
Loraen [Main]

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on: January 15, 2017, 01:44:34 AM
A bit of backstory: Hi there. I'm Lor. I've been RPing for over 15 years on Furcadia and I've assisted in running The Golden Tether since 2007. Loraen was created and grown in that dream in 2005, but my experience in role playing stems back about six or seven more years. My origins were AIM chatroom RP. I've almost always RPed in a fantasy setting. I write in third person paragraphs, but I am also a chameleon RPer -- I'll give you what you give me and change my flow according to what's going on. I came to Etla by simply wandering in one day, and I have to admit it's been hard to stay away. The world-feel of the entire city just makes me want to play here, and the patrons and staff have been some of the most welcoming, fun RP partners I've had to date. I think RPing here between Guildereim (the island TGT is on) would be fun and interesting for everyone involved.

Furcadia Name: Loraen
Character Name: Loraen Cross
Aliases: Madame Cross, The Lioness of Guildereim (title acquired during the Drakorian siege), Mistress of secrets (Mikeayla), Domina (Hugo), Taneesta.
Species: Anthropomorphic lion
Subspecies/Race/Class: White lioness, as opposed to her tawny counterpart.
Age: Appears to be in her twenties. Bright, clear eyes, long, thick, healthy hair, firm, healthy body.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9" | 175 cm
Fur/Skin Color: Pale Goldenrod very light gold pigment with a gradient to cream toward her extremities (eye sockets, chest and belly, genitals and fingers as well as toes), with easily unnoticeable soft ivory markings on the brow, forearms and calves. Some are scars, some are natural coloration.
Hair Color/Style: Lower middle back length, natural loose spiral curls, thick, raven in color, pulling blues.
Eye Color: Beryl and light steel blue (darker or lighter, day depending). Internal epicanthic fold and fox-slanted almond uptilt. Reflective tapetum lucidum.
Markings/Scars: Four claw marks mar the right side of her head - Courtesy of Nyctophile. Two spanning vertically near shoulder blades - Courtesy of Isaac. Loraen's skin heals fairly well and most scars fade into the faintest of white lines. They are usually unnoticeable amidst her regular coloring and more often than not are mistaken for normal markings, however she is covered in them.
Appendages: All accounted for. One lovely leonine tail with a tufted tip. Sometimes it doesn't respect personal space.

Demeanor: Pleasant, if a bit reserved, Loraen is a woman who will more often than not let you do the talking. To strangers she is affable and reverent. This woman is more Priestess than Princess, she is as secretive as she is poised. Established in her life, Loraen is confident, strong, witty and bold. A religious devout of the Primes, the lioness has a functioning and healthy respect for the gods. Loraen seems to have lived in the world of men, not of women. She has autonomy and power. She is a woman of generosity, wealth, integrity, and education.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Profession: Taneesta of The Golden Tether.

Resistances: Magically speaking, Loraen has no resistances. She is as un-magical as you get. Physically, the lioness possesses the same wheelhouse of big cat prowess as her species is known for in the wild. An avid hunter and endured war-veteran, Loraen is resilient against mental manipulation, and her constitution allows her to persist in the face of starvation and torture. She rarely falls ill and attributes this to her faith in the Primes (and a wholesome diet of raw meat)
Weaknesses: Magic. Confronted with offensive magic, Loraen is rendered effectively helpless. She has a strong aversion to it for this reason and is generally untrusting of those who wield it openly.
Phobias: Wyrmmes, losing her mind or free will. Guildereim endured a Drakorian occupation in which Wyrmmes sought to take the island for their own. Loraen was largely a part of the rebellion that ended the war, and in this time, was faced with death, disease, insurmountable violence and starvation. Wyrmmes bring these memories back to her and she does not sit well within their company.

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): High

A halberd, shorter than she is tall, made of witchwood and lacquered deeply brown. Its axeheads have known bloodshed and the lioness wields the weapon as effortlessly as a staff.
The Saber - a weapon, in that it is a smaller frigate-style ship equipped with a handsome armament for its size. Loraen captains this ship.
- Armor - Plate and buckskin jodhpurs. Vambraces/wrist guards, garrote-styled high-collared chestpiece. Greaves and boots.
- Trinkets - a golden torc with two serpent-headed ends is nearly always resting about her neck.
- Artistically gifted. Loraen is a quick learner and has an aptitude for the entertaining arts.  She is decent with a violin, and even better with a piano. A lady by all regards, Loraen is also gifted with the art of conversation. Her company is rarely boring - equipped with an Olde World charm, Loraen can suss out a smile in pretty much anyone.
- Two-sided coin. Loraen has essentially lived two lives. She has lived in high society and low, and is easily able to slip between both guises.
- Coldreading - Loraen can read a room. Being as quiet as she often is, it's easy for the lioness to pick out the most minute of details in any given situation. For this she is generally equipped with more information than the average person. Training her intuition has been a result of this.
- Multi-lingual. Loraen in fluent in Common, High Common, Alemanish (German, if you prefer), and is at an intermediate level with Espallish (Spanish).
- Coat-charmer. Rumor has it the Taneesta was a former house slave. Her much younger days were filled with learning about soft touches and sleuthing. A warm embrace is just as easily keys off your belt loop and coin in her pocket. She rarely resorts to these antics, but goodness if it isn't surprising when she does.
Raven curls framed the lioness' countenance, casting dark shadows along her cheekbones and deepening the strong lines of her jaw, depriving all light from the contours of her gracile brow ridge, the sockets of her painted lids. In a word: conservative. Those moon pale eyes offered an elaboration on a woman tenured by the throes of slavery. When she spoke, the points of her sharpest teeth, usually hidden by more eloquent enunciation, became visible.  Her voice was  erudite, interesting; the voice of someone who straddled two cultures with a surety and style.  RPR ( (Taneesta of The Golden Tether)

Any other pertinent info: I've been coming here for a little over a year now and I've had an absolutely wonderful time RPing with the patrons and staff here. Loraen often visits as a foreign dignitary from Guildereim and it's always been a blast. I decided it was finally time to submit an application to hopefully play her in Etla in a more official capacity.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 05:09:55 PM by Loraen »


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Reply #1 on: January 15, 2017, 05:49:15 PM
Approved and moved! Welcome, Lorean. I'm glad you've found it cozy.