
Antonio Lafarre

Thatguy · 3184

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on: January 04, 2016, 10:47:27 PM
A little about my previous experience:

I played in Eileadora and Etla as a few characters and had a pretty good time. My main guy was this old demon hunter called Kenneth S (because when I made him I couldn't think of a last name). But I'm giving RP another shot to try to get some creative writing going again.

Why I'd like to join:

I remember it being pretty fun here and there's still a lot of people around.

Character Name: Antonio Lafarre
Aliases: Tony (he hates it)
Species: Felis domesticus (cat)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 160lbs
Fur/Skin Color: Grey
Hair Color/Style: Grey (dyed a dark blue)
Eye Color: Blue/hazel
Markings/Scars: None

Demeanor: Charming, polite, witty. Affably Evil.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Profession: Thief, rogue, scoundrel, pickpocket, gentleman
Resistances: Illusions, sleight of hand.
Weaknesses: Large ego. Thinks he's smarter than everyone in the room.
Phobias: Magical curses, ghosts, and dead bodies.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Low
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): High

 -Cane Sword: An ebony walking cane with a hidden blade inside. A small push-button lock in the handle prevents the weapon from coming loose but makes quick-drawing it harder.
 -Throwing daggers: At any time Antonio has six of these ten inch daggers stashed on his person. While not an expert marksman, Antonio can reliably hit a nearby target.
 -Lockpicks: A set of small metal bars used for picking locks. They'd hurt if you were stabbed with one.
- Cat: Normal feline-based skills. Cat-like reflexes, able to see in the dark, chases laser pens, that sort of thing.

- Sleight of hand: Antonio has perfected the hiding of small objects just out of sight with misdirection and deft movements. It's also something he watches for in others.
- Lockpicking: Antonio can pick mundane locks. Magical ones he avoids.
- Illusion/light magic: Antonio can cast light-based illusions (no mental/psionic ones) that can be extremely convincing at first but tend to fall apart under scrutiny. His main offensive way of using this ability is to temporarily blind or dazzle opponents.

A debonair feline in his late twenties with impeccable taste. From his slicked back hair to his well manicured claws there was an obvious air of refinement about him. His flawlessly tailored black traveling suit (only a slight step down from formal wear) perfectly matched his ebony walking cane. A set of polished silver cuff links and a simple white collared shirt finishes out his ensemble.

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Reply #1 on: January 05, 2016, 06:47:34 AM
Rejected because it's Felis silvestris catus.

J/k >:3

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Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 09:24:41 PM

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