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on: April 30, 2016, 10:23:59 PM
A little about my previous experience:
I'm a roleplayer of about fifteen years. The medium of roleplaying I am most common with is through chat/IM, but as of late I have taken to e-mail and PMs on boards for convenience. I am a third person/novella roleplayer.
Why I'd like to join:
The OOC here has been friendly and I like the feel/set up of the continuity. It's obvious there are things going on here and things I'd like to be involved in!

Furcadia Name: Caliburn
Character Name: Caliburn
Aliases: None!
Species: Draconian
Subspecies/Race/Class: Draconians are a type of dragon that have a human-like form.
Age: 25 in appearance, around 250 in reality. (This is about 1/4th through her lifespan.)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Fur/Skin Color: Silver skin covered by blue scales.
Hair Color/Style: Blond, with a fringe and long hair.
Eye Color: Green.
Markings/Scars: None.
Appendages: A long tail with spikes, the same spikes that go down along her back and also decorate her shoulders, chest, and eyebrows. She has large wings as well.
Demeanor: Confident, solemn, determined.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Profession: None, previously a princess that acted as a knight.
Resistances: As a dragon from a colder climate, Caliburn has a resistance to colder temperatures. She also has a high magic resistance due to her bloodline and being raised around wizards and mages.
Weaknesses: Her pride and stubborness. Caliburn would have to be near death to consider even using her wings to flee from danger, and thus never uses them to even fly. She is also quick to judge others on what she believes to be a correct set of guidelines and morals (lawful good), and this makes it hard for her to make friends. It's easy to manipulate her based on her personality, and the fact she carries quite a bit of guilt with her.
Phobias: Not so much of a phobia as much of an intense dislike, Caliburn has reason to dislike magic users and thieves and would prefer to outright avoid them if helped.
Strength (STR): Med
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Low
Wisdom (WIS): Med
Charisma (CHA): Med
- Her claws! - Caliburn carries no weapons with her and will use her claws to attack if need be. She does have the aptitude to learn swordplay but hasn't.
- Scales - The scales that cover Caliburn's body are tough and extremely hard to get by. The flesh that is exposed is about three times as resistant as a human's.
- High magic resistance - Caliburn has a high magic resistance due to growing up around magic users and her draconian bloodline.
- Quick energy regeneration - Her personal energy is quickly regenerated within herself and is used to passively heal her, to the point that she could heal a near fatal wound if given time to heal and being left alone. This energy can also be changed into magical energy.
- Feral form - Her dragon form is the same as her "human" form, but simply amplified. Due to pride and the fact her people viewed it as weakness to use it, Caliburn has yet to even revert to this form once.
- Amplifying strength - Caliburn uses her energy and converts it into her wind element to boost her speed, strength, and defense when fighting.
- Illusionary magic - Caliburn knows a few illusionary spells if she needs to be able to run away or hide. This is also how she hides her treasure when traveling.
Victorious; noble and regal, the indigotic draconian moves with purpose. A unique mixture of human and dragon, only the gold-framed flesh down her mid-section and a young face show weakness. Scales cover the rest of her, spikes adorning shoulders and spine to the tip of her tail. A large, folded wing-span enables easy flight, but isn't utilized. Despite a proud demeanor, feminine green eyes enclosed by blond tresses will infrequently hint at uncertainty. The remaining monarch of a self-destroyed people, the draconian wishes to learn more about the outside world she was so ignorant of. (
Any other pertinent info:
Caliburn is from an extremely old civilization that no longer exists, but they excelled in magical and political studies.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 04:00:44 AM by Takurasho »


  • Guest
Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 06:06:16 PM
Roleplaying with you is different but very pleasant. I hope to see our characters connect more!



  • Guest
Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 11:14:59 PM
Looks excellent, though we'd appreciate more distinctive parameters on her healing than "if given time to heal and left alone", about how quickly does she heal from something fatal?


  • Guest
Reply #3 on: May 08, 2016, 07:47:46 AM
Totally valid question! A near fatal wound would take about a week of dedicated, non-interrupted rest for her to entirely cover to 100%. Any fighting or a lot of movement would slow it down.


  • Guest
Reply #4 on: May 09, 2016, 04:00:02 AM
Very nice! Thanks for clarifying, and again, welcome to Etla.