with no discernible escape.
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Rebel)
Description: Strong believers in freedom who like to make their own way and hate people who bully other people and try to push them around. They will often have a strong moral code which may not agree with the law. Example: Robin Hood .

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): Medium-Low
Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): High
Overall Evaluation: (71) Very Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Glamour
    Description: Being a faerie, Niecie is strong with glamour and illusion based magic. Naturally, she is not easily fooled by either, and can see through most illusions without trying. Discerning complex illusions would require concentration, but is not impossible for her.
  • Strength / Resistance: Immortal
    Description: As a pixie she stopped aging several decades ago. She will not die of old age like a human would, but can die of natural causes.
  • Strength / Resistance: Acrobatic
    Description: Niecie, both naturally and thanks to her armor, can move like she's a performer. She can jump and flip, balance on thin railings and rope, and contort her body in various ways. She possesses a great sense of muscle memory, and if she's done a trick once can do it again with practiced ease.
  • Weakness: Cold Iron
    Description: Being a faerie, Niecie is weak to cold iron. It will drain her of all power and strength when nearby. If touched and/or stabbed by it she can be killed.
  • Weakness: Promises
    Description: Niecie is bound by any promise she makes, no matter how small or large.
  • Weakness: Truename
    Description: Niecie possesses a Truename, like most faeries. Using her Truename can control her, to an extent. It can't be used to force her into killing someone. It can, however, be used to banish her from a place, or to make a promise she'd be bound to keep.
  • Weakness: High blood pressure
    Description: Niecie, unknowingly, has high blood pressure. She is more so prone to experiencing a hypertensive crisis. She usually has signs of abnormal blood pressures with headaches, extreme anxiety, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath. Not every adrenaline inducing moment will trigger any one of the symptoms, but it is entirely possible.

  • Weapon: Rapier - Glimmer
    Description: Niecie's pride and joy. The rapier is always settled on her right hip, making it easy to be drawn by her left hand. She excels in rapier and cloak fighting, and without her cloak will use her right hand to cast spells.
  • Weapon: Daggers - Tooth and Nail
    Description: These pair of daggers are enchanted to come back when called. They are primarily used for throwing, and are often paired with any manner of poison. She isn't as proficient fighting with these as she is her rapier, but isn't afraid to use them. The daggers cannot be called back on the same round they were thrown, and can only be called one at a time per round. 
  • Armor: Catskin leather
    Description: Rather than the hide of a cat, this extremely supple suit of jet-black leather armor grants Niecie a portion of the grace and fortune of a feline. She always seems to "land on her feet" when wearing the armor, and moves silently. The leather has been glamoured so, upon command, it changes its shape and appearance to assume the form of a normal set of clothing. Currently, it usually appears as a tunic, vest, fitted trousers, and deer-skin boots. The armor retains all its properties when it is disguised. Only those who can see through illusions and glamours can see the leather armor for what it is.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Never-empty candy bag
    Description: A small bag that is always filled with Niecie's favorite candy, sweet'n'sour lemon drops. They're sugary sweet on first taste, but possess a gooey sour middle. The bag is enchanted to refill every time it's emptied, so the pixie always has her favorite treat on hand. 
  • Item: Glamoured gown
    Description: This gown suits any event the pixie wants to attend. It can be short and airy for summer, extravagant for a night on the city, or simple and elegant for afternoon tea. The possibilities are endless!
  • Item: Enchanted cloak
    Description: Her cloak is enchanted to remain "comfortable" in all weather. This means its interior is cooler in summer, warmer in winter, and while the outside gets wets it will not soak through.
  • Item: Wooden prosthetic arm
    Description: Due to a tragic accident Niecie lost her left arm just below the elbow. In its place she has a prosthetic arm composed mostly of polished wood and bits of interlocking metal to act as joints. Enchantments are carved along the underside of the arm and fingers, which act almost like a nervous system in response to Niecie's thoughts. However, the magic isn't always perfect and can have moments of mishap where it doesn't respond appropriately. For complex situations, a 1d20 will be rolled. On a 1, or a fail, the arm will malfunction and the enchantments will need to be revisited. Between a 2-5, the arm will function, but it will be limited. Any other roll will result in the arm moving as intended.

    Her elbow still possesses all natural movement. The top of the forearm is covered in a metal plate to act as a small shield, and needs to be changed out whenever it has taken too much damage and becomes bent. Although enchanted, the metal joints need to remain well oiled to allow for smooth movement, otherwise it can get locked into place. She cannot cast spells from her prosthetic hand.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Glamour
    Description: Niecie's natural form of magic. Her specific type of glamour is illusion/mind based. She can cast spells to change her appearance on the fly, or create vivid distractions that can fool the senses. All prep based, of course. The higher the prep, the more believable the illusion. Her magic can also be used in ways to charm unsuspecting people rather harmlessly. A single prep spell might make someone pass a long glance at Niecie, where as a two or three prep spell might have them following after the pixie like a love sick puppy for a few minutes. Everything she says seems like a good idea, except for anything that would cause direct harm to them, such as "stab yourself".
  • Ability: Shapeshifting
    Description: Niecie can shift between her full size, and that of a foot tall creature. Being a foot tall allows her to squeeze into tight spaces, but means she's susceptible to being swatted out of the air like a fly. During combat RP, this can be done in either 1-2 preps, depending on the scenario.
  • Ability: Flight
    Description: Niecie can fly. Simple! She can't fly long distances at top speed. Her form of flight is similar to sprinting, best done in short bursts at top speed.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Multiple languages
    Description: Niecie is proficient in Common and Cornish, and prefers to speak in either language. She is mildly proficient in a few other languages, including French and German.
  • Ability: Sailing
    Description: Quite simple! Niecie's been on several ships, and has helped navigate one herself.
  • Ability: Performing
    Description: Niecie, over the years, has taught herself various dances and songs to sing. She is also gifted in playing wind instruments, such as the flute or ocarina. While she isn't a recognized bard in Etla, she can certainly entertain a group of people for some extra coin. In the past, she helped run a bard's guild.
  • Ability: Swordsmanship
    Description: Several years ago Niecie was taught how to use her rapier. After her initial lessons she branched out, finding herself a teacher to show her various methods of sword fighting. In the end, she settled on a rapier and cloak style.
  • Ability: Lockpicking/Trap-disarming
    Description: Typical rogue talents, Niecie's been taught how to make most locks open at will, and is also adept at disarming traps she's discovered.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional): Currently a WIP, so there's nothing to see just yet!~
Other pertinent info:

« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 09:40:56 PM by Skye »

Offline Skye

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Reply #1 on: December 12, 2017, 09:41:30 PM
Updated to clarify that she is immortal, and added limits to her daggers based on some feedback!

Offline Alhsom

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Reply #2 on: December 12, 2017, 09:52:13 PM
Having spoken to Skye, and given said previously mentioned feedback...

Approved. Moving this over to character sheets.

Welcome to Etla.