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on: January 27, 2017, 03:50:37 PM
Tillius' own Sister Superior, Sister Charlotte, a middle-aged, burly bovine woman, would be dispatched to the Fighter's Guild with haste. Tillius had received a letter from the Guild Mistress of the Fighter's Guild, and after some correspondence with those he trusted, and those who oversee the City's defense and uphold the Legal Code, the Cleric had come to the conclusion that a grave mistake was about to be made.

Sister Charlotte would be absolutely certain to deliver the message directly to the Head of the Fighter's Guild ( @Epitome ) and nobody else. In fact, the muscle the bovine held back when dealing with the other nuns could be put on display if member's of the Guild sought to obstruct her. The woman bore a direct letter, complete with the Mark of the Cathedral, and signed by Tillius directly, that she was on business directly from the High Cleric, and on behalf of the Council of Eileadora.

When the message was delivered, hopefully without issue, it read:

Quote from: High Cleric of Eileadora - Warrior Priest of Etla

Guild Mistress Epitome,

I have received your letter by carrier pigeon in this early afternoon.

Your interest in a hunt for a Vampire immediately raised concerns for myself, and I brought this discussion up with those I trust about the City.

It is my personal belief that this matter is not within the best interests for your Guild to pursue, and I've likened it to the harsh mob that rose up against Miss Sayyida and Mister Yaghral just a few evenings ago. There is a rampant fear about the City these days regarding supernatural beings, and especially those with normally darker natures. I am fearful that these acts will have dire consequences that I'd wish you, as a close acquaintance of mine, to avoid.

There is currently a Wanted Poster out for the Arrest and Capture of this entity, and a direct order from the Master of Laws to seek apprehension of this character, and not to take its life.

My People did not arrest what we hunted. We killed what we hunted, often with compassion and reverence, but still the ending of physical life.

Please reconsider your intents to hunt this creature. At the very least, be open about your hunt and what ends you seek.

I would urge you to create a beneficial agreement with the Master of Laws that explicitly states your interests to uphold the wanted posting with not a single ounce of interpretation left to state otherwise. The last thing I wish for you is another public display of punishment similar to what happened to Councilman Balestra.

Sincerely yours,

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OOC Notes - tl;dr
  • Tillius received a notice from a Funny Looking Carrier Pigeon
    • Epitome intends to hunt the Vampire!
  • The High Cleric consults with 'Sources' to check the legality
    • Further determines that this intention may be an issue
  • Dispatches Sister Charlotte to send a letter from him directly
  • Urges against the Hunt!
    • Doesn't want to see any issues befall Epitome
    • Tillius THINKS that Hunting Equals Killing
    • Recommends ensuring that an agreement between the Guild and the Master of Laws is obtained so it isn't determined to be murder mobbing!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 12:56:08 AM by Epitome »

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Reply #1 on: January 27, 2017, 07:16:24 PM
Epitome's dumb pigeon returned to Tillius' window, crashing into it once in the fading light of the evening with a graceful thunk before pulling itself upright again. It pecked at the window. Like before, a letter was tied to the bird's neck.

Master Tillius,

I'm afraid my intentions in my previous letter were unclear to you, but fret not, as the guild knows in abundant clarity that this hunt is to subdue the creature only to be passed into the hands of Eileadorian law. "Hunted" was perhaps not the most effective term to express the Guild's intentions tonight.

Your concern is due noted and appreciated. I would hope not to be as blatantly foolish as the one made a spectacle of earlier this week.

We hope that you will join us in our pursuit this evening, for the hour is fast approaching. We have been led to believe the vampire is hiding in the swamps. Your skills may prove to be amply beneficial.




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Reply #2 on: February 09, 2017, 09:54:37 AM
A letter to the Mistress of the Guild was delivered in the early morning, emblazoned with a blue seal bearing the visage of an elk.


I am writing for two reasons.

One, on behalf of the woman whose description is depicted on wanted posters around the city. The woman, Titannia, is a refugee from her tribe escaping from an arranged marriage that went sour. While it is true she killed a man, I have confirmed it was in self defense.

That said, she was actively pursued into the city by two, if not three individuals from this tribe. I will provide descriptions in this letter as individuals to be on the lookout for, as they are seeking to get revenge on the woman. Because the crime did not occur on our soil, there is no reason for the guard to be involved outside of the suspicion of a foreign wanted poster.

Titannia has claimed Sanctuary within the city and should be afforded our protection. At this moment, she resides within a room at the tavern.

I am beseeching you to offer that aid through your guild and assign a member of the fighters guild to act as escort when she is about the city, and as additional eyes to watch out for the three tribesmen. It is unknown yet which of the two individuals described will have accompanied the tribe elder, Agathon. Revenge is their only aim, however, and I fear others will come to harm some time in the future in their blind attempt to fulfill their hunt. If such happens, I am requesting the fighters guild to assist on the arrest, or if need be, eradication, of these individuals. You will understand why aid is being sought when you read the descriptions. The individuals who are accompanying the tribe leader are said to have the strength of twenty men. I would prefer to error on the side of caution and be over-prepared than under.

The second matter to which I bring is that of the vampire attacks. While your guild has been black marked for your over zealousness, I am extending an olive branch to you and yours. This will not happen again in regards to guard matters if you fail to act with decorum, discipline, and intelligence. The guard recently captured a vampiric creature thought to be the source of the original attack and currently holds it for study. However, the Master of Ships has provided information suggesting that there is a larger creature to be on guard for.

Lord Dralt has already been made aware of the matter, as he is the leading authority for the city on the subject of vampires.

That is not a matter of negotiation, it is fact. Ergo, if you come to information pertaining to the subject of vampires, you are to submit it immediately to him for review.

