
A Nearly Formal Introduction

Fayola · 3858

Offline Fayola

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on: October 27, 2016, 08:48:07 PM
A note would arrive for Ameera, delivered by the courier service in town. The handwriting is very precise and easy to read, and the note signed with a firm, masculine signature.

Quote from: Jhaes Maksa

Dear Lady Nasrin,

I am writing in the hopes of making your acquaintance in the not too distant future. Mister Snowe, a mutual acquaintance, informed me of your great skill in envisioning and stocking the wonderful Conservatory located here in Eileadora. As I am a hobbyist Botanist myself, with a small collection, I had thought that it might be to our mutual benefit to discuss our shared interests.

I am a collector of orchids from the various tropical locations I have traveled to. In my own collection, I have the fragrant Encyclia tampensis, the often vigorous Cyrtopodium punctatum, and the rare Tolumnia bahamensis. I also keep several tropical fruiting plants in my hothouse, from a  Myrciaria jaboticaba , to a Garcinia mangostana, along with some smaller banana trees, papayas, and several different citrus trees.

Mister Snowe has informed me of your recent need for rest, so if you are unable to meet with me, I will understand. Congratulations on the new additions to your family.

I am vacationing on Etla Isle for the next month or so and look forward to your reply.


Jhaes Maksa

P.S. Please excuse the impropriety of a self introduction.

  • Jhaes wants to meet to talk shop after learning about Ameera from Draum.
  • Mentions his own collection, a whole lot of orchids native to the new world (Florida).
  • Mentions Jaboticaba, mangosteen, bananas, papayas, and citrus in his collection.
  • Congrats on the kids.

Offline Ameera Nasrin

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  • Alt Names: Aiko Sakura, Rhys Samarra
Reply #1 on: November 05, 2016, 09:00:14 PM
Lady Ameera has been quite distracted as of late; a new commission to deal with, gardening lessons with what few students she has, and caring for twin infants has left her a bit behind with her correspondence! So it was no surprise that once she had a quiet moment to go over such things she'd find a letter from an unknown person seeking her acquaintance. (A whole week later too! How embarrassing!) The femme would have a reply written for her and personally delivered by her maid, Mirabel. The middle-aged squirrel would linger long enough to determine if they were to send her back with a response before returning to the doe's household.

Quote from: Ameera Nasrin Sherazi
Dear Jhaes Maksa, ( @Fayola )

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I must apologize I had not come across your letter sooner, my last few weeks have felt like a blur. You wrote that you are acquainted with Baron Snowe and that he spoke of me with you? That was quite kind of him.

You sound to have a nice little collection going. I admit I have a special fondness for the cowhorn orchid (Cyrt) myself, although I have long since been unable to enjoy its lovely coloring, the fragrance and shape are quite lovely. I have a fairly vast collection of Orchids throughout the Conservatory, you should certainly stop by and see them. Although there are many very lovely orchids there, I would have to say that my favorites are from the dracula genus. They are quite intriguing to the touch although I do not think I have ever had the pleasure of ever seeing them before.

I would be happy to meet with you and discuss all manner of botany. Perhaps in the next week or so we might manage just that? I am often in the Conservatory three-four days a week for a few hours at a time. But should you wish for a more relaxed setting an afternoon tea at the Bakery or coffee at the Cafe would do nicely as well. Do let me know when is convenient for you.


Lady Ameera Nasrin Sherazi

Ps: You are forgiven, of course.

It would not be until after the letter was delivered that Ameera would wonder if Draum had told Jhaes that she is blind. If not then the comment about never having seen a flower that she tends to shall certainly sound odd!

    +Ame is a derp and didn't have the letter read to her until a week later.
    +She remarks on the collection mentioned and shares that among her own collection her favorite orchids are from the Dracula genus.
    +Ame invites Jhaes to come and discuss botany with her at the Conservatory, or to meet at the Bakery/Cafe instead.
    +She totally forgives him for his improper introduction because it's totally
@Draum's fault for not giving them a proper introduction. Yepyep![/list]

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