
Ourania aka Ania (Alt)

Amena · 3187

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on: May 23, 2015, 01:12:16 PM
Full Name: Ourania Eibhlin Kosar *Ourania goes by Ania
Aliases:  Ania, Ani, and at one time Rani
Hair: White
Fur/Skin: White
Eyes: Purple
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 115
Species: Snow Leopard
Race: ~
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Healer
Resistances: None that she's aware of but she doesn't get sick all that much
Weaknesses: When overly stressed she gets debilitating migraines that can get so bad she’ll pass out. At one time these could make her lose up to an hour worth of memory, but this seems to be in remission. Minor OCD, she stresses over messes, and keeps herself clean. She enjoys getting dirty and bloody when she works, but everything needs to be cleaned up and disinfected afterwards. Workaholic.
Phobias: Amnesia

Strength - Low
Constitution - Medium
Dexterity - Medium
Agility - Low
Intelligence - High
Wisdom - High

Fortitude - Low
Reflex - Medium
Will - High

- Dagger
- Paring knife
- Armor - None
- Trinkets – Wears a necklace with a ring strung through hidden beneath clothing. 
- Flight – Not especially skilled or well practiced, but can manage and make it look graceful if there are no trees nearby
- Feline – And the things that come with it
- Ability to heal magically – Using water, Ania is able to coax a body to heal faster. This will not completely heal the body, but will heal it enough so life threatening injuries are no longer life threatening (unless the patient runs out and overexerts themselves and that particular area). This can only be used on physical wounds and breaks, and she will only use it if necessary as it is very draining on her, and it can only be used so many times per day since it is so draining.
- Healing with herbs – Well versed in plant life and herbs that heal. She is always documenting plants and creating teas, tinctures, and practically anything that can be made with herbs (even shampoos and soaps).
- Anatomy – She has a morbid fascination with anatomy and how the body works. She would never kill someone, but she has asked for any unclaimed deceased to cut open and poke around at their insides. Ania keeps a book detailing several species anatomy, and uses this to help in the healing process.
The short, winged femme kept herself tidy and up to date with fashionable dresses. Pristine fur was smooth and had no markings. Hair was just as white, and nearly trailed to knees. Most days, it was kept twisted atop her skull, tendrils coiling in front of her face. Her face held onto most of her youth, but deep purple eyes carry the weight of heartache. Fur around eyes jutted in odd directions, burying old scars. If one looked close enough, they could make out the outline of a star around the left eye, and a crescent moon around the right. A healer by trade, she carries a satchel with insignia to show her profession. Large wings fold against her back. Sometimes accompanied by a white noot; Ava.

Any other pertinent info:
Ania is secretive about herself, almost to the point of seeming paranoid. She only gives out her real name to those she trusts. She also suffered a five year memory loss a long time ago, and can not remember to this day exactly what happened during that time. She has had small flashes here and there when someone from that time was involved in her life, but now that that chapter is closed, she tries to put it in her past. She is afraid something like this can happen again, and knows that her migraines that can cause memory loss are a consequence of blunt head trauma that she can't quite remember. Because of these fears she practically works non stop, always documenting in journals, rewriting old journals, and keeping up to date with any new medical advances. This has kept her memory sharp, and along with some self medicating, it has been years since she's had memory issues. Ania is fairly weak physically, and carries scars on her face that are a consistent reminder that the healer is pretty easy to beat on. She puts up a tough front, especially while on the job. She's had far too many patients that think they know best, and she's not above yelling at a patient and telling them how badly they can suffer if they don't do what she says.