

Guest · 1769


  • Guest
on: February 04, 2017, 01:11:00 PM
A little about my previous experience:  I’ve been roleplaying on Furcadia for over ten years.  I’ve played several characters, both of my own creation, and those to service a plot.  If anyone is looking for someone to play a family member, or anything to service a plot, let me know and I’d strongly consider it if I like the idea.

Why I'd like to join:
I have friends in this dream, and I’m very interested in roleplaying here.  I really like character development RP, and I’m excited to see the stories that play out with Balanar and the people around here.

Furcadia Name: Balanar
Character Name: Balanar
Aliases: None
Species: Draconian Vampire
Subspecies/Race/Class: White Tiger
Age: 900 (Appears to be in his early 20s)
Gender: Male
Height: 6’5
Fur/Skin Color: White
Hair Color/Style:  Long, smooth black hair, which goes down to his collar.
Eye Color: Silver
Markings/Scars: Black Tiger stripes.  He has a tattoo of a dragon on the left side of his back. 
Appendages: Black feathered prime wings.

As the Emissary for the Draconians, Balanar is always looking for any potential allies. He's very welcoming to outsiders, but he's also very careful about those he gets close to. Typically, he tries to avoid fighting if at all possible, and would rather negotiate his way out of a situation than fight. However, he will fight if commanded to, or absolutely necessary.

Balanar is very confident when it comes to his negotiating skills, and is also a rather talkative individual. He is very careful about what he says and how he says it. To him, conversation is an art form.

He is very calm and collected, but if he is seen by himself, he often appears very sad.

Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Draconian Emissary/Diplomat
What are the weaknesses for the Draconians?
* Sunlight: They're Vampyres. That being said, they are perfectly fine in clouded weather and indirect sunlight, also unlike many other strains.
* Fire: Sure, they use it for light and what not... But ALL Draconian Vampyres are skiddish around unusual fire displays. It's not necessarily that it hurts them, but they haven't really made it far enough to realize that. Call it paranoia.  This is believed to be one payment for their gifts, as both the Draconic and Seraphic blood of their creation relied heavily on fire magics.   
* Bright Lights: I.E. real or artificial sunlight. Draconian Vampyres are unable to see in incredibly bright light.   
* Bloodlust: They need it. A Draconian Vampyre who doesn't feed will essentially whither away to the dead state they should be in for their age. At some point in this, more and more of their Draconian side will slip away, and they'll begin to turn into a typical vampire, plagued by more and more lacunae as they fall.   
* Lacunae: Each Draconian Vampyre is plagued by at least one lacuna, more if fading away. (See bloodlust).   
    *  The Thirteen Lacunae

Aburralon, The Weeping (Nareeth): The sight of others happy is painful to the furre. They can not drive the awareness that all things come to an end, from their minds. Their own happiness is shortlived, followed by an even greater backlash of depression.

To outsiders, Balanar will often appear at varying levels of depression. He tries desperately to keep his mind busy when his Lacunae has taken control of his personality. Typically, he tries to do productive things like reading or studying other cultures. However, when his sadness becomes too overwhelming, he'll turn to drinking or more destructive habits. At this point he becomes desperate for ANYTHING to take his mind off of the sadness.

Around other Draconians, the depression caused by his lacunae will disappear completely, causing his normal personality to come out more. This also makes for a valuable tracking tool when he's looking for his kinsmen.Animals generally dislike these creatures. With the exception of Orsnagai (Strange Horse, Snake, Dragon hybrids, native to Draconen Prime),  animals will bristle and growl at them on sight.   
* Addiction: Some Draconians , such as Sol and Artemian can prove to be addictive to other Draconians. If a Draconian feeds off of the same person for too long, they are also likely to become addicted. Magical creatures can cause both addiction, as well as loss of control.

Phobias: None

Strength (STR): Above Average
Dexterity (DEX): Above Average
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): Very High

- None
- Gold armor that he can conjure from the tattoo on his back.  It consists of a breastplate, bracers, and leg guards.   However, he rarely wears his armor, choosing only to wear it in a combat situation or if he needs to appear intimidating.
- Trinkets - None
* Speed: These Vampyres are all incredibly quick. Most rely more on speed than strength in a fight. 
* Strength: All are at least a bit stronger than the average furre, but most of the enhanced strength in these vampyres runs solely in the males of the species.  
* Wings: Whether born with them or not, the moment a furre is turned into a Draconian Vampyre, they will grow a set of feathered prime wings. In some cases, this ends in Draconian Vampyres that possess a double set of wings (Such as bat wings and prime wings).   
* Telepathy: Not entirely developed in all Draconians, and limited to all that have it. The most advanced form of telepathy possessed allows them to communicate with a furre IN SIGHT, and only receive thoughts meant for them to hear. The greater majority of Maegliin Seregonian races in whole, including Draconians, necessitates touching another furre in order to communicate telepathically.   
*  Blood: An upside to this strain is it's ability to feed off it's own kind. Unlike many species, Draconian Vampyres are able to feed off of each other for reasons unknown. Due to the strict ways in which they handle each other, and their gifts, they tend to stick to either feeding solely off of each other, killing their blood supplies, or finding a mate to drink off. All Draconians are forced in either regard to temper their blood lust for the respect of their kind, and will never be found displaying this side of their nature for any other than these.
* Threat Growl:  Causes all Vampyres of weaker generations to back away instinctively, unless they are allies. If there is some variety of conflict, then even amongst allies, lesser Draconians will submit to a higher rank, or generation of Draconian. Mortals feel a physical chill in these situations, but do not recognize the source.
* Wierding Howl:  Has mutated slightly with the Draconian race. Typically, the Weirding Howl causes the Progenitor and progeny of any Vampfurre to have an instant sense of where that vampire should be, and come to their aid instantly.  As many of the Draconian's are natural born, they have become interconnected amongst themselves.  Draconians who are NOT natural born will only have this ability with their creator and any that they themselves create.
The white tiger stood at just over 6'5.  With long, black hair touching his collar and silver eyes, he could look quite scary to those unused to his kind.  Perhaps his most notable feature was his black feathered angel wings which hung from his back.  In a stark contrast to his physical appearance, his clothes were rather common, simply consisting of a pair of brown pants and a black shirt, both of which were made of cloth with the shirt modified to accommodate his wings.  The tiger stood proud and tall, despite the fact that his appearance indicated a once noble who had fallen from grace.  A smile would rarely cross his face.  His silver eyes were full of hurt, and revealed a man on the edge of breaking. (URL: RPR (URL: Draconian