
Swamp Goblins [P]

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on: October 07, 2015, 01:49:36 AM
Here you go, Rapt. Now do my art!

Swamp Goblins
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Swamp Goblins are not necessarily true goblins, in that they are not small green men with large heads. They are a tribalistic and highly superstitious race of frog/lizard hybrids that have evolved and adapted to some of the most uninhabitable types of swamplands. Able to survive and thrive in swamps filled with noxious fumes, acidic waters, and suffocating humidity, they are incredibly adaptable to almost any weather/terrain.

-The Swamp Goblin-
Generally, swamp goblins take on various shapes and sizes, most commonly being a mixture of frog and lizard, though there are sects within the race that believe in only pure breeding of one or the other species. The decision to keep a pure bloodline is a respected one, and there is no real in-fighting over it.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Goblins can colonize and completely adapt to new locations(weather/terrain/elevation/etc) within months of finding a proper settlement grounds. Their unique biological nature allows them to completely adapt to even the most extreme climates, despite the fact that they originally began as cold blooded creatures. Their body heat is easily maintained at arctic temperatures due to their unique blood, which has an acidic, corrosive quality to most other species; this also makes them incredibly undesirable as prey for large feral creatures. Goblins hands, feet, and tails sport webbing, and they are powerful swimmers, with the ability to pull oxygen from even the most polluted waters, in order to remain submerged for hours and even days at a time.

Though goblin size can vary by massive amounts, most goblins are short by normal standards. As such, they usually lack the physical strength of larger races, and their unique metabolic system keeps them relatively lean, if not slender. There are powerfully built goblins, usually with more lizard than frog in them, who are capable of gargantuan feats of strength through training and genetics, but these individuals tend to be rare.

Magical Goblins
Goblins with magical talents are usually born of parents with some form of magical ability, and tend to stand out from other goblins in appearance. Those with magic are almost always born with more colorful skins, from bright reds and blues, to pitch blacks and lavenders. Those without magic are most commonly born with ruddy and dull colors. A goblin's capacity for magic is usually the same as any other race, in that they can become extremely powerful sorcerers and necromancers, or simple mages. This all depends on how long they train and how easily they can grasp their teachings.

Dietary Preferences
Goblins are neutral when it comes to foods. The are able to digest any type of food, from fresh fruits to rotted meats, and cannot suffer from poisoning of any kind.

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Goblins are extremely territorial creatures and are slow to trust outsiders, but they are not completely xenophobic. After a period of time passes, in which they get to know their surroundings, they will often seek to open up trade routes with nearby villages and kingdoms.

In the goblin society, female goblins are typically larger and stronger than males, though not in every case. Female goblins are the dominant sex and males are usually more submissive to their female counterparts. While males can hold important positions within the goblin society, such as elders, sect chiefs, and enforcers, only females are ever allowed to be in the top seats of power, including the ruler of the goblins - The Croika.

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Khagee, the most famous and powerful of all currently living Croika
The Croika
The leader of all swamp goblins within a single swamp is called The Croika, and is the sole wielder of a powerful weapon granted to them by their primal gods. Named after the position, the weapon can be anything from a staff to a dagger, and is imbued with highly powerful magical properties that only the current recognized Croika, by their gods, is allowed to utilize. The Croika is almost always a goblin capable of using magic, but there have been rare cases when an accomplished warrior goblin is made ruler. The position of Croika is highly revered, and there exist very few goblins who would ever dare to go against the wishes of their ruler.

As stated before, Goblins can be incredibly unfriendly and unwelcoming to outsiders until they have settled, but when they begin to branch out, they can be commonly observed hosting large parties and festivals in the name of their many gods. They celebrate achievement quite often, and are far more amiable during these periods, which can last for days and even weeks, depending on the importance of the topic of celebration. Art is praised in it's many forms, and vibrant paintings and tapestry are often cared for similar to how most other races care for their children. On the topic, almost all newborn goblins are treated as orphans, as it is highly unusual for a female goblin to keep and nurture her own child. Instead, they are usually left in the care of a group of caretakers, which teach them the basics of living, survival, and language.

Typically, goblins wear simple clothing, usually consisting of one or two pieces of cloth, in any type of weather. The higher the rank of the goblin, however, the more decorative their wardrobe typically becomes, ranging from the addition of jewelry of bone, gem, and precious metals, to large headdresses made from fur, leather, and massive, decorative feathers.
Original concept and art belongs to Katie Lisk, the Rah of the first Great Goblin Swamps!