

Faaide · 2719

Offline Faaide

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on: January 09, 2016, 06:29:29 PM
Furcadia Name: Faaide
Character Name: Faaide
Aliases: Brat, Whelp, Bastard, "Hey you, get back here!"
Species: Red Fox
Subspecies/Race/Class: Adventurer Extraordinaire
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Height: 4'6"
Fur/Skin Color: Orangish-red
Hair Color/Style: Same as fur
Eye Color: Blue
Markings/Scars: Thin scar on right side of head from whiskers to the base of his ear

Demeanor: Cocky
Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Adventurer
Resistances: Highly resistant to common sense
Weaknesses: N/A
Phobias: Giant spiders/Insects; Not a crippling fear, but a distrust of those who rely on magic. It'll put him on his guard, and in extreme cases may cause him to panic.

Strength (STR): 8
Dexterity (DEX): 16
Constitution (CON): 9
Intelligence (INT): 10
Wisdom (WIS): 8
Charisma (CHA): 14


None Yet

None Yet

- Trinkets
A small pendant he wears at all times. Silver inlaid with finely wrought gold filigree. Non-magical, just sentimental.
- Sharp Ears - Being a predator species, Faaide's ears--while highly decorative--are finely tuned hearing machines, and can often hear even small sounds if listening intently.
- Nightvision- Foxes are nocturnal, and Faaide's eyes are especially capable of seeing in the dark. Pitch blackness is still pitch blackness, but in even very dim conditions he can see without too much trouble.
- Wings- A magical freak-accident, Faaide's wings have been indispensable in his usual shenanigans. Unable to fly outright, he can still use them to glide.

- Swordsmanship - Faaide has been trained by a successive number of warriors, fighters, and duelists, giving him a strong foundational understanding of how to fight with a blade. He has built on this through practice, and real combat.
- Archery - Largely self-taught and learned through repetition, Faaide is adept with short bows, though his size keeps him from using larger bows without some awkwardness.
- Stealth - A boon of his species and size, Faaide has honed his ability to move undetected, and can often blend in easily with his surroundings. He has no defenses against magical detection, however.
> 4'6" this fox seemed to think he was at least a foot taller by the way he carried himself.His clothing consist of a red tunic hugging his thin frame and draping slightly over the waist of a pair of black shorts. From the fox's whiskers, running beneath his eye and up an inch or so from his ear, a thin scar remains visible beneath his facial fur, bandages long since removed but the mark remaining. Wings sprouting from a pair of slits in the back of the boy's shirt remain the only remarkable aspect of the kit's appearance.

Any other pertinent info: >
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 06:39:28 PM by Faaide »