
Kaz Nivek

Kaz Nivek · 3948

Offline Kaz Nivek

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on: July 09, 2016, 12:50:37 AM
A little about my previous experience: RPed with this Character on Furcadia from 1997 till 2002, just came back.

Why I'd like to join: Miss RP, and it seems endangered and rare to find.

Furcadia Name: Kaz Nivek
Character Name: Kaz Nivek
Species: Feline?
Subspecies/Race/Class: Fleshmancer?
Age: Old
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Fur/Skin Color: Black
Hair Color/Style: Red or Black, well kept shoulder length
Eye Color: Green with a tint of a glow
Markings/Scars: Whiskers missing on the left side of his face. Paws are all overly large.

Demeanor: Observant and kept to himself
Alignment: Evil chaotic
Profession: Flesh Crafter and Flesh Collector
Weaknesses: Intense vibrations or high frequencies
Phobias: Lack of food

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX):Middle
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT):High
Wisdom (WIS)  Middle
Charisma (CHA): Usally Low

- Weapon - Smooth black staff spiraled about itself with six coils, the coming to six barbed tips

- Armor - Robes
- Trinkets - Large Sack made of black feline skin and fur
- Ability - Healing increased well eating fresh meats
- Ability - Eternally Hungry
- Ability - Sharp senses
- Ability - Fleshmancer
- Ability - Flesh Crafting
- Ability - Patience
The real Kaz Nivek! Dressed in simple black robes, paws shown slightly underneath, lifted just enough to keep the hems out of the mud. Walking with an odd staff that appears to be smooth black stone spiraled about itself with six coils, the top coming to six barbed tips. His fur is very well kept and tidy, aside from his whiskers being missing on the left side. Eyes glowing pale within his hood. On his side is a large sack, seeming to be made of black feline skin.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 12:38:55 AM by Takurasho »


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Reply #1 on: July 18, 2016, 12:33:00 AM
Hello there Kaz! Welcome back to Furc, hope you're enjoying Etla. I'm just going to clarify a few things in your application before the team gives you a green light. Your stats are a mite imbalanced, they suggest Kaz is both extremely physically strong (STR), capable of being dealt a great degree of damage (CONST), and also high highly resistant to magics + capable of powerful magics (WIS) (INT). Could you elaborate on these just a little more for us please, as well as his abilities? What degree of fleshmancing can he cast, and do you use preps or something similar for his abilities?

Offline Kaz Nivek

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Reply #2 on: July 20, 2016, 10:52:56 PM
His to magic resistance isn't much, its that he is smart and creative and has knowledge about many things.
His flesh skills are his everything, that's his focus and everything about life, does take prepping in combat or in IC settings where he is using it to perform something, like change something or himself. To heal faster he eats fresh meat, preferable alive, he has been seen IC several times eating live animals he collects from the forest and also has had a IC person aside himself collecting him prey. IT is also what he needs to perform any flesh crafting or fleshmancing. without flesh would drain himself dry, he physically uses himself to do it. If he aint fed, would suck him dry till he looked like an anorexic person, then would go need to fed more. If its something big like changing his form he gorges for days, or to do something to someone else he will gorge for days or experiment on them in smaller amounts for days. Fire burns him just like a normal critter. Same as any other element, but if he has fed well, drowning would not be a problem to grow his own gills. Fire resistance would be a need to grow scales over several turns, by then damage would be done, so he would need prepare himself in advance, or not be burned before ready. He can remove and reattach his tail and use it as his staff anytime he needs to though. It can also be used with a turns prep as part of his flesh crafting and separated into a group of six barbed tentacles, to use for injection or poisoning in flesh not staff form. well its on him he keeps it covered in fur, hiding the barbs in tail tuft. In some forms he may be much weaker but faster like something lean an fast, most time he keeps his strength do to the size he keeps himself at physically to keep stored material for his ability uses. He could raise the dead if recently dead, but will not work with dead rotten things, and is appalled by necromancy and the like, his complete opposite. Can heal, regenerate, improve as he would say, on other furres over several preps or days dependent on their needs or desires. Right now he has limited shape shifting abilities cause he has not eaten any furres in about 15 or so years ICly. Only other magics he ever uses are very basic of a handful, except he can open a pocket dimension at will to his own realm where he can store large amounts of flesh, kind of a home and extra stomach, unfortiounatly he has currently misplaced the dimension and does not know how to find it. He does have a knack and skill did not note with crystal objects due to his IC past and high use of them. an OOC not, inside his chest is a two foot child like crystal skeleton which houses his essences and different minds and souls of them he has eaten whole and merged with, thus his weakness to sonic or high vibration things. He keeps at all times with him several crystal roses which he grows, ICly Tillius presently has one he has given him to do with as he wishes. Kaz can use them to stuff into the chest of a dying being and attempt to draw out the life essenses/soul to later feed on or revive them if he has a new body to put them in or theirs has been brought back. Not sure if Tillius has ICly figured out how it works yet though. Does not work to kill someone with and do it, they need already be at the door of death knocking. He often speaks in terms of Us and we due to the different minds trying speak up together inside him, has horrible habit of sniffing and staring at people. Think rambled enough, anything else, or something completely missed? OOCly he is not a feline, his a slick smooth four armed critter with a tentacle tail and four arms, its why his hand paws are so large, two hands inside them and thus why he seems so much stronger, strength of two arms, no one IC has seen him with his feline flesh suit off though.

Offline Kaz Nivek

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Reply #3 on: July 20, 2016, 11:50:29 PM
Try this again @Takurasho

No special resistance to magics.

He is just smart, creative, and has a lot of knowledge on wisdom and intelligence.

High constitution from high healing.

Fleshmancing and flesh crafting goes from everything from healing to bringing life back to recent dead.

Can shape shift a small degree right now, has not ICly ate anyone in some time.

His staff his his tail and can be reattached or removed any time. with prep can be turned into whip or separated into its six barbed tentacle's.

His ability's depend fully on what and how much he has been recently eating.

Strength is mostly due to having four arms hidden inside his feline flesh suit, It is why his paws are so large.
Has a knack with using crystal items and technology.

He has a two foot tall skeleton inside his chest mingled within his organs that's made out of red crystal and houses his essenses and souls of them he has eaten or merged with, thus weakness to sonic or high vibration.

He carrys crystal roses he grows that can be used to extract the essenses/ souls of near death creatures, not dead or healthy ones. ICly Tillius currently has one of the roses trying figure it out.

Immune to organic things like poisons, toxins, dieses, sickness, acid, and aging.

Flesh is flesh unless he has altered himself recently or done so through preps ICly.

Think that rounds down a lil better maybe.... hmmmm


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Reply #4 on: August 02, 2016, 12:38:30 AM
Approved by the team! Thank you for elaborating.

Offline Kaz Nivek

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Reply #5 on: August 02, 2016, 01:23:26 AM
Kaz Nivek salutes and offers jellybeans to all!