If the creature that was mentioned is as great a threat as I assume it to be, all due caution is necessary. I would suggest having members of your guild be sent out as scouts to search, and only search, for evidence of the creature and its possible whereabouts. As yet, we have no description, but an ear to the ground is imperative. If evidence is found of anything suspicious, confer back with me so a plan of action can be made that will limit the injury and possible loss of life to your guildsmen and citizens of the city.


Master of Law


On the second page were three brief descriptions.


Roughly fifteen feet in height - some manner of giant.
Sturdy build
Long dark hair, a beard and mustache


A little over twelve feet in height - some manner of giant.
Red hair, a beard and mustache
Brother of Aerope


Between 11 and 12 feet in height - some manner of giant.
Red hair
Sister of Agamemnon

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Reply #3 on: February 09, 2017, 09:02:11 PM

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The infamous messenger pigeon, Gerrold, smacked into the window. Twine fastened the Guildmistress' response to his neck.


Master Squall,

Your olive branch is undeserved, but taken with great gratitude. The aspect of a second vampire in similar nature to the first I hardly find to be surprising, though unfortunate. I will make a posting in the Guild, asking for volunteers for forest patrols.

On the matter of the refugee, Titannia, the woman has my most deepest empathies, as I was in her same place some years ago. If she will have it, I would offer her shelter in the Guild itself, where she can move about freely under the protection of the residing members. As for a personal Guard, I will see to it she has the best available at the Guild's disposal.
Descriptions of her hunters will be posted by this evening on our information board. And if, should it come to pass, these individuals are captured alive, will the Gendarmes take them into the custody of the Kingdom? I wish to prevent any future missteps."

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Reply #4 on: March 06, 2017, 12:32:32 AM

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Reply #5 on: March 06, 2017, 12:39:00 AM
An armored harpy creature deposited one thickly enveloped missive at the Fighter's Guild. It bore the golden guild seal of the Merchants, the penmanship a by-the-book calligraphy.

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Guildmaster @Epitome  ,

It is no secret that our Gendarmes have developed into a force to be reckoned with. The local guard's dominion has deterred the garish rise in crime which preceded our former elections, and its success has led to a grand increase in its numbers. However, there are many a matter beyond our city walls which would benefit from the intervention of an armed force. There are small settlements with little means by which to dispatch local threats, old civilizations to be scoured and re-purposed, malicious entities lurking in the hills and in the wilds. The Fighter's Guild was once such a force of efficiency and exploration. I intend no affront in my observations, yet I have observed a stillness and a silence from your headquarters. There are no regular regimes, no deployment of paid peacemakers. During my own evening conditioning, I pass by the Guild to observe it in a state of darkness. I write to inquire upon your intent for future engagement, and above all, to offer aid in your duties as a Guildmaster should you require council.
Master Dralt
Merchant Guildmaster
Master of Coin

Epitome's response would appear at Merchant's Guild, perhaps in front of Tak's office door or on his desk, mysteriously.

Her writing looks as though it were once eloquent, but has obviously fell out of  practice with trailing lines and sloppily dotted i's.
Master Dralt,

Alas, i came into the position of Guildmaster quite suddenly. We have been striving to update the Guild Rooster with very few and little results. It seems the time without a guildmaster has left interest in the organization weak. We are hoping to organize a dinner to draw back old members and perhaps raise new interest. Until we can raise this interest, the Guild will continue remain at a standstill. We have but perhaps five on our active members list. I hope we will be able to rectify this issue in the near future. If there is anything you need of me, or what little the Guild currently has to offer, please do not hesitate to inquire.

Sincerely, Epitome.

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Reply #6 on: March 27, 2017, 08:55:39 PM
A folder labeled "Bouffles Case File" is made available for Guild members to inspect at their leisure. Inside contains the following:

March 3rd
The initial job posting regarding the initial Bouffle.
Difficulty - Novice
Party Requirements:  (1-2)
Reward: 1 Silver [8 copper after Guild Fees]
Description: (NPC) Miss Skritten’s odd pet has wandered lost in the wood. He goes by "Bouffels". His appearance more or less of a small, brown, fuzzy mass. Miss Skritten insists he is harmless, for the most part, but claims Bouffels spits what she describes as "nasty stuff" when frightened.

 Completed by Shinoski

Additional notes:

The Bouffles, as we've come to call them, have been spotted in the woods, and even more concerning so, within the city walls, in the sewers, on the streets. We've discovered that this creature splits after eating. How much it needs to eat in order to split (as this is how they reproduce), is still unknown.

March 12th
We have reached out for the assistance of Sairon. We hope magic can assist in capturing these supernatural pests.

March 26th
We cannot dispose of the Bouffles quickly enough. Their rate for reproduction is astounding. It has been weeks, and Sairon has not graced us with a response to our plea. We've contacted the Detective Agency, and Tarsus has provided us Glyph traps designed to lure Bouffles in particular, and to repel other wildlife. Shinoski and Tiressa have  already hunted fifty of them in the sewers.

The Bouffles are under a Kill on Sight status.   

March 30th

With the assistance of the Detective Agency, we've acquired Glyph traps. 50 of them have been dispersed in the undercity and forests. So far, they have proven to be very effective. Sightings have lessoned. We cannot say for sure that they have been fully eradicated yet. But we may rest easier now, able to confront this issue without putting our members at risk, scouring the forests, while the shade creature still lurks.

April 11th
The Glyph traps have worked wonderfully. If estimations are correct, we've only a remaining few in the sewers to pick off. This infestation began with but one of these creatures, thus not even one can remain on the island.

April 24th
A large bouffle was spotted outside the city and dispatched by the Gendarmes. Its remains were, by whom, incinerated. Since then, there has been no further sightings of this strange species.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 12:44:01 PM by Epitome »