
(Alt) Lagoy

Ganol · 3207

Offline Ganol

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on: January 02, 2018, 07:12:09 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Lagoy
Character Name (if different):
Species: Furre/Canine/Wolf
Age: unknown
Apparent Age: around 30
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 lbs
Build: Slim..but on the toned side
Fur/Skin Color: black with gray stripes
Hair Color/Style: mix of black and gray
Eye Color: mix of black and blue
Markings/Scars: His torso and thighs are riddled of scars.  He has been bitten many times by the dagger/sword
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Magic-Elemental
Secondary Class (optional):
Profession: None yet
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Lagoy had jet black fur, striped with gray. Swirls of blue could be seen in mostly dark orbs.  This was a change from the complete back form he had before.  He found a new way to sustain his magic and form, which caused physical changes.  His voice was deep, with slight echo effect with every word.  He still carried his long bone staff, carved with images of flame.  A frown was usually on his lips..but it now it was not rare for him to show a smirk, or give a chuckle.  A dark aura would glow constantly around him..the air around him just a bit cooler than his surroundings.

Demeanor: thoughtful, and a bit distant
Likes: flute playing, magic, drinking
Dislikes: the unpredictable, crowds...HATES crows
Phobias (if any): Not really a phobia...but will avoid large crowds of furres
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Free Spirit)
Description: A strange and very rare alignment. Chaotic neutral characters are very unpredictable individualists, being governed by whatever they feel like doing at the moment. Example: Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes).
Cribnote: I do what I feel like at the time.

Strength (STR): Medium-Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Low
Overall Evaluation: (61) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: does not age, undead, commands fire easily, can dissipate anger, not affected by poison
Weaknesses: needs anger for full strength, fairly defenseless against flame resistance objects, bad at socializing and convincing others

  • Weapon: Long (6 ft) bone staff
    Description: A bone staff said to be made from dragon bone.  Helps concentrate and control his magical abilities.
  • Weapon: Dagger on left side of belt
    Description: It's a dagger.  It cuts the things.
  • Armor: Red silk robe and red silk pants
    Description: Not really armor, just what he wears.
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item:
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Anger Feeding
    Description: Lagoy can lay a paw upon a living creature that is currently feeling high anger, and dissipate it quickly...transferring the negative energy to himself, and his magical aura. This is how he sustains his own form.
  • Ability:
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Fire manipulation
    Description: Lagoy has focused an tuned his skills on fire to the point that it takes little concentration to manipulate it. He can make fire orbs, spheres, flows, and other projectiles quite effortlessly.
  • Ability: Water Manipulation
    Description: He has secondary abilities with water. He is able to produces orbs and manipulate the shape of water quite easily. However, freezing it and making a dangerous projectile takes more concentration (1-2 posts, depending on the size). It is not his preferred way to defend himself. But an option if need be.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info: He's he's never cold.   However, his body is cold to the touch.

Offline Luctus

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Reply #1 on: January 03, 2018, 03:18:08 AM
Hey there. It was brought to my attention that your character is listed as being undead but does not appear to have the weaknesses thereof. Would you be willing to amend that?

Offline Ganol

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Reply #2 on: April 10, 2018, 04:42:18 PM
wow, sorry.  Totally missed your reply.

Lagoy feeds off anger.  He did almost die (die again?)  in the dream when he fell in love, and his anger went way down.   Gibbit found a way for him to feed on others anger....but he needs it constantly stay alive.   And if he has too much...he loses control.

I consider it a weakeness.  But if you are looking for something more direct like "silver" or "sunlight"....I can maybe think of something.

So sorry I didn't see this reply.  I haven't been alt very much until recently.