

Guest · 2693


  • Guest
on: December 23, 2015, 01:20:16 AM
A little about my previous experience: I’ve roleplayed in Furcadia for four years. I really enjoy rping and always try to put my best into my posts. I have gone through several different dreams with several different characters and each one has been a blast to rp with.

Why I'd like to join: Can’t remember my alts name but I used to rp in Etla Isle back in the day and it was fun. The people were friendly and still are! All the different plots sound interesting and fun and I feel like this place leaves the imagination open to several things. I like a place that lets a person do their own plots and story lines, and it's nice to meet new people.

Full Name: Ruban
Aliases: Ru
Hair: Straight black and falls to middle back
Fur/Skin: Pale Caucasian
Eyes: Dark blue when satisfied, starts to fade to light blue then pink when thirsty, turns red when thirst becomes to much.
Height: 6’2
Weight: Around 170
Species: Human
Race: Vampire
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Past Profession: Cook, Guard, Medic
Current Profession: None but looking
Resistances: Cold, poison

‣Sunlight : He can go out in the sun but only for a short amount of time.
‣Holy Magick : If someone wears a magic holy trinket or carries an item with holy magic Ruban won’t be able to touch that person, but they can touch him and he will get burned.
‣Werewolf Bite : This is fatal, if not treated right he can die.
‣Silver : It'll burn his skin if it comes into contact with it.

Phobias: Fire, being left out in the sun, going on a blood thirsty rampage 

Strength - Medium
Constitution – Medium
Dexterity - Medium
Agility - Medium
Intelligence - Low
Wisdom - Medium

Fortitude - Medium
Reflex - High
Will – Low

- Weapon – Long bow and arrows
- Weapon – Double edged sword

- Armor - None
- Trinkets - None

‣Enhanced strength, hearing, smell, and speed. All listed are 2x that of a regular person.
‣Change : Able to bite and inject someone, turning them into a vampire.
‣Illusions : Ability to make objects that are wrongly perceived and/or interrupted by the senses.

- Stealth –
- Weapons – How to use a sword and arrows

> The man is tall and proud standing at 6'2 with long dark hair falling in curtains around his narrow face.  Walking with grace and fortitude, an athletic build, he looks like a man who holds himself together well. Pale skin and bright sky blue eyes that fade to stone grey with flecks of red, at times, stand out on this man's face. His attire is usually simple a loose tunic, pants, sturdy boots, and a belt with a pouch tied firmly on it along with a double edged short sword.

Any other pertinent info: It’s been a while since I’ve have to fill out a sheet like this so if I need to change anything let  me know. :)