
Max K [Alt]

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on: January 11, 2017, 01:09:29 PM
Furcadia Name: Max K
Character Name: Max
Aliases: None [yet]
Species: Sphinx
Subspecies/Race/Class: None
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Fur/Skin Color: Grey
Hair Color/Style: Black kinked and curled hair. A literal mess
Eye Color: Red
-Torn to shreds left ear
-Docked tail
-Battered wings with their flight feathers clipped and other feathers ripped out
-A massive magical seal branded into his back.
Appendages: Two rather dingy looking wings along his back that are a bright red with neon blue peppering along the arm of the wing and black spots along the length of most of his feathers

Demeanor: Angry. He's a pretty loud child with a lot of trust issues and a lot of mouth to call people out on their actions. If he feels like he's being cheated, he'll be loud about it, if he feels like he's better than someone, he's also just as loud about it.
On that note he's fair about giving everyone an equal chance. He's quick to make judgements though so first impressions are very important. He's pretty quiet about keeping his nose out of too much trouble, but he's also the first to speak up if he feels like he's getting the butt end of a deal.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Profession: Indebted servant to Sa'id
Resistances: All forms of magic (Potions, cast magic, magical detection/divination)
Weaknesses: Getting hit really hard in the face and really any form of physical damage that would harm a 'normal' human.
As well as being able to reject any form of magic, any magic he would have naturally been able to perform, he no longer can. It's all nullified.
Phobias: Police / Navy / Authoritative figures in power (government officials)

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Low
Wisdom (WIS): low
Charisma (CHA): Medium

- Dagger - A plain ole normal unassuming dagger
- Battle Axe - An ornate and hard to miss axe. It has along the face of it's blade a very ornate symbol of a star with a ruby eye in it's center as well as it's already curious blade which is in the shape of a crescent moon. Along it's handle are two snakes, one silver and one gold and at the end lays an obsidian orb. Max is not well trained in this weapon but it is a family heirloom

- Armor - None
- Trinkets - None [Yet]
- Magic Rejection -

The rules are simple enough. The seal on Max's back negates all magical effects cast on him.
If he's hit with a fireball or an ice spell or lightning, it will hit him but do no physical damage.
Depending on the size of the attack it might give him a migraine. So let's say someone simply throws a fireball at him, this would hardly affect him. On the other hand if someone rained fire from the sky onto his body, he'd more than likely suffer a concussive migraine and need to retire from the fight.
This seal doesn't disrupt magical items.
If he holds a magic sword, it will still work as a magical sword after he's touched it, but will not work while he's currently wielding it, the same goes for armor. This will not disrupt someone's stone skin or any spells they cast on themselves.
Lastly magical items don't work on him specifically. Potions are rendered null once they enter his body.
Any items used for detection will not work on him, instead a blurry image will be seen instead (the same goes for divination) He cannot travel through dimensional doors and if someone tries to teleport him, it will disrupt the teleport, leaving the person who tried to grab and move him, stationary.

What you have something cute to say? Max isn't interested in hearing it. Respect for your elders? Don't make him laugh. Look the kid's a thief so watch your belongings because he's probably stolen something from you already, let's be real. Max's got no time for you with that big ole chip on his shoulder and the huge brand on his back. If you can deal with all the above then he's probably got some time for you after all! Just don't stare too long at his docked tail, clipped wings or torn ear and you'll be golden.

Any other pertinent info:
His mother and father used to be the captains of the Pirate Ship; Visus Rubrum
While they no longer run the ship, the crew is still out and at large. They fly under the symbol on Max's axe
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Very much in line with the "Dread Pirate Roberts" the captains of the ship left and held their successors to use their old names and carry on the legends.
Feel free to mention either seeing them, knowing the crew or using this as a plot device. I'd love to see how people run with this.

As always any other info you may need or need clarified can be found on Max's RPR: