
Diana Barnett

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Diana Barnett

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on: February 03, 2017, 06:45:05 PM
A little about my previous experience: I think it's safe to say that my roleplaying experience is extensive. I've RPing on message boards, table top, video games, and of course Furcadia, for over a decade. It's totally my thing.

Why I'd like to join: It's high-quality dream with good people and players, a relatively large and active population, and in a setting and continuity that's right up my alley. Why wouldn't I want to join?

Furcadia Name: Diana Barnett
Character Name: Diana Barnett
Aliases: Huntress, Amazon, Di
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race/Class: N/A
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9''/1.75m
Fur/Skin Color: fair
Hair Color/Style: black, cut to about ear length and unstyled
Eye Color: Grey
Markings/Scars: cut across her lips, burn scar on her right cheek, numerous more on her body
Appendages: standard humanoid

Demeanor: calm, confident, quiet, focused, relaxed and friendly among those she likes
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Profession: General sellsword/gun for hire; bounty hunter and privateer have been previous professions of hers
Resistances: She's human.
Weaknesses: She's *human*.
Phobias: None, although she's got a fair share of perfectly rational fears.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Average
Wisdom (WIS): Average
Charisma (CHA): Average

- Longbow - A traditional, high-poundage war-bow design from her homeland that requires considerable strength and coordination to utilize, Diana has trained on this for most of her life, making her a formidable archer.
- Rapier - Di is not a master swordswoman, but she can hold her own in melee. This lengthy, thrust-centric sword, a trophy from an earlier adventure, is typically her weapon of choice for close-quarters combat.
- Others - She often carries a brace of flintlock pistols when she knows she's going into danger and is proficient in the usage of muskets, bladed weapons, staves, and other varieties of bow.
- Armor - When she bothers to wear armor at all, Diana keeps it as light and unobtrusive as possible, such as a gambeson. Outside of battle, she likes longcoats, capes, and black leather.
- Trinkets - N/A
- She's a human, with all the natural capabilities associated with garden-variety Homo sapiens
- Marksmanship - as previously mentioned, Diana is a trained, experienced archer and likewise is proficient with the usage of firearms
- Tracking - An experienced hunter, Di is quite good at tracking her prey of the four or two-legged variety.
- Stealth - She's sneaky.
Furcadia Description: Made of sterner stuff than most. Battle scars adorned the skin of this steely-eyed human woman whose life had been far from gentle. But where most would stumble and fall, she survived and thrived. At home in the shadows or on the battlefield, she was an accomplished warrior and huntress, her courage unquestionable and her determination unbreakable. In search of fortune and glory, she was set on enjoying life to the fullest as long as it would last. Physically imposing, she had been honed by a life of struggle. Outside of the fight, she carried herself with a calm confidence, possessing a wry sense of humor and laid-back kindness that her rough appearance may not have suggested at first glance.

Any other pertinent info:

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« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 12:23:47 AM by Diana Barnett »

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Reply #1 on: February 03, 2017, 07:26:23 PM
So a bog-standard, non-magical, completely mundane human? When can you start? Welcome to Etla!

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Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 07:28:45 PM
A mundane human! I'm already smitten. Welcome aboard.

Diana Barnett

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Reply #3 on: February 03, 2017, 07:32:17 PM
Ha! Yep. In fact, coming from and having lived in the Olde World most of her life, she has little knowledge of or experience with magic. Puts her in an interesting situation, plopping her into a place filled with magic.

And thanks! Good to be here!

Offline Tony

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Reply #4 on: February 03, 2017, 10:18:42 PM
A normal human you say? The hell is this sorcery!? Where's yer damn super powers, six breasts and divine tool kit?


Diana Barnett

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Reply #5 on: February 03, 2017, 10:38:08 PM
Forgot them at home!

And hi, Crow! Didn't know you came here! Good to see ya.