

Belial · 1955

Offline Belial

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on: August 26, 2017, 08:06:09 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Belial
Character Name (if different):
Species: Humanoid Hybrid
Subspecies/Race: Appears as a demon, actually more akin to a construct; likely a nephilim
Age: Reportedly thousands of years old
Apparent Age: Indeterminate, but not without wrinkles and hoarseness in his voice at times
Gender: Male
Height: Variable: Usually 7'2
Weight: Variable: Usually upper 300's
Build: Impossibly Muscular
Fur/Skin Color: Gray thick, hide-like skin
Hair Color/Style: White, kept long and somehow straight
Eye Color: Red
Markings/Scars: Many along his chest, oddly near supposedly vital organs
Appendages: Horns, scorpion tail, multiple wings
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Mercenary
Profession: Assassin, Mercenary, Champion, Noble, Lord
Appearance (Furcadia Description):

Demeanor: Paranoid, Grumpy, Temperamental, Hostile, Snide, Cruel, Petty, Arrogant, Fatalistic, Defiant, Relentless, Cunning, Brutal, Ambitious, Cynical, Wise
Likes: Himself, treasure, his children, seduction, killing, raw meat, sleeping
Dislikes: Small talk, pussyfooting around, unworthy arrogance, gods, demigods, religion, societal norms, clothing
Phobias (if any): Apparently none
Alignment: Neutral Evil (Malefactor)
Description: A purely selfish type, with no concern for other people or the law, but without as much lust for killing as Chaotic Evil characters. Example: Case (from Neuromancer by William Gibson).
Cribnote: Society's rules don't pertain to me, but I'm no criminal.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Low
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): Low
Overall Evaluation: Overall Stat Evaluation: (63) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Magical immunity, Immortal, Resistant to poisons, cannot drown
Weaknesses: Magical immunity (Were there ever a situation where magic was needed to save him such as teleporting him out of an explosion or an injury too grevious to heal he couldn't receive magical assistance. This also sometimes applies to magical artifacts.)

  • Weapon: Andlang, "The Second Heaven".
    Description: Indestructible, the blade was forged by a dragon, Heimdall and is long enough to require two hands for many, but merely one for him. The blade was made with much of his essence and thus, it's anti-magical properties are quite useful when combined with it's indestructible nature it can hit nearly any supernatural on any plane.
  • Weapon: Katars
    Description: Both katars are capable of penetrating thick armor, often to the surprise of westerners unfamiliar with the weapon
  • Armor: Bladed armor
    Description: Bladed armor Not often worn, but when worn, he rarely wears the full suit which covers his body in a rather thin armor that doesn't hinder motion. The blades are often curved and near shins, forearms, shoulders, front or back torso, all of which is dependent on his choice for the occasion. Some suits are enhanced with iron or silver edges, but he favors steel.
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Magical Artifacts
    Description: He possesses a wide array of magical artifacts he's collected over the years, unfortunately he's unable to harness them to their greatest potential. Artifacts include the spirits of dragons trapped by Makayia in stones, teleportation orbs and portals to altered realities in his castle.
  • Item: Chain Necklace
    Description: He always wears a chain around his neck with the remains of his family decorating it in the form of claws, scales, fangs and bones. He believes it empowers him despite knowing his anti-magical properties.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Scorpion Tail
    Description: His tail can provide either a paralytic agent aimed to non-lethally knock out even the hardiest of supernatural creatures or a lethal injection aimed to kill those with lesser fortitude in twenty-four hours and those with such endurance to suffer for roughly two-weeks in agony beyond comprehension. It is rumored he possesses an antidote for both variations.
  • Ability: Perfect Body
    Description: His flesh rarely scars, regenerates and doesn't break to lesser weapons, he's entirely unaffected by any direct magical spell cast at him, he heals quickly especially more when devouring the blood and flesh of others. He's also capable of shedding and regrowing his various appendages at will, but not without the expected discomfort. His anti-magic properties extend to his tail, horns, claws and teeth and thus, when inflicting a blow on others he temporarily nullifies any magical healing or safeguards, meaning one rarely heals in seconds from an attack from him. Many of his senses are also heightened, some almost to a fault. His body also is perfect in the sense he can fight for prolonged periods without tiring, perhaps due to his regenerative powers eliminating any fatigue-producing chemicals in his body, as well as display an astonishing amount of overall physical ability whether it be his surprising speed, impossible endurance, or legendary strength. Whether it be due to what little remnants of his mother still linger in him or something else, he cannot die via drowning or asphyxiation.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Languages
    Description: His mastery over an array of languages borders near savant-levels of ridiculousness. He can read nearly any common language spoken by the human tongues and speak nearly all of them. His true skill relies in his knowledge of supernatural people's languages such as, but not limited to: Abyssal, Celestial, Dwarven, Elvish, Infernal, Undercommon, Draconic and much more.
  • Ability: Jack of all Trades & Weaponskills
    Description: While not as masterful as others with useful skills such as smithing, he's relatively well versed in various areas such as wilderness survival, strategy, maintaining weapons and armor, minor feats of alchemy and others.

    He's extremely well versed in nearly every melee weapon and shield of all sizes and although capable of using ranged weapons he rarely carries any on him.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info: I've roleplayed this character consistently since 2005 in various incarnations of Eileadora along with other Imag dreams. This is a well experienced character well developed over many years and capable of exuding a great deal of power over a scene. I do not, however seek to hijack roleplays and kill everyone in sight or provide solutions for all scenarios. He is strong and while I don't seek out combat as often anymore, this character is not meant to be beaten one-on-one by a normal mundane. This is mostly a repost from old forums.

EDITS: I'm dumb about stats and stats are dumb.
EDITS2: Better explained, fixed typos,
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 03:31:02 PM by Belial »