
Infirmary Payment Guidelines

Amena · 3913

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on: June 03, 2016, 02:07:23 PM
Infirmary Payment System

The infirmary thrives based on patients that are seen, funds donated, and Ania's personal funds. Because of this, healer's make most of their money based on the patients they see. Costs in the infirmary can be high for this reason. Apprentices will make a sum based on any patients they see, but it will be a lesser payment since someone will be overseeing their patient treatments.

Healers and Medics have free reign to charge based on the work they do, the difficulty of the injury/illness, or the difficulty of the patient. They are also required to charge for any supplies they used. Supply charges go straight to the infirmary for restocking purposes, labor fees are for the healers to keep.

Supplies have fixed prices that Ania dictates based on where they come from. These prices will always be documented in her inventory book, it will note the base cost and the chargeable cost. If herbs are gathered by the healers themselves, they won't be as expensive as some herbs that need to be ordered and delivered. If herbs are received from a herbalist, the prices are dictated by that herbalist's pricing. Pricing will be slightly higher than the initial cost so the infirmary can have added income for additional supplies.

Supplies include anything that would be used on a patient: herbs, bandages, medicine, etc.

Patients that stay the night, or for several nights, will be charged extra for their stay, the charges will include any meal costs, the laundering or replacement of sheets, clothing and the like, and additional labor for the healer that is staying to keep an eye on them.

If a patient is in need of food when they come into the infirmary, the cost of it will be applied to their bill.

Healers dictate their own labor costs which will be the amount they keep. They are required to include charges for supplies, overnight stays, and food. All prices for supplies are in the inventory book. Healers are made aware that they can charge what they deem appropriate for overnight stays and meal costs depending on their checking in on the patient and if they are getting meal items that aren't the typical soup and bread rations the infirmary always has on hand.

Medics dictate their own labor costs which will be the amount they will keep. They are required to include charges for supplies, overnight stays, and food. All prices for supplies are in the inventory book. Medics are made aware that they can charge what they deem appropriate for overnight stays and meal costs depending on their checking in on the patient and if they are getting meal items that aren't the typical soup and bread rations the infirmary always has on hand. Medics are expected to charge less for their labor costs than a highly trained healer.

Apprentices are not permitted to treat a patient without supervision unless they are far enough in their training and given verbal permission from a healer in charge. Emergency situations are always taken into consideration. An apprentice learns how to charge for their care from the healer overseeing them. The healer overseeing them sets the price for their assistance and the apprentice's labor. The healer splits the payment and decides how they want to split the payment. Cost of supplies is required to be charged and given to the infirmary.

The payment system:
As previously noted, patients will be charged based on the healer they are seeing. Because of this, there aren't fixed prices, except for the prices of supplies. If a patient can not pay, or can only pay a partial amount, it is up to the individual healer to dictate if they will see the patient or work out a payment plan.
  • If a patient is seeing Ania, she may give the option of trading services for medical care. Examples:
    • Someone guards the infirmary or physically protects a healer, they will either get discounted or free care.
    • Someone builds a needed item for the infirmary or helps with repairs.
  • Orphans or those who are not well off can trade services by cleaning or running errands, but the majority of their costs tend to come out of the donation fund.

Deals with guilds/establishments
Ania has made previous deals with specific guilds or establishments so they can be billed accordingly. These vary depending on the agreement reached with the establishment. (This can be RPed out with me, or I can be messaged here or on Discord to work something out. Or you can post below to make note that your guild has a deal with the infirmary.)

Healers will still charge what they deem necessary, deals are meant to help healers and patients, not exclusively to give discounts unless that establishment makes donations to the infirmary.

Donations can come to the infirmary to help with the cost of supplies and upkeep, or with the cost of patients that do not have the means to pay. Ania will not turn a patient away, but she doesn't want the infirmary to go broke and shut down, either.

Donations can be made specifically for apprentices, these funds go towards the teaching and supplies for apprentices. Depending on the amount given, it can also cover food costs and sleeping arrangements.

Patrons who make donations are given special care, often without their knowledge, such as discounted pricing. This only applies if Ania is their healer and if the donation was not anonymous.

Ania tends to charge a lesser amount to guards, seeing as they have a direct line to the infirmary and are prone to get hurt. This only applies if Ania is their healer, and so long as they aren't super rude to her!

The wealthy
As Master Healer, Ania takes care of a majority of the wealthy, council members, and the reigning hierarchy. Other healers and medics can, of course, treat the same patients, but typically the wealthy get to choose who they want to treat them. They get some special treatment. The wealthy are charged more because they can afford it, but they aren't charged so much that they would think they're being taken advantage of.

The middle class
The middle class is charged accordingly, prices for care can be steep, but not so much that they'll starve that night. If they simply can't make payments, they are expected to make a trade or payment plan.

The poor
Still expected to pay in some way, the poor tend to worry about infirmary costs more than anyone else. They are the ones that are typically given other options to pay back the healer and infirmary for their care. Such as exchanging care for services, or donating time to the infirmary to pay off their care via labor. The young that have no means to do such things are treated regardless, a good majority of donations go to their care. They can, and have, still offer to do small, menial tasks for the infirmary if they want to pay off their debt. Healers will typically accept any work they are capable of, but will still use donated funds since it would take a really long time for their care to be paid off.

Injuries due to crime
If the person at fault for injuring the patient is not held responsible for costs, the patient is responsible for taking care of them. Donations can be used for those unable to pay, but as of now, there is no specific donation fund towards injuries due to criminal activities. The treating healer can deduct their own labor costs as they see fit, but costs of supplies must be covered by someone or by donations.

Ania gives all healers permission to charge extra if a patient is unruly, difficult in any way, or excessively rude to a healer.

OOC Notes:
Did I miss something? Send me a note, comment here, whichever! I've had a system in place for a long time but never wrote it out. It has been ICly discussed with other healers, but I hope this helps explain a lot of the ways the infirmary's financial system works. There are a lot of misconceptions regarding it so hopefully, this clears it up! I may have missed a few things, so this will be subject to edits. If any other healers have feedback, I'll add on accordingly.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 01:44:51 PM by Amena »