

Arinalca · 2678

Offline Arinalca

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on: January 25, 2018, 09:11:07 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: I used to play Furcadia, for about 9 years, though I've been away for nearly 5 years now. I was once a member of the Etla community, nearly a decade ago.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? I used to be a member, and I would like to come back to Etla as my first home when I return.
Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Arinalca
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): Hitokiri Eimin, Arin
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race: Asian
Age: 80
Apparent Age: Mid twenties
Gender: Male
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 110
Build: Slim, and muscular
Fur/Skin Color: Perpetually lightly tanned
Hair Color/Style: Black, and hanging straight to his shoulders
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Markings/Scars: His body is covered in scars, leaving the area below his elbows and kees unscarred, with an unscarred area in a wide V shape over his chest and torsoe; three scars on the back of his left hand running lengthwise, with the third hooking up over the nob on the side of his wrist; two scars on his face, one crossing diagonally from his hairline over his left forehead to his right jaw line, crossing the edge of his lips, and one vertically from his forehead down over his right cheek, crossing his right eye though not cutting into the eye or eyelid.
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Magic-Arcane/Mage
Profession: None, Currently
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Arin walks tall, dispite his short stature. Deep, vibrant blue eyes scan the area around him from underebon locks, suspicious of sudden movements; a habit drawn from a past of questionable morals and decisions. A katana hangs, tucked securely into his leather leather belt, over his left hip, green vines curling around the lacquered wood saya, with small sakura blossoms spread out along the length. A forest green leather tunic fits loosely over his torso, failing to hide his thin frame, with a pair of loose brown, leather trousers are tucked into black leather boots. A scar crossing from his hairline above his left eye to his jawline on his right cheek and crossing over the edge of his lips, with a second vertically crossing his right eye, though the blade that left the mark somehow managed to avoid cutting into even the eyelid.

Demeanor: Cheereful
Likes: Working with his hands; his swords; and now coffee
Dislikes: Unnecessary bloodshed; being helpless; rudeness
Phobias (if any): Nosocomephobia
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Judge)
Description: They are disciplined and believe that adhering to and enforcing laws and traditions is the most important thing. They will not generally go out of their way to help others but will intervene to stop crime.Example: Asimovian robots .
Cribnote: Follow the rules and don't get involved.

Strength (STR): Medium-High
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium-Low
Overall Evaluation: (70) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Ages slowly
Weaknesses: Squishy human body;

  • Weapon: Katana
    Description: Saya (Sheath): Appears to be simple wooden sheath following the elegantly curved shape of the blade. The saya is painted and lacquered black, with a high shine, and depicts green vines coiling down it's length with falling pink sakura blossoms scattered along it's length, with the occasional freed sakura blossom petal. The wood has been magically altered so that the grain pattern runs in four directions, with only an additional small augmentation to the wood it is now as hard as steel, and blocking with it has been known to throw up sparks.

    Katana: The hilt was wrapped with black silk cord, leaving small diamond shaped openings along it's length in a line on either side of the hilt, exposing the ray skin wrap beneith, his had been dyed green. The tsuba, or quillon or guard, is round with an etching of a lotus blossom encircling the blade. The habaki appears to be silver, or white gold, and the blade gives off a green sheen when the light hits it just right. The blade appears to be relatively simple, with no fuller having been hammered, or worse carved, from it. He maintains the blade meticulously so that it's always ready to be used. The blade was enchanted during the forging process to prevent almost all foreign magics from being able to affect it, meaning that, in most cases, only the spells placed on it during forging are the only spells that will affect it; and, to make it near indestructible, though these enchantment feeds off of it's wielder's own reserves of energy, to fuel the magic. A blow that would otherwise not damage the blade won't draw any energy, but something that could bend or warp the blade will draw energy relative to the blow to prevent the damage. The same goes for chipping or nicking the blade. The complications of the spells make it difficult to sever the magic, short of dropping the weapon. Too much damage to the blade could incapacitate the wielder, were he unable to sever the flow of magic. These wards do not alter the makeup of of the steel, allowing it to still conduct any element that would normally affect metal, such as heat, electricity, and cold. As an offensive weapon it offers no protection to the wielder, other than what would normally be afforded by a normal weapon.

    His swords were forged and enchanted by his own hand.
  • Weapon: Wakizashi
    Description: Very similar to the katana, both the saya and the sword, just a shorter version. These bear the same enchantments as  the says and the katana itself. He rarely carries both swords, and which one he carries depends on the situation.
  • Armor: Elven Chain Yukata
    Description: This appears to be a simple yukata, though the fabric in the plain white haori and hakama has been layered in such a way that they sandwich a suit of elven chain mail, cloth coveres the mail on both sides, though a layer of leather backs the mail between the mail and cloth against the skin. Until he can have the cloth mended it appears to be threadbare, and torn in a few places, revealing the mail beneath. He doesn't wear this much anymore. Very few enchantments are placed on this, one protects it from foreign magics, meaning that he can't cast a mending spell on them to repair them without expending an absorbinant amount of energy for such a simple spell. This sandwiching of the mail between layers of cloth and leather make it heavier than it would be otherwise, the obi must be tied tightly to hold it all together, and in place. [A spell cast to specifically damage the mail would need to be at least 3 preps long.]
  • Armor: Blue or red haori
    Description: These are two separate haori, intended to be worn with the yukata, and cannot be worn together. The blue yukata protects him from the cold, and ice, it also grants him a resistance to most frost, or cold spells [blockign the first two preps. The red haori grants him virtual immunity to fire, though the concussive force of an explosion will still wreak havoc on his body, as it would with any other human. Heat won't harm him, in most cases when wearing the red, though a swim in lava would still be a very stupid idea, and he would still burn to death. [These block two preps per spell, up to 5 preps a day.]
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item:
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Fire Magic
    Description: He has a natural affinity to fire magics, and uses an elven language to weave his fire spells together.
  • Ability: Mind Magic
    Description: During his training he chose to work with a second dicipline. This allows him to communicate with those he doesn't share a common language with, possibly move objects around, mend damaged items,or several other possibilities. He rarely uses this magic in combat, and chooses to focus on fire magic in such times.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Martial prowess
    Description: Arin is skilled with many weapons, and unarmed combat. He's never helpless in a fight, so long as he has his hands and feet. Otherwise, he might be in trouble. He was also taught to augment his own physical abilities with magical energy to make him stronger, faster, and tougher. Using this same augmentation he can anchor himself to the ground, or even create small platforms of energy to walk across open spaces.
  • Ability: Magic
    Description: Arin was trained with the use of magic just like he was with swords. His constant exposure to elven magics during his youth modified his body, and made him age slower, so he was trained for about 35 years in both magic and combat. Six hours a day in each. He casts almost all of his spells exclusively in Elven, and the ones he doesn't use Elven for he casts silently. He doesn't know very much about mending a body, but he can magically probe to find breaks in bones.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:

« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 01:29:42 PM by Arinalca »

Offline Zehera

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Reply #1 on: February 01, 2018, 09:34:52 PM

Offline Arinalca

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Reply #2 on: February 01, 2018, 10:35:23 PM
Woohoo!  ;D ;D ;D