
Key Sorel

Render · 2999

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on: April 25, 2015, 09:40:17 AM
Main Stats:

Full Name: Key Sorel
Aliases: not repeatable in polite company
Age: 36
Hair: Brown
Fur: White with brown patches.
Eyes: Blue-green. They can be more blueish or greenish, depending on who's looking, what the light's like, etc.
Height: 5′ 8″
Weight: 150 lbs
Species: Feline
Race: The race we must all run, called life.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Bard/Poet
Resistances: Moderate tolerance to alcohol, verbal/physical abuse
Weaknesses: The smile of a beautiful woman. Also cringes in pain at bad poetry or singing.
Phobias: Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?

Strength -  Low
Constitution - Low/Medium (he's suffered a few blows in his day, mostly from angry husbands and jilted lovers)
Dexterity - High/Low, depending on what he's doing (nimble fingers for playing instruments, but can trip over a floorboard if he's not watching)
Agility - Medium
Intelligence - High
Wisdom - Medium

Fortitude - Low
Reflex - Medium
Will - Medium


Description:  A friendly-looking fellow of about thirty-five, his face almost always smiling in a good-natured way. His eyes may be blue or green, depending on who's looking and when, but they seem to betray a great will to enjoy life, as attested by the creases forming already at their corners. His fur is all of white, save for a few brown patches on his arms and neck, a large spot over his right eye, and of course his short-cropped brown hair. He carries a lute on his back in its case, which seems also to have a compartment for carrying a flute and perhaps other instruments. One would guess that this fellow is a bard of some sort. He carries no visible weapon, save his incredibly infectious smile.

RPR profile here.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 11:04:43 AM by Render »

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