Etla Isle

For Starters => Members / Characters => Character Sheets => Topic started by: Karth on December 18, 2016, 12:53:49 AM

Title: Esaro
Post by: Karth on December 18, 2016, 12:53:49 AM
A little about my previous experience:

Why I'd like to join:

I'm Morg. I wanted a fresh start here, honestly. Morg's backstory and personality has gotten so annoying to keep up with that a more natural character that I have no trouble playing (mostly because I can just play him like me) seemed like a better idea. I feel like I can enjoy RP here again with Esaro and just wash the slate clean, start fresh and get into things a bit easier than I did before, and I hope you all give me the chance to do that. I know I have a habit of spotty attendance and a poor track record of accessibility: with Esaro I should be fixing that. I quit WoW to devote more time to better things, and Eileadora is one of them.

Please accept me in my new purple shape, I hope you like Esaro and you let him stay here and get himself wrapped up in the wonderful world you all have created. I joined the Leviathan hunt today and that in itself was just... a hoot. ;w;

Furcadia Name: Esaro
Character Name: Esaro
Aliases: His name is an alias. His real name is a closely held secret.
Species: Snow Leopard
Subspecies/Race/Class: Rogue/Mage Hybrid
Age: Adult, mid to late twenties.
Gender: Male
Height: Six Feet
Fur/Skin Color: Purple, and shades of.
Hair Color/Style: Chocolate brown, and loooooooooooong.
Eye Color: Yellow.
Markings/Scars: None.
Appendages: A tail.

Demeanor: Reserved, Polite, Empathetic, Positive
Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Infiltrator, Spy, Information Broker
Resistances: The cold.
Weaknesses: Heat in general.
Phobias: Anything related to being less pretty.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): Normal
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): Normal

- Broadsword - Standard Bigger-Than-A-Longsword Sword. For heavy, decisive cuts.
- Daggers - For anything the broadsword isn't very good at doing.
- Magic - He is a very, very amateur wizard. His spell list is Mage Hand, Magic Missle, Ghost Sound, and Prestidigitation. That's it.
- Currently, none, as none is needed.
- No trinkets.
Snow Leopards aren't usually purple. His fur color is strikingly bold, and he'll be the first to tell you it is in fact natural, no dyes. He was born purple and has been purple his entire life. How that is possible, he has yet to explain: often he dismisses the question outright or indicates, when pressed, that he'd rather not go into it. He has very long chocolate brown hair, and it appears to grow rapidly to a point. Cut short, it will hang at the new length for about twelve hours before proceeding to around seven feet over the course of a day. He is about six feet tall: his mane has a tendency to drag or "train" behind him, but seven feet is merely the point that it tends to slow and grow semi-normally. Semi, because it's still much faster than what would be considered normal, roughly a foot every month past the seven-feet mark. This odd behavior has yet to be explained, but a few rumor mill theories detail a family curse, possibly connected to his purple fur.
Esaro is an infiltrator. His job is to get where he isn't supposed to be, and perform a task, then leave without being seen or heard. Any case where he has to fall back upon his weapons is a failed operation, but in such a case he carries multiple daggers (one in public) and a broadsword (usually a longsword in public). He is not an assassin, or a thief: and makes such very clear that his task is never to kill or steal something. Usually, the objective is information or subterfuge, as either is far less detected and one of Esaro's victims will likely never know the difference if he did his job right. Esaro uses his build and powers to great benefit, changing his coloration, hairstyle, and even apparent gender to weasel into someone's home or estate, take copious notes, then leave like a ghost.
Snow leopard, colored an exotic purple and androgynous in build. If he stood out in a crowd, it'd be because of his coloration in secondary, as most had to try not to trip over the lengthy chocolate tresses spilling forth from his head as they trained lightly behind his footfalls. Something of a mystery why or how he kept his hair so long: his dress did nothing to provide clues. Maybe some sort of prince or rich noble blood, wealthy and wise to the ebb and flow of the world, as his attire didn't seem cheap and his word choice came calculated, sharp, and in flourish where needed. In times where diplomacy fell short, the cat kept a couple blades on his belt; pray he never finds reason to use them.

Any other pertinent info:
None for now. If the links in my description to other sites cause issues, let me know. I can remove them.
Title: Re: Esaro
Post by: Render on December 18, 2016, 09:35:59 AM
Rejected for purple.
Title: Re: Esaro
Post by: Takurasho on December 21, 2016, 05:16:43 PM
Approved and moved.