
Orias Avaro

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Orias Avaro

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on: January 18, 2017, 08:02:03 PM
A little about my previous experience: I have been roleplaying for as long as I have been on the internet. I started in the Yahoo user created rooms, and when those were closed down moved to Furcadia and Gaia Online(Then called Go Gaia). All together I have over 13 years of Roleplaying experience in various styles and genres. In the past few years I haven't done much, but I am looking to get back into it.

Why I'd like to join: It looks like an interesting dream, and according to Dreamnova is the only place outside of FurN with more than 5 people.

Furcadia Name: Orias Avaro
Character Name: Orias Avaro
Aliases: N/A
Species: Lamia (After more research than I care to admit it seems that the primary difference between lamia and naga is not gender, but that naga are more of a monsterous snake creature while lamia are closer to a snake-centaur with the top half being human. Thus I believe lamia  is the correct species even though the character is male. However if the lore of this world is otherwise I will change the app.)
Subspecies/Race/Class: Krait(Bungarus candidus) / Mage
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9" (Total length ~20')
Fur/Skin Color: Black & white, skin turning into scales on his lower body
Hair Color/Style: White, medium-short, messy
Eye Color: Yellow, snake pupils
Markings/Scars: None
Appendages: Head, two arms, tail.

Demeanor: Normally calm and quiet, prefers minding his own business but might help others if it interests him. Very forgetful, even moreso when he has found something interesting to study.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Profession: Unemployed/Scholar
Resistances: Resistance to most common poisons and venoms, scales provide some resistance against slashing weapons
Weaknesses: Extreme temperatures, attacks from below, primarily active at night which may bring suspicion onto him from decent folks trying to sleep, bad memory, extreme focus (When he is interested in something he becomes 100% focused on it, increasing the effects of his bad memory. He forgets to work, bathe, sleep, eat, etc.  If this lasts too long he takes on a manic state, rushing around, speaking quickly and at varied volumes, doing strange things that make sense to his mind but not others, etc.)
Phobias: Mild fear of depths - not debilitating but he doesn't like being in high places. Fear of dying - Fine with others dying, but becomes noticeably upset when his own mortality is brought up.

Strength (STR): Med-High (Stronger than an average human due to genetics, but has no physical training)
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Med-Low (Alright physically, but prone to illness)
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Med-Low (What can he say? People just don't like snakes)

- Staff - A generic staff, about as tall as his standing height. The top has been curled down onto itself
- Tail - Good for smacking people and crushing things! More information under abilities.
- Fangs - Full of deadly poison! More information under abilities.
- N/A - His only "armor" is a cloth robe and his own natural scales.
- Snake Physiology - Being part snake grants him a number of natural abilities.
  • Venom - From his Krait heritage he has the ability to produce a neurotoxin venom over 15 times more potent than a cobra. The venom induces muscle paralysis by blocking the nerves from sending out signals. Following this is a period of cramps, twitching, and spasms before finally returning to paralysis and then death.  Death typically occurs after 6-12 hours unless treated with antivenin. If the antivenin is administered too late in the process the victim may survive only to be stricken with a permanent coma or brain death due to hypoxia. Luckily people taste bad so he doesn't like biting them.
  • Climbing - Able to use his strong tail muscles to climb vertical surfaces up to 15 feet
  • High Fidelity Directional Hearing - The jaw is connected directly to the ears, thus when his mouth is open he is able to 'hear' the vibrations things make when they move and tell which direction they are coming from/going to. It is said this is sensitive enough to hear a baby mouse approaching from behind in the middle of the night.
  • Smell In Stereo - By 'tasting' the air with his forked tongue he is able to smell things at great distance and know which direction the smell is coming from. Useful for finding tasty food.
  • Infrared Sight - Thanks to special organs he is able to see infrared light, helping to keep track of people and animals even when not within his normal visual range
  • Night Vision! - Kraits are a nocturnal snake, so seeing at night is a necessary part of their life. Even though he is not entirely nocturnal he has inherited this ability.
  • Prehensile Tongue and Tail - The ability to freely manipulate his tongue and tail. Need an extra hand? Why not a tongue-hand?
  • Enhanced Flexibility/Elasticity - Basically, he's super flexible! This includes an ability to fit into very tight spaces. 
  • Improved Lung Capacity - Can hold his breath for an hour!
  • Swift Swimming - Thanks to his snake-y body he can move pretty fast in the water, at least as fast if not faster than on land.

- Astronomy - Spends many nights looking at the sky with his telescope.

- Knowledge of Weather - In addition to the stars and planets he has spent a great deal of time studying weather, how it happens and why it happens.

- Weather Magic - Using his background knowledge of weather he was able to learn magic which manipulates the weather, though he is still far from mastering it. Causing storms, rain, hail, snow, strong wind, thunder and lightning, etc.
Before you stands a human! Well, at least his top half looks human. For the most part. Lets start from the top, a stereotypical pointy wizard hat, black in color with a red band around the base, a skull decoration attached to the band for purely cosmetic purposes. Hair under the hat was white and messy, as though it had never seen a comb or brush. Eyes were yellow, pupils vertical slits rather that the rounded human variety and protected by a pair of glasses. His black skin was free of scales, fur or feathers, though his chest was white rather than the black that covered the rest of him, and though he was by no means an athlete or fighter his body still had a decently sculpted look to it. A simple robe was worn, though the front was left hanging open revealing his body and making it more like a very long coat than a robe, it was black with the details around the edges in blood red for a dash of color. This is where it became weird, instead of legs his body became serpentine, skin becoming scales though the color was retained. From head to tail he was probably around 20 feet long, though his  "standing" height was closer to five and a nine.

Any other pertinent info: N/A
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 08:26:07 PM by Orias Avaro »


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Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 09:24:00 PM
Very interesting, I appreciate the attention you put into his anatomy. The only thing that concerns me is the potency of his venom. How quickly does this debilitate the average mortal? @Orias Avaro

Orias Avaro

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Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 12:52:51 AM
@Takurasho When the snake bites the venom takes about 2 hours to take effect in the average human. However, he's a bit bigger than a snake, so in theory should be injecting more venom, so I would say somewhere between 1-2 hours depending on how much gets into your system.

After ~2 hours it starts slow with tightening of the facial muscles and loss of the ability to speak, gradually turning into total paralysis then going from there until death which typically occurs between 6-12 hours. Of course this can be slowed in the typical ways, cutting off circulation to the area that was bitten, moving as little as possible, etc. So even if they don't catch it until after the effects have started it's still possible to recover.

One of the reason Krait bites are as deadly as they are is because the bite is almost painless and the venom takes so long to take effect most people brush it off as harmless and don't seek immediate treatment.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 12:58:58 AM by Orias Avaro »

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Reply #3 on: January 25, 2017, 01:51:00 AM
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Reply #4 on: January 25, 2017, 12:30:03 PM
@Orias Avaro

Excellent consideration! That works for me. Approved, welcome to Etla.